Fourteen-year-old Lucy began using an old phone that her parents gave her six years ago when she went on a dancing trip to Paris with her theatre group so they could communicate with her while she was away.
Her mother Becki Terry, 45, from Northampton, told i that social media and the use of her phone have made the 14-year-old “completely” unrecognisable.
“She used to be a bookworm, she was always reading but then she started spending increasing time on her phone,” she said.
“She wanted Snapchat, she wanted TikTok, and now we don’t see her. She’s permanently in her room. She’s just become a different person.”
Although Ms Terry and her husband have tried to delete social media apps from their daughter’s phone, her daily use has become simply “uncontrollable”.
“What keeps me up at night is other kids messaging my daughter at midnight, at 2 or 3 in the morning,” she said.
A girl from another school, whose name Ms Terry did not wish to disclose for personal reasons, allegedly sent Lucy “inappropriate messages” with talk of self-harm and suicide.
Despite her repeated attempts to block her on all of Lucy’s social media, the girl kept coming back with new social media accounts and texted her daughter, leaving the mum “powerless”.
After witnessing how social media had affected Lucy, her parents decided not to make the “same mistake” with their two younger children – Samuel, 10, and Poppy, 9 – and wait before giving them phones.
“Because children are too young for some content on social media and they’re too young to understand.”

This comes as regulator Ofcom has found children as young as five to seven are “increasingly” present online, with one third using social media “unsupervised” in a report that has sparked concerns over children’s health and safety.
Ofcom’s annual study of children’s relationship with the media and online worlds showed around one in four of children aged 5-7 now have a smartphone and three in four use a tablet, with a higher number of them sending messages or making voice or video calls compared to last year (59 per cent to 65 per cent).
That age group has also shown a year-over-year increase in the usage of social media sites and applications (30 percent to 38 percent), with notable growth observed in the use of WhatsApp (29 percent to 37 percent), TikTok (25 percent to 30 percent), Instagram (14 percent to 22 percent), and Discord (2 percent to 4 percent).
Smartphone Free Childhood, a grassroots parents’ movement, said the statistics are evidence of a “systemic” problem, which is “only getting worse.”
“Despite the growing evidence about their harms, there’s simply not enough information out there for parents about the dangers of giving children smartphones and social media – or the business models that make them so addictive,” Joe Ryrie, the group’s co-founder told i.
“The fact is these tech giants are making billions by selling advertising to children on their platforms, so the incentive to keep children on them couldn’t be more obvious.”
According to Jason Elsom, chief executive of the charity Parentkind, the figures show the Government needs to take “urgent” action and restrict the sale and use of smartphones to children under 16.
“There is no time to delay and these commitments need to be in every manifesto when we get to the general election,” he told i.
Elsom cited Parentkind’s recent polling, which showed over half of parents – 58 percent – favour a ban on smartphones for children under 16.
“Our polling of parents shows that they overwhelmingly want politicians to act with urgency on this issue and for technology companies to do more and face tougher penalties when children access inappropriate and dangerous content,” he said.
Will Gardner, director of the UK Safer Internet Centre, said he has observed a notable shift in the age children start using phones and social media.
The centre – a partnership of Childnet International, Internet Watch Foundation and SWGfL which promote the safe and responsible use of technology for young people – started working with children aged seven and eight years old when the partnership was launched 20 years ago, Mr Gardner said.
“Now, we start with three-year-olds in pre-school situations,” he told i.
He said the touchscreen technology has made these devices more appealing and user-friendly to young children, but they have not been designed to keep them safe.
“So we need to be working with parents and carers – whatever choices that they’re making – that they’re having regular conversations and making sure their child knows how to stay safe online and being ready on hand to support them in their online lives because there are risks in this space,” he said.
What is the Government doing about it?
Ministers are reportedly considering a ban on social media and sales of smartphones for children under the age of 16 as part of the Online Safety Bill.
As part of the bill, parents could also receive notifications if their children look for harmful content on their phones, according to plans being reportedly reviewed by ministers.
The notifications could be part of “family centre” parental controls, which are already accessible in social media apps like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat.
Mr Gardner said it is too early to say whether the Online Safety Act passed in October 2023 will be effective in protecting children against harmful content.
“We haven’t yet seen the teeth of Ofcom as it is in an underwater moment. At some point in the next year, possibly two years – because it will take time – then we’ll see the teeth and what it can do.
“But the legislation looks like it’s going to have a positive impact.”
Dr Emma L Briant, associate professor of news and political communication at Melbourne’s Monash University in Australia, however, said the legislation fails to tackle the issue at hand.
“Legislation like the Online Safety Bill does not address the central problem that our culture is evolving to accept what are essentially still harmful technologies because they are profitable regardless of the harms they will pose,” she told i.
Dr Briant, who was involved in exposing the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal concerning data misuse and disinformation, added that parents believe it is better to try and introduce their children to technology and educate them, rather than to fight a battle to keep kids off tech.
“But the reality is most adults also don’t even digitally protect themselves and their data, or consider the consequences of their own online behaviour,” she said.
Richard Collard, associate head of child safety online policy at the NSPCC, the UK’s leading children’s charity, said the answer must be a “robust” enforcement of the Online Safety Act.
“Ofcom has the opportunity in the coming weeks to demand companies follow tough child safety codes and age-assurance guidelines,” he told i.
“Tech companies and senior managers should be mindful that they will be held to account for continued failure to embed child protections into their products,” he added.
Adam Fletcher works as a teacher in Heath Park School, a secondary school of 1,200 students in Wolverhampton, where smartphones are banned.
Smartphones used to be allowed during breaks at his school, but six months ago, the policy changed to restrict any smartphone use at all during the school day. Students caught using their phones would have them taken away until the end of the school day.
Teachers model the policy themselves, too, by keeping their phones off throughout the day.
“You simply don’t use the phone at all,” he told i. “And it’s worked quite well.” He recalled students complaining that the policy was unfair the first week, but now students rarely use their phone in the classroom.
Fletcher has noticed distraction in the classroom and sometimes “low level bullying” with smartphones, but the biggest issue with smartphone use is that it’s not equitable: not everyone has a smartphone, or a charged phone, or even a phone with data.
The main benefit, he said, is increased social interaction between students.
“They have to actually talk to each other now, whereas before they would be in groups but all on their screens,” he said.
Parents have not reported any complaints, he said; most parents want to be able to communicate with their child as they commute to and from school, which they are still able to do.
Seeing the positive benefits in his school, he said he wouldn’t be opposed to a smartphone ban in schools.
If you’re under 19 you can confidentially call Childline, chat online or email about any problem big or small. Childline’s number is 0800 11 11.
Alternatively call 116 123 to speak to a Samaritan.