




Austerity cuts left public health under significant pressure, top Covid scientist tells inquiry

While NHS budgets were protected under David Cameron and George Osborne, cuts to local government meant public health budgets were slashed

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Dame Jenny Harries giving evidence at the Covid inquiry in June (Photo: PA)
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Cuts to local government funding in the years before the pandemic put public health services under “significant pressure”, a senior scientist has told the Covid inquiry.

Dame Jenny Harries, the chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), was presented with figures showing a real terms cut in public health funding from £3.5bn in 2015-16 to just over £3bn in 2020-21.

Her comments appear to contradict evidence by former prime minister David Cameron and ex-chancellor George Osborne last week, who both told Baroness Hallett’s inquiry that their austerity regime actually put the UK in a stronger position to fight Covid when the virus hit in 2020.

Asked by Kate Blackwell KC, counsel for the inquiry, whether she agreed that the public health budget, which is managed by local authorities, “reduced over time due to austerity”, Dame Jenny replied: “Yes, I mean those figures, I recognise some of them.”

She said while some of them had to be taken in the context of some councils having larger populations to deal with, she added: “Nevertheless, I do agree with you, and I know that directors of public health were under significant pressure, and local authorities actually were often much more efficient at commissioning services, so they could almost generate savings from that and get just the same public health outcomes, but nevertheless they were significantly under pressure.”

Asked whether poorer areas in particular suffered from larger cuts to public health budgets, Dame Jenny said she could not comment directly without seeing the full figures, but added: “My understanding is that that’s the case.”

Dame Jenny was deputy chief medical officer for England when the Covid pandemic started in 2020 and is expected to give evidence at a later stage on the government’s response to the virus.

She was giving evidence on the ninth day of the first module of Lady Hallett’s inquiry, which is looking into whether the UK was sufficiently prepared for a pandemic in the decade before 2020.

Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne defended their policy of austerity, which was designed to cut the deficit and stabilise the public finances, and insisted the NHS budget received real terms increases in funding while they were in government.

Yet the inquiry has heard over the past two weeks how councils, which are responsible for public health at a local level, had to contend with cuts to their budgets which left services “depleted” before the pandemic began.

Dame Jenny has submitted a written statement to the inquiry in which she said Public Health England (PHE) – the forerunner to the UKHSA – had undergone a 40 per cent real-terms cut in funding over its lifetime.

She told the inquiry: “Not only was the grant in aid dropping, but the costs were going up.”

Dame Jenny said this included maintenance of “very expensive laboratories”. She added that PHE had to “pedal fast” to keep up with income and was “often using its scientists to do that” which she said came at the cost of the focus on the wider public health system.

Dame Jenny said the “combined effect” of cuts to public sector bodies was the “overall impact was quite significant”.

The UKHSA chief later said she did not agree with other witnesses to the inquiry, including former health secretary and current Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, that there was “groupthink” in the government and among scientists which meant that there was too much focus on preparing for a possible flu pandemic and not enough attention on other viruses.

