A new study recently described the severe long-term health effects of both flu and Covid. It uncovered the overlooked finding of what some have been describing as “long flu”, similar to long Covid that many of us are now familiar with.
Symptoms of long flu, which can be fatal, include heart, gastrointestinal, and neurological effects. Long term impacts of acute viral infections have been described before, but in light of the pandemic, never compared to Covid-19. This work underscores the serious nature of both influenza and Covid and should make us do everything we can to reduce that impact.
We are well familiar with acute infections since the emergence of Covid-19 in late 2019. Typically these infections can last a week or two and cause severe-but-short-lived illness like a sore throat, cough and fever. Soon after we’ll feel well enough to go back to work or school. But sometimes, these infections can cause long-term damage.
Long Covid can manifest as varied symptoms and last for months or even years. While it can follow a mild infection, severe infections that require a stay in hospital or even intensive care can take an even greater toll on your health, permitting a long recovery ahead.
Both flu and Covid can cause this, and since the pandemic debates have raged over whether Covid is really any worse than the flu, with the underhand message being that flu isn’t that serious to begin with- which really is not true at all.
Previous comparison studies looked at acute risks, finding Covid to be worse than flu on average, but little information is known on longer-term risks. This recent paper, published in journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases, set out to compare the long term health impacts across the whole body in people following a bout of Covid or flu.
They used a well-studied resource of US veterans with excellent medical data on them and analysed around 80,000 Covid patients between 2020 and 2022, and around 10,000 flu patients between 2015 and 2019, following up their health for up to one and a half years.
The team found that both were serious infections, resulting in thousands of hospitalisations and deaths. However, Covid was even more likely to result in death than flu, across the whole time period, resulting in damage to many organ systems, including cardiac issues, strokes, and even mental health.
However, the study has several caveats. These include its focus on a single country (the USA); its focus on hospitalised individuals only; and the fact that the majority of individuals were older, white men.
Nevertheless, the research is important and has many implications for our understanding of acute infections, and for flu and Covid in general.
The findings are not really surprising given that we know both viruses are serious pathogens that result in frequent hospitalisations that can be challenging to manage clinically.
The fact Covid was found to cause more deaths may also not be surprising, given the lack of immunity in the human population to Covid-19, a novel human virus, compared to flu – where most people could get both vaccinated and infected every few years.
Furthermore, we should avoid the temptation to pit one infection against another, and focus on the bigger picture that both Covid and flu (and probably other respiratory viruses like RSV and rhinovirus) cause serious health impacts that extend beyond an acute illness or single hospital stay.
We should be encouraged to do all we can to control these infections, focusing on prevention, which should be straightforward given we already have good vaccines for both diseases. Increasing vaccination rates, while also seeking to reduce overall numbers of infections using testing and increased respiratory hygiene, could limit the burden of both Covid and flu.
Connor Bamford is a research fellow in virology at Queen’s University Belfast