The mental health charity, Mind, has released figures today showing that one in ten people discharged from hospital after being admitted in crisis are not getting follow-up within a week of leaving – which they say is at least 11,000 people each year.
Additionally, the latest figures from NHS England show that delayed transfers of care are not improving when compared with this time last year: 26,724 more delayed days than in February 2016, and 50,502 more than February 2015!
So-called “bed-blockers” may want to leave
This always generates talk of ‘bed blocking’ relating to those who no longer need acute care. But being stuck in acute hospital settings isn’t just detrimental to those needing a bed; it’s detrimental to the patients who are trapped in those beds, too.
So how can we support hospitals in accelerating discharge, while helping those patients who are ready to leave to get the appropriate level of care and support in a suitable home environment?
The importance of specialist housing
One answer is through housing.
Firstly, through the sector’s specialist and supported housing that is designed specifically to support mental wellbeing, with colleagues on site to provide that support.
Secondly, and equally importantly, through housing expertise to help outpatients access the whole range of housing solutions.
A place to call home
In February this year, over 66,000 delayed days related to housing problems (this equates to 36% of delayed days). This might include residential home or placement availability, lack of care packages in a patient’s own home, community equipment and other housing reasons – such as homelessness.
In Blackpool, for example, 52% of patients who were referred into a Home Group/Lancashire Care Trust supported housing mental health service were homeless and would otherwise have been trapped in hospital.
But it’s not just about having a roof over your head. As Mind’s research shows, people who have survived crisis need the appropriate level of care to recover.
With supported housing step down services, that care is there from day one, and is often round-the-clock.
Additionally, the building design itself influences behaviour and recovery. For example, choosing what, when and where to eat, feeling safe and secure, having good levels of light and access to social and outdoor spaces all contribute to health and wellbeing.
Building up confidence
At the same time, individuals are encouraged to re-build their independence by having their own self-contained accommodation, providing them with freedom and choice.
This creates a stepping stone, rather than a high jump, to independence.
Being in acute care for longer than necessary does not encourage people to thrive. But if they are not quite ready for complete independence, another crisis may hit if the hospital doors close behind them and they are left completely alone.
This is where we find people trapped in a vicious cycle of survival and “revolving door syndrome”.
The results speak for themselves
Support in the home not only includes links to the correct levels of clinical care through partnerships with NHS trusts, but may also include money management, help with securing a tenancy, building confidence and opportunities to gain new skills and qualifications.
All skills, in short, that contribute towards a more independent and fulfilling future.
And we have proof that it works. All 55 patients who were referred to the Blackpool service in its first year successfully moved on to their own accommodation.
Many return for regular visits, which also encourages peer support. It’s a win-win situation.
The future of care
So what now? Well, there are pockets of brilliant health and housing partnerships across the country, but if we don’t broaden the scale we are missing out on opportunities to significantly reduce NHS pressures and, most importantly, help people on their journey to independence, health and happiness.
It’s time to have more conversations on a national scale. Housing is ready to play its part – we encourage our health colleagues to come and talk to us.