Here come the girls! Girls, girls, girls-girls. You remember that Boots advert, right? The one where all the women started getting ready for the Christmas party at work – putting their concealer on at their desk, straightening their hair in the boardroom, getting changed into sparkly mini dresses and high heels in the loos.
The one which exhorted ‘Tis the season to be gorgeous’ and cast women in the workplace as a kind of overwhelming, unstoppable, force, a glittering fun army.
The message of that advert was that Boots loves women.
No matter that it loves them because a lot of them buy a lot of the stuff that they sell – make-up, shower gel, hair products, tights, cotton buds, face wipes, tampons, razor blades, shaving gel, fake tan, baby formula, suncream and so on.
Men buy some of these things, too, though their razor blades, shower and shaving gel somehow cost a lot less thanks to the mysterious tax on pink things.
Generally, though, Boots pitches itself as a shop for girls, girls-girls, from the soft pink of its Advantage Cards to the £5 off make-up vouchers it constantly presses into your hands. You wouldn’t call them feminists, exactly, but they’re there for women in their own, commercial, way.
So it’s particularly strange and disappointing that Boots has now come out as nakedly anti-women, by refusing to cut the cost of the morning after pill in its 2500-plus UK stores. Last year, an investigation by the European Consortium for Emergency Contraception found that British women pay almost five times more for the pill than their European counterparts. In France, it is sold for as little as £5.50; in the UK, it can sell for up to £31.60.
Following a campaign by The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (Bpas), Superdrug and Tesco have now agreed to cut the price of emergency contraception to £13.49 and £13.50, respectively. Boots, however, is sticking to £28.50 for Levonelle and £26.75 for its own brand pill. It seems you can put a price on an unwanted pregnancy.
In a letter to Bpas, Boots points out that women are still able to get the contraception for free on the NHS with a prescription or at a sexual health clinic. But for many women, getting an appointment within the required window is not feasible. According to the Office for National Statistics, 61% of women in the UK have obtained emergency contraception, just over half of them without a prescription.
Boots also states that: “We receive frequent contact from individuals who voice their disapproval of the fact that the company chooses to provide this service. We would not want to be accused of incentivising inappropriate use, and provoking complaints, by significantly reducing the price of this product.”
In other words, because some people disapprove of the idea of a morning after pill, all women have to pay a lot more for it. The happy by-product of that lily-livered excuse, of course, is that Boots are also making a giant profit. I’m taking a wild stab here, but I imagine these same individuals are not mad keen on abortion either – perhaps we should up the price of that too? The NHS could do with the cash.
As for incentivising the public to take the contraception “inappropriately”, I’m not sure what that means. Taking it the night before? Dropping it during pudding at a particularly boring dinner party? Stockpiling them and making avant garde jewellery out of the little foil squares it comes in?
They can’t possibly mean that by cutting the price of the pill, women will automatically throw contraceptive caution to the winds, can they?
The Office for National Statistics states that the most common cause for taking it is condom failure, followed by missing a standard contraceptive pill. Accidents happen, even to cautious people, but it’s only women who are punished for it.
Nobody wants to take the morning after pill but there is one very good reason for doing so: it stops unwanted pregnancies. It is no coincidence that the morning after pill has been available to teenagers since 2015 and rates of teen pregnancy in the UK are now at their lowest since record-keeping began in the late 1960s.
Boots recently hired Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie as the face of its own brand cosmetics. They should take a look at her seminal essay We Should All Be Feminists in which she writes: “We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings in the way that boys are… But of course, when the time is right, we expect those girls to bring back the perfect man to be their husbands. We police girls. We praise girls for virginity, but we don’t praise boys for virginity.”
Boots becoming the moral arbiter of the nation: policing whether contraception is “inappropriate” or not, listening to the odd loon who has a problem with women having full control of their bodies is a troubling idea indeed.
In hiking prices on emergency contraceptives, it has shown itself to be no better than the Christian-run bakery which refused to ice a cake with the words ‘Support Gay Marriage.’
What, I wonder, is the truly moral, and appropriate, case for spending £265 on a moisturiser or £299.99 on a hairdryer – both of which were available at my local Boots this week, and retail, like the morning after pill, at a healthy profit?
Boots should admit that its driving motive is the bottom line, and women’s liberation be damned. That, like all shops, it is not there to make us better people, but poorer people.
Let’s feel good, runs its slogan. Good luck with that.