In Turkey on Monday, Recep Tayyip Erdogan continued attacking the LGBT community even in his presidential victory speech. This is a group he has demonised for years to secure the support of conservative Muslims.
“In our culture, family is sacred,” Erdogan said. “No-one can interfere. We will strangle anyone who dares to touch it.”
From the lips of a man who has jailed thousands of political opponents, and who wants to reintroduce the death penalty, you fear his use of the word “strangle” might not be purely figurative.
Autocrats like Erdogan bash the LGBT community because, usually, they’re bigots, and their invective appeals to pious, conservative voters. Having a whole community to demonise also provides a useful distraction from a country’s real problems – and of course, a pretext for locking up people they don’t like.
Erdogan’s neighbour and on-off friend/foe Vladimir Putin has adopted the same strategy and run with it even harder.
Attacking gays formed part of Putin’s justification for his horrific war on Ukraine right from the start. According to the Kremlin’s twisted logic, Russia needed to decapitate the government in Kyiv to protect Russian children from “perversions” and to secure a normal future for Russia.
But even Putin would need something more than political dogma to justify bombing maternity wards.
Step forward the Russian Orthodox Church, and its leader Patriarch Kirill, a vocal supporter of Putin’s butchery.
At the heart of Kirill’s support for the war is homophobia. On 6 March last year – dubbed ironically, Forgiveness Sunday, Kirill delivered a sermon that said the West had been encouraging “the suppression and extermination of people in the Donbas” for years because officials there had banned gay pride events. The test the West set for a country was, he said, “very, very simple but also horrific: it’s a gay parade”.
I’d probably agree with Kirill in this respect. I have little inclination to hang around in any country that doesn’t allow gay-pride parades, be it Serbia or Saudi Arabia.
It’s not surprising that Putin has enlisted Kirill as his theological spokesman. US think-tank Freedom House has called Putin’s own anti-LGBT rants “state-sponsored homophobia”. It notes that “regulating gender and sexuality remains at the forefront of Russia’s domestic and international political agendas”.
In Uganda, President Yoweri Museveni has just signed some of the nastiest anti-LGBTQ laws in the world. The bill includes the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality” which includes sex with a minor, having sex while HIV positive and incest. The laws criminalise sex education for the gay community and make it a crime not to report homosexuality to the police.
US President, Joe Biden, this week described the bill “a tragic violation of universal human rights”.
But, on a smaller scale, the same reactionary forces are present in his own country. Right-wing Republicans in states such as Tennessee are spending many of their waking hours trying to ban drag shows for children, while youngsters continue to be killed by assault rifles widely on sale in high street shops.
The situation for the LGBT community is worse in the world’s other superpower. Earlier this month, the Beijing LGBT Centre, an advocacy group founded in 2008, suddenly announced it was shutting down. When it opened, the centre raised hopes for an era of more progressive politics in China. But under the dictator Xi Jinping, human rights are in decline. And LGBT rights are among the first to suffer. Discrimination is on the rise, especially at universities, and officials have endorsed conversion therapy.
Targeting sexual minorities also help Chinese authorities rein in other groups over which they desire more control. Feminists targeted by the state in recent years were also active in the LGBTQ movement.
We take for granted in Britain that life is better now for LGBTQ people. Every time I groan at the latest mad noise from the fringes of the trans debates, or curl my lip at TV trash like gay dating programme on BBC Three I Kissed a Boy, I try to remind myself of the awful alternative – living in a country where these kind of debates or TV programmes are inconceivable.
Nigeria is one such country. It’s ranked among the worst in the world for LGBTQ+ equality, according to legal rights index Equaldex, with gay and trans people regularly facing stigma and violence
One of the contestants on I Kissed a Boy, Subomi, is from Nigeria. We should probably listen to his thoughts on the subject.
Across much of the world, sexual minorities are still demonised. In Russia and Uganda and any number of other countries, accusations regarding a person’s sexuality, which may or may not be true, are used to lock them up. We need LGBTQ rights for gay people and everyone.