From the public outcry over the discharge of sewage into rivers, to the felling of the Sycamore Gap tree, it is clear that the UK public loves nature. Iconic landscapes such as the Lake District or White Cliffs of Dover are hard-wired into our national culture.
Yet the hard truth is that the UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, with one in six species at risk of extinction.
Without action to restore nature to help us adapt to climate change now, future governments will have to grapple with the escalating consequences for all of us, from plummeting food production to property damage from increased flooding.
This has not passed the public by. Eighty-one per cent of UK adults believe nature is under threat and that more needs to be done urgently to protect and restore it.
The Government has set a strong nature target – the Environment Act requires species decline to be halted by 2030 – but, in the words of its watchdog, the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP), its delivery plan has so far “fallen far short” and “opportunities to change course must be taken”.
With an upcoming election, and only six years to meet this legal target, we’re starting to see more political debate on the crisis nature is facing. But politicians, of whatever party, need to be much clearer on how they plan to deliver the course correction the OEP says is needed.
One thing is immediately apparent: we need better-resourced nature delivery bodies to restore wildlife on a scale not seen before.
Natural England and other environmental arm’s length bodies exist for a host of good reasons. Enforcing important protections. Looking after critical assets, such as nature reserves or flood defences. Advising government, based on sound science and evidence. And, in theory at least, making decisions without direct interference from politics and politicians.
To be effective, we need these institutions to have the teeth to hold any government of the day to account and have the resources to do their jobs properly. Yet some in Westminster are pushing in a different direction.
A new Private Members’ Bill proposes transferring the power to designate Sites of Special Scientific Interest, the most protected places for nature, from Natural England to the Environment Secretary. On the face of it, the case may look appealing. Nature enforcement bodies cost money, their local engagement isn’t always as good as it should be, and their track records can always be questioned.
But there is a bigger principle at stake here. This change would replace the current expert-led, objective process led by Natural England with one arbitrated by politicians. It would rip up science-led decision-making and instead turn our Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) into Sites of Political Convenience. It would be like stripping powers from the Bank of England to set interest rates independently.
SSSIs are our primary nature protection tool. They provide important legal protections for the best of our habitats, such as woodlands, moorlands, meadows and freshwater on which all kinds of species rely, and people cherish. They are also fundamental to meeting the commitments made by government to conserve 30 per cent of land and sea for biodiversity by 2030 to reverse nature’s decline. We should be investing in them, to improve their condition and to restore our precious nature urgently to good health, not making them subject to political whim.
Half of all global GDP is underpinned by healthy, natural resources. Attempts to water down the current stringent standards, or to politicise the decisions on where the best protected places for nature, would fail both nature and ultimately all of us.
Hilary McGrady is director-general of the National Trust; Beccy Speight is chief executive of the RSPB; Craig Bennett is chief executive of The Wildlife Trusts; and Dr Darren Moorcroft is chief executive of Woodland Trust