




Ofsted facing backlash over keeping one-word school ratings after headteacher's death

One headteacher described the changes as 'quite a small step' which did not go far enough as 'immense and unbearable' pressure on staff remains

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Ruth Perry, headteacher of Caversham Primary School in Reading, took her own life in January over the negative Ofsted report (Photo: Mark Kerrison/Getty Images)
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Ofsted is facing a backlash over keeping one-word assessments despite significant pressure on the organisation to drop them after the headteacher Ruth Perry’s death.

Amanda Spielman, chief inspector of Ofsted, has maintained that the gradings, which range from “outstanding” to “inadequate”, are “integral” to the school system. She has outlined changes the organisation would commit to, including making the complaints process “more responsive” for school staff during an inspection to ensure there is a “fair and thorough hearing”.

However, teachers and school leaders have said the changes do not go far enough, and that “huge problems” with the system remain.

Julie Price Grimshaw, a teacher, and former HMI inspector of schools, said Ofsted’s insistence on keeping the one-word assessment proposed had angered educators today.

Ms Price Grimshaw, who works in school improvement now, told i she didn’t think it was possible to “distill” a school down into one word – the words meant different things to different schools, she said.

While it was important to read the reports, many parents – and even inspectors – did not understand key criteria in the rating system – such as the need for an “ambitious school curriculum”.

She said other countries with lauded education systems, like Germany, Finland and Estonia, did not use the framework. “There’s no evidence the single word grade is helpful to school improvement at all”, she said.

Inspections were “tremendously stressful” for headteachers.

“The most common word I get about inspections from the people I work with is ‘brutal’. Even where the outcome has been good, heads will often say I felt I had to fight and fight to get the ‘good’ and the process itself was tremendously stressful.”

She said she was “very sad to say she was not surprised” by the suicide of Ms Perry. She knew two headteachers who had experienced breakdowns and left the profession over inspections. Strangers also contacted her saying they had considered suicide as a direct result of an Ofsted inspection.

“This isn’t a problem that is going away, and Ofsted aren’t going to make it go away through this statement today. We need much more than this, we need a real roots and grounds review and reform.”

While it was good to see that headteachers could now share the outcome of inspections with a number of close staff, “huge problems” with the system remained.

“There’s all sorts of frameworks that we could use, we are willing to get round the table and talk about this and they are still insisting they have a strong commitment to the single word grade – and that is what is making educational professionals very angry today.”

Darren Morgan, headteacher of Kings Road Primary School in Trafford, said although the changes were “a step in the right direction but for me quite a small step”, the watchdog needed to go “a lot further”.

He told BBC Breakfast: “The pressure is immense and unbearable for many, and that might mean they leave the profession or they have counselling, or in Ruth Perry’s case an ultimate tragedy, and that is the result of the pressure, which is too much.

“I do feel that whilst the regulator should help schools to improve… there’s a feeling from our profession that it’s oppositional, and maybe problem-finding and fault-finding.” He revealed that he had had counselling when pressure got “too much”.

Unions have threatened legal action against the schools watchdog for continuing to carry out the inspections without a full mental health assessment for teachers.

Ruth Perry, headteacher at Caversham Primary School in Reading, killed herself in January while waiting for an Ofsted report which downgraded her school from outstanding, the highest rating, to inadequate, the lowest rating. Ms Perry’s sister said she had described waiting for the report to be published as “the worst day of my life”.

Ms Spielman has said: “I certainly recognise that distilling all that a school is and does into a single word makes some in the sector uncomfortable, particularly when there are consequences of the grade awarded. But as I’ve said previously, the overall grade currently plays as an integral part in the wider school system.

“We also know that many parents find the grading system useful, whether that’s in choosing a school or to understand the one their child attends.”

Ms Spielman also said that school leaders could have a colleague from the school or trust join discussions with Ofsted inspectors during the inspections.

“We are not deaf to the calls for change, or insensitive to the needs of schools and their staff,” she added. “We will continue to listen carefully to the experiences and views of those we inspect. I’m sure the changes described here do not go far or fast enough for some, but I’ve also tried to explain the complexities and boundaries within which we do our important work.”

Undated handout photo of Ofsted chief inspector Amanda Spielman. Many parents are "not equipped" to educate their children at home, the head of Ofsted is expected to say to heads. Issue date: Saturday March 12, 2022. PA Photo. Amanda Spielman is expected to welcome the Government's announcement of a new register for children educated at home, adding that "a small number of parents have darker motivations for taking their children away from their teacher's sight". See PA story EDUCATION HomeSchooling. Photo credit should read: Ofsted/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.
The chief inspector of Ofsted Amanda Spielman said the one-word ratings were “integral” to the school system. (Photo: Ofsted/PA Wire)

The watchdog was creating seminars for schools which had not been inspected for some time, and giving schools more clarity on when they would next visit. Ms Spielman said Ofsted inspectors would look to return more quickly to schools such as Ms Perry’s which are deemed to have safeguarding issues but are performing well in other areas.

Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders’ union NAHT, agreed that the changes didn’t go far enough.
“A more proportionate approach to safeguarding issues and greater clarity that school leaders can share provisional outcomes are helpful developments. However, on their own, these will not go far enough to address either the concerns school leaders have or the strength of feeling amongst the profession,” Mr Whiteman said in a statement.

He said Ofsted needed to work with the union to relieve the pressures that the inspection process places on school leaders.

“There are a number of quite simple things we could do right now that would signal a step in the right direction.

“In the longer-term we want to see a more fundamental review of how inspection works. It is becoming very clear that overarching judgements have had their day and a fundamentally different approach is required.”

