This is Armchair Economics from Hamish McRae, a subscriber-only newsletter from i. If you’d like to get this direct to your inbox, every single week, you can sign up here.
There is a real probability that Russia will cut off its supplies of gas to Europe. It has just cut them off from Poland and Bulgaria on the grounds that those countries are refusing to pay in roubles. Since most EU countries have said they will not pay in roubles either, Russia has either to climb down or shut off supplies. What does this mean in practical terms for the rest of us?
Well, the first thing to say is that we are not going to freeze. The winter sees peak demand for gas, which is largely used for heating and generating electricity. We are through most of the coldest weather, there are stocks for the summer, and there are other sources of energy for the power stations. The problem comes next winter, because the summer is the time when stocks are built up to prepare for it.
The UK is not directly affected because we import very little Russian gas, less than 4 per cent of our supplies last year. We produce roughly half our gas from the North Sea and import most of the rest either through a pipeline from Norway, or on ships as liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Middle East.
But we are vulnerable to whatever happens in Europe because shortages there push up the global price. That has already happened. The wholesale gas price here is nearly double what it was a year ago.
How much more will we pay?
Much the same situation applies to oil. We produce about one million barrels per day, way down from a peak of 2.5 mpd in the early years of this century, but since prior to the pandemic we were using about 1.5 mpd, we cover about three-quarters of our needs. But again, we are affected by global prices, so insofar as the war in Ukraine has increased the oil price, we end up paying more.
How much more – or are we already at a peak? That is difficult, because no one has a crystal ball for what will happen either to gas or oil prices. But there are a couple of things that are worth saying.
One is that gas is different to oil in two main ways. First, while it is easy and convenient to transfer gas via a pipeline, it is more expensive and complicated to ship it in LNG form, because you have to have special facilities to compress it into a liquid, pump it onto a ship, and then convert it back into a gas at the other end. Oil by contrast is easy to handle. Germany imports all its gas via pipelines, and at the moment has no ports capable of accepting LGN.
Locked into a relationship with Russia
The second thing is that gas tends to be priced in long-term contracts, in this case with Russia. Oil on the other hand is priced to the market and that price moves around a lot.
So Eastern Europe in general and Germany in particular are pretty much locked in to their relationship with Russia as far as gas is concerned. Doing without Russian gas is very difficult. It gets 35 per cent of its gas from Russia. The German economy minister Robert Habeck said yesterday that a sudden halt to Russian gas supplies would lead to a recession.
Eventually Germany could do without Russian gas but in the short run it would be difficult to do so. The sort of measures that Germany might have to take would be to shut down industries that were heavy gas users and bump up other sources of electricity, including the coal-fired power stations. The UK problem is different as far as gas is concerned. It is price, not the physical shortage of supply.
Everyone is flying blind
So what will happen? Gas first. As far as continental Europe is concerned no one really knows. Everyone is flying blind, because this has never happened before and the entire European gas structure was predicated on security of supply from Russia. As far as the UK is concerned the question really is partly how to hold down the price to a level that is acceptable to consumers and gives a reasonable return to suppliers, and partly how and whether to increase domestic production. Those are political decisions which will have to be taken, with unrest through the summer from higher prices now the price cap has been lifted and a second price increase looming in October.
More from Opinion
This is unhappy news. Fortunately the prospect for the oil price may be a little brighter. Before the invasion the price was around $80 a barrel, the top end of the range from $40-80 a barrel for most of the previous five years. It then shot up to more than $120 a barrel in early March and currently is around $105 a barrel.
That is roughly the same level as 10 years ago, for between 2012 and 2014 it traded between $100 and $120 for most of the period. Oil is expensive but not that expensive by past standards. And it is possible that come the autumn it will fall back – though those prices are in dollars and the current strength of the dollar vis-à-vis both sterling and the euro pushes up the price at UK and European pumps.
My conclusion is this. If Russia does cut off gas to Europe this will have knock-on effects right across the continent and may cause a recession. The UK will suffer from yet higher prices – unless the government steps in. But petrol and diesel? I think, fingers crossed, we may possibly have seen the peak. Don’t expect prices to fall much, but they may not go that much higher.
Need to know
If you step back and look at the way the war has disrupted the world economy, two big messages jump out. One is the impact on energy, particularly in Europe, as discussed here. The other, which has received rather less attention so far, is the impact on food. Actually I am less worried about energy than about food.
The war has hit food production in two ways. The direct impact is on supplies of grains, notably wheat, and sunflower oil. Russia is the world’s largest exporter of wheat and Ukraine the fifth largest. Ukraine is the largest sunflower oil producer by far and supplies are already being rationed in British supermarkets. The indirect impact is on fertiliser production.
Russia is the world’s largest exporter of fertilisers. This year the price of these has risen threefold in the UK. Someone has to pay for that, so this adds to food inflation. But the rich world can at a pinch afford it. For farmers in the emerging nations, the situation is dire. Plant less land? Use smaller amounts of fertiliser? Either way food production goes down.
It gets worse. Something like half the income of an average family in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, goes on food. There is a real prospect of famine. President Biden is considering adding global food aid to the package of spending he is putting to Congress, and that is most welcome. But America cannot solve all the world’s problems and while these efforts are welcome I worry they will not be nearly enough.
This is Armchair Economics from Hamish McRae, a subscriber-only newsletter from i. If you’d like to get this direct to your inbox, every single week, you can sign up here.
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