Gary Lineker has insisted his promotion of a campaign against the Government’s Rwanda bill falls within the BBC’s updated impartiality rules – and the corporation appears to agree.
However, the Match of the Day presenter risked further controversy on Monday when he subsequently used X, formerly Twitter, to ridicule several Tories who had criticised him for signing the letter campaigning against the Government’s immigration legislation.
Lineker took aim at Conservative politicians Lee Anderson, Grant Shapps and Jonathan Gullis in a series of social media posts. Yhe incoming BBC Chairman Samir Shah said on Wednesday that at least one of the tweets appeared to breach the broadcaster’s guidelines.
Before Dr Shah’s remarks to the Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee, insiders had told i that Lineker had not been spoken to about the tweets as the posts did not constitute a breach.
The BBC changed its social media rules following a backlash in March when Lineker compared words used by Suella Braverman, the then home secretary, to the language of Nazi Germany.
After Lineker’s brief suspension from Match of the Day, the BBC tasked former ITN boss John Hardie with producing new guidelines, balancing freedom of expression with the need to demonstrate impartiality.
After discussions with BBC figures, including Lineker, Mr Hardie’s new rules gave freelance presenters working outside News greater freedom to express views on political issues.
The rules
Lineker, the BBC’s highest-paid star earning £1.35m a year, was included in a small group of “flagship programme” presenters who must abide by additional rules on their outside activities:
- They are free to express opinions about issues that may be the subject of public and political debate;
- They cannot endorse or attack a political party or criticise the character of individual politicians in the UK;
- They must not comment on any issue that is a matter of political debate during the election period.
- They are also barred from taking up an official role in campaigning groups or become involved in fundraising for campaigning.
In his comments backing the refugee campaign for political leaders to come up with a “fair new plan for refugees”, Lineker said: “We need a new system that reflects the will of the British people who have opened their homes, donated and volunteered in their local communities.”
He joined 32 high-profile figures who signed a letter criticising Rishi Sunak’s deportation scheme, claiming the Government’s immigration policies “aren’t working for refugees and aren’t working for local communities”.
By signing an open letter and adding his own comments, rather than posting on X/Twitter, Lineker’s intervention is outside of the purview of the BBC’s social media guidelines.
It is covered by general editorial guidelines that recommend caution when voicing political opinions and permits presenters signing “open letters”.
By avoiding direct attacks on individual politicians and sticking to policy, Lineker’s initial remarks on the refugee campaign were crafted to stay within the rules, if the letter was subsequently shared on social media.
In his view, signing the letter does not mean he has taken an “official role” in a campaign designed to change Government policy – although he is now clearly closely associated with the cause to most licence-fee payers.
BBC cleared Lineker of any breach relating to the Rwanda letter
The BBC cleared Lineker of any breach in backing the campaign, saying: “Like all freelance presenters, Gary is free to contribute to projects for third parties, as long as these do not conflict with his BBC commitments; do not breach guidelines on conflicts of interest; nor bring the BBC into disrepute, and he does so regularly.”
Lineker’s rebuttals to politicians
But on Monday morning, the presenter took to X, formerly Twitter, to criticise Tory MP Mr Gullis, who called on BBC boss Tim Davie to act on “yet another breach of the impartiality guidelines”.
The swipe at Mr Gullis’s supposed reading ability could be intepreted as a breach of the BBC rules that require civility and respect in public discourse, avoiding “rebuttals which can feed conflict”.
And in response to Defence Secretary Mr Shapps’s remarks that Lineker should “get on with commenting on football and stop meddling in these other areas”, he tweeted: “A tad rich coming from someone who can’t even stick to one name. 4 chaps Shapps.”
This was in apparent reference to claims Mr Shapps used a pseudonym before he became a politician. Again, it is possible this could be interpreted as a breach if the BBC deemed him to have “criticised the character of an individual politician”.
Tory party co-chair Mr Anderson criticised Lineker for signing the letter, tweeting: “For once in his life, Gary’s absolutely right – we do need a system that reflects the will of the British people.
“What the people want is to stop the boats and to tell overpaid crisp salesmen to put a sock in it.”
Lineker quipped back: “I guess we’ll find out what the will of the British people is at the next general election. If you do end up out of work, I’ll put in a word for you with @walkers_crisps.”
By implying the Conservatives could lose the next general election, this could potentially be considered an attack on a political party.
Speaking to MPs about Lineker’s tweets to Tory politicians at a pre-appointment hearing on Wednesday, Dr Shah said: “I don’t think it was very helpful either for Gary Lineker or the BBC or the cause he supports because it becomes a story about Gary Linker and the BBC.”
He added: “As far as I’m aware, the signing of the letter did not breach those guidelines.
“But the more recent tweet in which he identifies a politician does, on the face of it, seem to breach those guidelines.
“I’m not sure how egregious it is but I imagine the BBC is looking into it and considering its response.”
The chairman’s comments come despite insiders telling i that Lineker had not been spoken to about his posts to Tory MPs.
While the impartiality guidelines state that BBC presenters and stars should be civil, avoid rebuttals that fuel conflict and not call into question anyone’s character, i was told Lineker’s tweets did not constitute a breach.
Israel-Gaza intervention
The dispute comes weeks after Lineker pushed the boundaries by sharing a video on social media that branded Israel’s attack on Gaza “textbook genocide”.
Lineker provoked anger after appearing to endorse the clip, which he shared on X, in which journalist and activist Owen Jones interviewed Israeli historian Raz Segal.
The BBC’s guidelines warn all presenters: “Do take particular care when commenting on the issues that provoke the greatest debate.”
Again the BBC rejected complaints, saying freelance presenters are “free to express opinions about the issues that matter to them. This includes issues that may be the subject of public and political debate.”
Lineker’s recent posts would almost certainly have been considered a breach of the old impartiality rules that applied before his hastily-reversed suspension.
Those stated that freelance figures like Lineker have an “additional responsibility to the BBC because of their profile on the BBC”.
“We expect these individuals to avoid taking sides on party political issues or political controversies and to take care when addressing public policy matters,” the guidelines said.
Mr Davie sought to enforce those rules by calling on Lineker to delete his Braverman tweet. After losing a battle of wills with Lineker and reinstating the presenter, Mr Davie announced the Hardie review, which has given the star much more latitude to do as he pleases without facing retribution.
For his part, Lineker has said he had a previous agreement with Mr Davie that he was allowed to speak out on immigration, an issue of particular concern to him.
Lineker is not the only BBC freelancer to have aired personal opinions.
In May 2019, The Apprentice host Lord Sugar posted tweets criticising then Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and urging people not to vote Labour. He also posted, and then deleted, a picture of Mr Corbyn superimposed next to Adolf Hitler in 2018. Lord Sugar, a Labour peer until 2015, was not disciplined by the BBC.
The new series of The Apprentice is being screened from January to avoid any question of Lord Sugar’s appearance raising impartiality issues during a general election period.
Former BBC stalwart Andrew Neil was criticised for some tweets while he was presenting some of the corporation’s political output. In 2020, he made a pejorative comment about an Observer journalist, Carole Cadwalladr, comparing her to a “mad cat woman”. He later deleted it.
The BBC said at the time: “He has deleted the tweet and recognises that it was inappropriate.”