Antibiotic resistance is “growing in the shadows” causing rising numbers of hospital admissions and deaths, according to Professor Dame Sally Davies who is leading calls for more international co-operation to tackle the “silent pandemic”.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), whose most serious form is antibiotic resistance, caused more than 90,000 hospital admissions in England in 2019/20 – an increase of nearly 4 per cent on the previous year. Across Europe, at least 33,000 people die every year from AMR and, without urgent action, health experts believe 10 million people globally could die annually by 2050.
Dame Sally, the former UK Government chief medical adviser and now UK Special Envoy on Antimicrobial Resistance, said that nearly 100 years after Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, the “antibiotic safety blanket we live our lives with is being pulled from us”.
Writing in i on Friday, Dame Sally said: “Every corner of our health system depends on antibiotics. It is thanks to antibiotics that, in the UK, common but previously life-threatening illnesses such as pneumonia, meningitis and TB are now treatable. They also enable doctors to carry out routine operations and even cancer chemotherapy safely and effectively.
“But in the same way that the Covid-19 virus can mutate, creating new variants that have the potential to grow more resistant to vaccines or treatments, so too with bacteria – the family of bugs that are treated with antibiotics.”
In the run-up to the G7 health ministers’ meetings, taking place in Oxford on June 3-4, Dame Sally stressed the importance of international co-operation in tackling AMR, which occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites change over time and no longer respond to medicines, making infections harder to treat and increasing the risk of disease spread, severe illness and death. The World Health Organisation has declared AMR one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity.
Dame Sally said the UK’s five-year action plan on AMR is “the first step to delivering our vision for the world in 2030, in which resistance is effectively contained and controlled”. It focuses on three key ways of tackling AMR – reducing need for, and unintentional exposure to, antimicrobials, optimising use of antimicrobials, and investing in innovation, supply and access.
“With more innovation, AMR is containable. That’s why the UK’s G7 presidency is pushing to strengthen research and development for new antibiotics, with more secure supply chains that put our patient needs at the centre,” she said.