




'Long Covid has changed my life - I don't know what I'd do without PIP'

Sam Williams was once a keen runner but due to long Covid he now suffers from from series of medical issues

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Sam Williams fears his PIP payments will be taken away under the proposed changes
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A man suffering from long Covid fears he may lose crucial personal independence payments (PIP) under Government plans to reform the welfare benefit.

Sam Williams, 51, contracted Covid in March 2020 which soon spiralled into long Covid. He now suffers from constant fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pain, myoclonic seizures, impaired vision, memory loss, and spells of PoTs, a condition which causes heart palpitations and dizziness.

Once, a keen runner, cyclist and gardener, he is unable to work or drive, with many everyday tasks now impossible and menial chores leaving him exhausted.

He uses his PIP disability payments for home accessibility improvements, and transport to get to hospital appointments as he can no longer drive and to pay for new health-related requirements such as his glasses subscription.

Long Covid has left Sam Williams unable to work, drive or do many everyday tasks

Losing the benefits would be “horrible,” Mr Williams told i. “It’s called PIP: personal independence payment. It means that instead of having some money to draw upon for these things, I would have to go and ask my wife and she’d say she hadn’t budgeted for it.”

There are currently more than 3 million people eligible for PIP payments in the UK, given to disabled people to help with extra living costs if someone has a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability.

Currently, there is no diagnostic test for long Covid, with the illness still little understood, no treatment and many patients reporting struggles to get a diagnosis.

Mr Williams fears that people like himself with commonly misunderstood and misdiagnosed illnesses would have their benefits taken away under Government plans to reform the disability benefit in order to stop the rise in claimant numbers.

He says it is difficult to get medical evidence for long Covid and many people dismiss the disease. “People don’t know what long Covid is,” Mr Williams adds. “Quite often I describe my symptoms and people just say, ‘oh you’re just tired,’ ‘it’s just a cold’, ‘you’re making it up’, or ‘it’s all in your head’.

“I envisage people could decide to interpret what I say in a different way because I’ve some suggest that people with mental health issues ought not to be receiving PIP and lots of people have had long Covid characterised as being all in their heads. I’m concerned that my statements would be re-evaluated and they would say this is all stuff I just have to get over.”

He added: “I think I got lucky this time and I may not get lucky next time if the rules change.”

Under Prime minister Rishi Sunak’s planned overhaul of the disability benefits system, PIP could be replaced by a six-tier system of disability benefits depending on the severity of the condition and more rigorous assessments such as in-person evaluations by GPs and the examination of bank statements. Many fear that they will either receive less or lose out altogether.

When discussing the proposed PIP changes, the Prime Minister said that “more medical evidence about conditions should be provided, as some payments were made on the basis of subjective and unverifiable claims”.

Speaking to i during a campaign visit in west London on Saturday, Shadow Chancellor Reeves refused to say whether Labour would continue a Government consultation on overhauling PIP and instead highlighted the party’s plans to cut NHS waiting lists and make it easier for workers on benefits to take on additional hours without losing out on payments.

Mr Williams described the current PIP assessment process as “hellish” and said it was not set up for neurodivergent people. Filling out the long questionnaire took him weeks and the lengthy phone call assessment left him bedridden for days.

“Making a draconian process even more draconian will put people off,” he says. “We have energy limited conditions and it’s a real struggle on a day-to-day basis just to devote energy to our daily lives, let alone something that’s much more stressful on top of that.”

“I have a fear not just for myself but for other people in my situation that we will be denied PIP,” he adds. “I worry on behalf of our whole community about what’s going to happen.”

“There’s no treatment for long Covid at all,” he added. “Everything’s uncertain, we don’t feel safe going out because no-one else is wearing a mask and all we can do in the meantime is try to protect ourselves as much as possible. It’s scary every time I leave the house.”

A spokesperson for the Department for Work & Pensions said: “We are modernising our disability benefit system to overhaul the ‘one size fits all’ approach and better target it towards those who need it most – enhancing support for people with health conditions and disabilities while ensuring the system is fair to the taxpayer.

“We’re encouraging everyone to have their say and respond to our consultation which includes questions on how our assessment process can be changed.”

