




When child poverty is this bad, how on earth can Labour prioritise defence?

People have experienced the worst fall of living standards on record

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Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and (left) Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey (Photo: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)
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“Nothing Labour does will be unfunded or uncosted”, Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves asserted ahead of the Labour Party conference last September.

Both Reeves and Labour leader Keir Starmer have been swift to criticise current Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s unfunded £46bn aspiration to abolish National Insurance. Labour members demanding more money for the NHS, schools, social care or welfare have been rebuffed with firm talk of “iron-clad discipline”.

So imagine my surprise when today in the exclusive interview with i, Keir Starmer has made a commitment of an additional £10-12bn in defence spending – by saying “on defence spending, obviously we want to get to 2.5 per cent as soon as resources allow that to happen”.

As a member of Nato, the UK is asked to spend at least two per cent of GDP on defence, and we have met that target for decades. In 2022, the UK was one of just nine of around 30 Nato member countries to have met this target – spending 2.1 per cent, which makes us the 6th highest spenders already.

Quite sensibly on health spending, the Labour leadership says we need to focus on prevention which is cheaper than cure. The same could be said on defence, which has been protected while our international aid and diplomacy budgets have been slashed in recent years. Stop tensions arising, and you limit the demand for defence spending. One could also stop arms sales to states committing war crimes.

In light of the very real threats from Russia and China, the case for more defence spending is powerful – but the reality is the UK is never going to have to face down threats from either state alone. What is needed, as shown by the EU and Nato’s stop-start and haphazard support for Ukraine, is better co-ordination between democratic nations not vast increases in expenditure.

Spending a bigger share of GDP on defence requires spending a smaller share on something else.

At a time of record NHS waiting lists, depressed wages, public sector staff shortages, local councils collapsing, and rising poverty, more defence spending isn’t the priority of many people. Polling consistently shows the two most important issues for voters are the economy and the NHS (defence is 10th).

But while Starmer has today pledged billions of pounds in extra defence spending “as soon as resources allow”, Labour doesn’t seem to understand why resources don’t currently allow this. The party’s analysis of Britain’s economic woes is paper-thin, reduced to the oft-repeated soundbite about how “Liz Truss crashed the economy”.

While Truss and her chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng’s, ignominious and mercifully brief stewardship of the economy did not help matters (and I’m not defending them), Britain’s economic malaise has been a 16-year story of stagnation.

People have experienced the worst fall of living standards on record, and wages today are still lower in real terms than they were in 2019.

The Government’s own figures show median household income decreased by 1.5 per cent after housing costs last year, and child poverty rose again. Figures from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation show destitution has risen by 148 per cent since 2017, and that last year one million children experienced destitution.

To be clear, destitution (a word that should have been confined to the Victorian era) is defined as “when people cannot afford to meet their most basic physical needs to stay warm, dry, clean and fed” – the basics of civilisation.

Child poverty is not just a moral crusade, but an economic one as well. We cannot get the stronger growth that Reeves and Starmer crave without refloating household incomes. The Office for Budget Responsibility says in its latest report that “the level of nominal wages and salaries [are] a key determinant of our fiscal forecast”. In other words, as most economists recognise, in a service-led economy like the UK you need buoyant consumer spending to spur growth.

So the priority should be tackling child poverty. That means policies to distribute wealth. While those on average incomes have suffered large falls in living standards those at the top have been doing very nicely: according to the Sunday Times Rich List, the richest 250 families in Britain increased their wealth by £44 billion last year.

Since Keir Starmer is again in the mood for breaking pledges – no unfunded spending commitments have been junked today – he should dump another one and commit to raising taxes on the very richest and boosting incomes and benefits for those on low and average incomes. That in turn would spur growth, generating the revenues he needs for the NHS, education, council services and – if he must – defence too.

Andrew Fisher is a former executive director of policy for the Labour Party

