




Only two names will matter in the May elections

The rest of 2024 will be defined by whether Tory mayors Andy Street and Ben Houchen win third terms

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West Midlands Mayor Andy Street at the HS2 station building site at Curzon Street, Birmingham (Photo: Christopher Furlong/Getty)
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On 2 May only two names will matter. When large swathes of the country go to the polls for this year’s local elections, all eager Westminster eyes should be watching a couple of mayors.

The politics for the rest of 2024 will be defined by whether Conservatives Andy Street and Ben Houchen win third terms in the West Midlands and Tees Valley. If the scant pieces of polling available are to be believed, both have some significant trends to buck to slink back into office.

These individuals and their positions matter. Street and Houchen are two of the country’s most important politicians – representing some four million people with direct mandates, while trailblazing the power of directly elected mayors.

Their first victories in 2017 kick-started the post-Brexit realignment, where the Conservatives began winning well beyond their natural base. Street, the former John Lewis chief executive, brought his pragmatic business persona to win over a conurbation all assumed would be an easy Labour win. The same was true, even more so, for Houchen, who won against the odds in even deeper red territory.

Four years later, both mayors were re-elected with thumping majorities. In the first round of voting, Street put on nearly seven percentage points compared with his first run. Houchen (infamously) put on 33 points, going on to win a whopping 73 per cent of the vote in an area that is foundational to any Labour national victory.

Coming at the high point of Boris Johnson’s premiership, with vaccine boosters doled out and Brexit finally delivered, it was no shock that these mayors combined their local prestige and a boosterish national picture to win easily.

Now, the picture is less rosy. If the country wakes up on 3 May to find Street and/or Houchen are gone, two of the most successful municipal figures will have left the stage.

Street’s loss would show that the Tories are struggling in marginals crucial for any election win, as the West Midlands contains all the multitudes needed for the national election – old, young, white, non-white, urban, rural, “Blue Wall” and “Red Wall”. Street is also a lodestar for pro-business conservatism that delivers more investment and revitalised urban centres. For Houchen, his loss would signal that Labour’s once-lost heartlands may be reverting back.

Given the importance to the future of conservatism the pair hold, you’d expect Labour to be standing their very best contenders. In both instances, the party has opted for bland, generic figures who have little frontline experience and public profile.

In the West Midlands, Richard Parker was a decidedly lacklustre choice compared to the MPs it has selected in the past. He admitted if it were a straight personality contest with Street, he would have no hope. A recent encounter with the Birmingham Mail was described by the reporter as “nervy”.

Chris McEwan, who is battling Houchen in Tees Valley, is in a similar mould. Compared to the ebullience of Houchen, a recent newspaper reporter concluded he was “sedate” and “painstakingly cautious”. Again, in a straight fight with his Tory rival, there would be no contest and Houchen would beat him.

In some respects, both are candidates in the same vein of Sir Keir Starmer: capitalising on the popularity drag of being Conservative, instead of trying to win on the merits of their own platforms or persona.

You might ask why you’ve heard so little about these races, given their importance. Amid the recent flurry of stories about the unseemly and questionable behaviour of MPs, there has been minimal polling, reporting or analysis about the significance of these contests affecting millions of voters.

If the two mayors win or lose, their significance and prominence deserve far more attention. What happens on 2 May will dictate the next mood swing of Conservative MPs, whether further turbulence lies ahead in the party leadership, and when exactly the general election will be called.

Part of the reason is that mayors remain relatively new to the UK’s political cycle. A decade ago, none of the UK’s major cities had elected ones, bar London. In a few weeks’ time, with several new areas gaining mayors, nearly all will.

For a nation that is often decried as the most centralised in the Western world, huge progress has been made in shifting power closer to people. We should celebrate it more. Labour’s Andy Burnham and Oliver Coppard, in Greater Manchester and South Yorkshire, respectively, show that the power and prominence of these roles can go beyond the centre right.

The other problem is our regional media. At the same rate power has been devolved from Westminster, local outlets have become emaciated. With notable exceptions, they no longer have the business model or inclination to cover local politics in detail it deserves.

The BBC’s local democracy reporting service is a welcome innovation, but these are only a band of 165 individuals covering local councils as well as mayoralties. Joshi Herrmann, a media entrepreneur, has shown the future with Mill Media – producing thorough, incisive reporting in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Sheffield. There are some outstanding national reporters too, who grasp the importance of the mayoralties.

If the Tory mayors trump the odds on 2 May, their power and prominence will rise further. If their personal standing isn’t enough to win, their influence on the party’s revival will be just as crucial. Their Labour contenders leave much to be desired. It’s hard not to question Starmer’s commitment to taking back control locally if these two are truly the best they can muster for important local leadership.

We should all engage in mayoral elections more. And even those who are politically ambivalent would likely agree Britain would be much poorer without Street and Houchen.

Sebastian Payne is the director of the centre-right think-tank Onward and writes a weekly column for i on policy and politics.

He was previously a journalist at the Financial Times, The Spectator and The Washington Post, and is the author of two books, Broken Heartlands and The Fall of Boris Johnson

