




Free speech 'protectors' have allowed antisemitism to thrive

Universities seem unable to call out hate speech

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Harvard President Claudine Gay, left, speaks as University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill listens, during a hearing of the House Committee on Education in Washington (Photo: Mark Schiefelbein/AP)
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Larry Summers is no tubthumping right-winger. The former president of Harvard University has long-standing links to progressive American politics – not least as Bill Clinton’s Treasury secretary and a key economic adviser to Barack Obama – but even he has had enough. After the horrendous 7 October attacks on Israel, he lambasted a letter from students solely blaming Israel for the attack, and critiqued the university’s long delay in responding. Summers has banged the drum consistently since about the double standard that has emerged in the most elite institutions on antisemitism.

The fact that Summers – an economist chiefly known for his pugilistic debating style and a cameo role in the creation of Facebook – has thrown himself into this debate speaks to the depth of the moral rot in academia. By exposing their inability to call out the growing hatred of Jews on campuses, he has highlighted the abysmal critical thinking skills and the leadership’s unwillingness to stand up to the radicalised minority of views of their students. Whereas Summers has shown moral leadership on calling out these petri dishes of racism, the same can sadly not be said of his successor and their peers in other institutions.

Which brings us to the stomach-wrenching spectacle of the presidents of three leading American universities struggling to condemn obviously antisemitic sentiments. The footage from the congressional hearing is an example of weasel-worded pusillanimous hesitancy at its worst. Instead of calling out what is right, they opted for the easier approach of saying what causes the least friction with student bodies. During the hearings, Elizabeth Magill from Pennsylvania responded to the question of “does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Penn’s rules or code of conduct, yes or no?” with “If the speech turns into conduct, it can be harassment.” When asked this simple question again, she responded it was “context-dependent”.

Claudine Gay of Harvard, Summer’s successor, fared no better, echoing the notion that it “depends on the context” on whether it would be against her institution’s ethics policy to call for the genocide of Jews. Sally Kornbluth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology claimed she had not heard any calls for the genocide of Jews on her campus. When probed about chants of “intifada” — an uprising — she responded, “I’ve heard chants which can be antisemitic depending on the context when calling for the elimination of the Jewish people.” All three of the presidents have sought to repair their shredded reputations with apologies and pledges of action on antisemitism.

Sadly, the problem is just as pronounced here in Britain. The Union of Jewish Students set up a helpline to report antisemitic incidents after 7 October and has reported an “unprecedented rise” of incidents – ranging from intimidation and verbal abuse to the targeting of Jewish students’ accommodation and death threats. Jewish societies on campuses have also been specifically targeted and ministers have warned universities to ensure swift action is taken.

That three minute clip from the US was revelatory, and hopefully a watershed moment for the troubles at these institutions. For years, concerns have been raised about freedom of speech at universities and it is the most elite institutions (including Harvard and MIT) that have committed publicly to protecting free speech. But in reality, they have allowed atmospheres and attitudes to develop that left their leaderships unable to say publicly what counts as hate speech and what does not. The walls of prestigious academic institutions should not facilitate the spread of rhetoric and opinions that are clearly unacceptable in other settings, no matter the context.

Some of the views are the result of an inability to challenge what is read and shared online – too many people are unable to comprehend the rise in antisemitism because the views within social media filter bubbles and friendship silos do not allow it. The other reason is knowledge gaps. Ron Hassner, a political science professor at the University of California, Berkeley, became so frustrated at what he was seeing about Israel that he conducted his own survey of 250 college students. The results, published in the Wall Street Journal, prove how much of the current environment is a mob movement. Only 47 per cent of the students were able to name the exact river as part of the infamous chant — alternatives offered included the Caribbean, the Nile and the Euphrates. Under a quarter could say who Yasser Arafat was, while a similar number said the Oslo Accords (agreements between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation) did not exist.

Thankfully, Hassner’s research showed some hope. After being taught some basic facts about the conflict – such as what “from the river to the sea” would practically entail for millions of Jews and the opinions of Israeli and Palestinian citizens – their minds were changed. After looking at a map, learning about the history of the conflict, some 68 per cent of the students decided they would no longer support the slogan. For those who think all is lost in our great institutions, the answer is a healthy mix of facts and critical thinking skills.

The 7 October attacks revealed a deep sickness in the west’s society and institutions. Much of that starts at university. Seemingly clever people are being pushed into simplistic, unthinking positions. Part of this is the financialisation of higher education – more than ever, these institutions are reliant on student fees and this makes it difficult for them to stand up against minority voices. But there are few greater lessons from university than what is and is not hate speech and that moral leadership has to come from the top. Until provosts can think beyond profits, bright young things will continue to fall into the oldest hatred.

Sebastian Payne is director of the centre right think-tank Onward

