




We don't talk enough about what it means to have 'mum guilt' towards your own mother

Parenting is hard. Looking after your parents is hard. Our expectations are high, but we can't keep berating ourselves for lack of perfection

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‘The double mum guilt is brutal, and the emotional burden feels huge,’ writes Sarah Haselwood (Photo: Johner Images via Getty Images/Johner RF)
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Mum guilt. We hear about it a lot. And while many parents may battle it alone, when a seemingly calm and competent celebrity mum admits they suffer from mum guilt, it justifies the impact and provides a comforting sense of unity.

From actors like Jennifer Lawrence, who recently said she had felt guilty every day since becoming a mum, and Helen Flanagan, who recently admitted experiencing mum guilt for not keeping up with the elf on the shelf, I can relate. My eight-year-old was less than impressed that his best friend had a mischief-making elf from dawn on 1 December, yet his elf didn’t make it out of the loft until the 5th.

But what about when you have a double hit of mum guilt because you have children and also care, worry about or feel emotionally responsible for a mum or a parent? That’s me; the double mum guilt is brutal, and the emotional burden feels huge. And I feel guilty for saying it out loud because it’s no one’s fault.

My dad died unexpectedly at the end of August. After 50 years of being happily married, my mum found herself alone. Since he died, I not only grieve, but I worry about my mum every day. She’s lonely, worried about raging energy bills, and because we’re in probate, we don’t know the extent of their joint finances.

She lives about a 45-minute drive from me, but I have an eight and nine-year-old, my husband works full time in London, and I run my own writing business. I am balancing supporting her and my kids and producing work for clients.

And I don’t technically view myself as a sandwich carer (those who care for their dependent children and their older, sick or disabled relatives) because although I emotionally support my mum, I’m not her carer. However, in the UK, two-thirds of sandwich carers are women, and sandwich carers are apparently more likely than the general population to experience symptoms of mental ill health, struggle financially or feel less satisfied with life.

Since my father’s death, I have been juggling the complexities it has brought to myself and my family. In the beginning, I organised the funeral and spent my weeks yo-yoing between work and children at home and visiting my mum to keep her company and do the admin my dad used to manage. I still battle with utility companies about bills that need transferring in name and threatening letters my mum receives because administration departments haven’t updated her circumstances.

I feel guilty that I don’t see her every day and that she is coping alone. I feel bad moaning about the cold when I know she’s worried about money. I want to look after her every day, but I can’t do that and look after my boys. When my mum comes to stay, I feel relieved because I know she’s got company and support. I cry when she returns home to the empty family home crammed full of memories.

I’m managing life in a dichotomy of taking each day as it comes and making advance plans to ensure my mum has support and plans to look forward to. As any parent will know, Christmas with children at school is relentless. School fairs, teacher gifts and endless elf pressure. I’m trying to manage that, keep my children excited about Christmas, control my grief, and ensure my mum has a packed diary for the festive period when we all miss my dad terribly.

Yes, mum guilt is difficult to navigate, but we need to give ourselves a break before it becomes all-consuming and life as a parent merges into a lump of guilt rather than something enjoyable. I’m not belittling how difficult it can be to feel like you’re failing your kids, but perspective is essential. Parenting is hard. Looking after your parents is hard. Our expectations are high, but perhaps we should reduce them as we can’t keep berating ourselves for lack of perfection.

And if I had my way, the elf would be banished for good.

Sarah Haselwood is a freelance journalist

