




From ITV’s Quiz to Zoom quiz nights, we’ve never loved this national pastime more

They provide a much-needed distraction, and the comforting sense that correct answers exist

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We’ve all been tuning into ITV’s Quiz, and holding our own Zoom quizzes (Picture: ITV)
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While I’ve long been a fan of a good puzzle, game or quiz, in the past this wasn’t something I’d have broadcast too readily.

An “ironic” afternoon spent playing board games in an obnoxiously hipsterish pub? Fine. Please tag me when you put the photos on Instagram. Curling up in front of University Challenge on a cold winter’s night? Acceptable. But confessing to finding them a genuine source of pleasure rather than a safely tongue-in-cheek novelty for special occasions? That was an opinion I preferred to keep to myself.

But as we’re all painfully aware, life moves pretty fast, especially at present, and it’s no longer irredeemably square to confide that you prefer a quiet evening in with your Scrabble tiles to a night out on the proverbial ones. After all, now that there’s little else to do – for those of us who’ve found ourselves with more time on our hands during lockdown, at least – we’re openly embracing the joy of a brain-teaser.

Take the virtual pub quiz that went viral after the organiser Jay Flynn accidentally made it a public event on Facebook. It now has an audience of 155,000 and has raised over £94,000 for the NHS.

A night on the tiles? I’d love to (Photo: JAKE C SALVADOR/AFP via Getty Images)

Then there’s the passionate ire with which Scrabble traditionalists have responded to the game’s apparently overly flashy new app. And that’s not to forget our collective enthusiasm for Quiz, ITV’s dramatisation of the Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? cheating scandal, which resoundingly confirms an assertion made by one of its characters: that we’re a nation of quiz lovers.

Unconvinced? Count how many times you’ve heard the phrase “Zoom quiz” in the past fortnight. I rest my case.

Why do quizzes and suchlike provide solace in dark times? Well, most obviously, they provide distraction. Focusing on trivial details – like how to deploy the fiendish Q tile in Scrabble, say – drowns out bigger, scarier worries. They also transport you back to childhood, a time when there was a kind adult around to make everything all right.

They soothe on a deeper level, too, transplanting you to a parallel universe where there’s a clear-cut right answer to be found, as opposed to the ambiguous, confusing real world we presently inhabit.

And while mentioning any kind of silver lining in the current horror show seems glib, perhaps the sudden fashion for puzzles – the sort of hobby which is often scorned as a symptom of having too much downtime – is a sign that the cult of productivity, where every leisure activity is repurposed as a “side hustle”, is beginning to crumble.

Certainly, being forced to slow down has brought into sharper focus both the good and bad elements of living at a different pace. Puzzles definitely fall into the good camp. Why was I embarrassed to admit my interest? It’s a mystery – one as unfathomable as the crossword clue I’m working on.

Twitter: @Gwendolyn_Smith

