




The public will go green if it saves money and health, but Sunak and Starmer need to prove it

A low-emission zone is not about saving the planet but saving lives - both parties are failing to communicate that

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Labour failed to hammer home that outer London boroughs are prone to air pollution too. Five boroughs with the highest rate of emergency adult asthma hospital admissions in 2018-19 were all in outer London (Photo: Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty)
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The question couldn’t have been simpler. The answer was anything but. Amid reports that the Tories were going cold on environmental policies, Rishi Sunak was asked directly if his government was “still fully committed to ending the sale of petrol and diesel cars by 2030?”

He came out with a long, convoluted reply stuffed with more waffle than a Belgian bakery.

“Of course net zero is important to me […] So, yes, we’re going to keep making progress towards our net zero ambitions and we’re also going to strengthen our energy security…”

The eagle-eyed will have noticed that the Prime Minister didn’t reply with a straighforward “Yes”. He didn’t say “we are fully committed” to the policy of banning the sale of all new diesel vehicles by the end of the decade.

I’m told that if the PM had been asked the question again, he would have answered more directly. Indeed, when pressed on exactly the same 2030 target his official spokesman said later “that remains our commitment”.

But the spokesman also echoed Sunak’s mixed messaging, saying he wants to make sure green policies are “proportionate and pragmatic”, adding “if the situation changes and new technology evolves we keep our approach under review”.

International development minister Andrew Mitchell also sounded equivocal, telling BBC Radio 4: “I can’t prophesy for the future” about the landmark target. When he was asked one more time if the policy would stay, he finally said: “It is in place and…will remain in place.”

There’s no question that senior ministers want to exploit the Uxbridge by-election’s revolt over the Mayor of London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expansion to look for any Government green policy that could unfairly hit people in the pocket.

Yet although retreating on “net zero” policies may help Sunak with a few Tory backbenchers, and even a chunk of voters, such confused messaging isn’t exactly encouraging for big business or consumers.

The whole point of these targets, particularly the 2030 one for the end of sale of polluting cars, is that they are meant to send strong signals to the market. But without crystal clarity, such signals are weakened.

Remember that a key reason that ministers (particularly in a Tory government) like market solutions to environmental problems is that it costs them very little money in new state spending. Set the right legal framework and incentives that create the demand and the private sector will do the heavy lifting on supply.

The UK’s electric charging body, known as ChargeUK, launched in May with a pledge to invest £6bn in infrastructure – largely driven by the 2030 target.

Colin Walker, head of transport at the Energy and Climate Information Unit, tells me that ministers also have a big job to do in selling more proactively the merits of switching to electric cars, and being clearer about their intentions. Many people don’t realise, for example, that from 2030 to 2035 they can still buy a new hybrid car which relies on petrol.

More importantly, many people wrongly believe that owning a petrol car is cheaper than an electric alternative, when the opposite is the case. As an electric car owner, I know the cost of “filling up” at home is around £8 for 300 miles, but not enough people do.

It may surprise many, but 70 per cent of UK homes have access to off-street parking, where a home charge is viable. For the 30 per cent that don’t, there need to be many more lamppost chargers (with planning changes to speed them up).

Former Top Gear presenter Quentin Wilson, an evangelist for electric vehicles, rightly calls for VAT on-street electricity to be cut from 20 per cent to 5 per cent for domestic use.

Sticking to the 2030 target will also power the second-hand car market that really makes electric vehicles (EVs) cheaper for everyone. More employers need to make the simple switch to salary sacrifice schemes that make leasing EVs cheaper, like the successful cycle scheme.

There are other innovative approaches worth trying too. Why doesn’t the UK Government adopt the approach of the Scottish Government in offering interest-free loans for EV purchases, underwritten by the state? Bigger “scrappage schemes”, allowing more people to make the switch from a petrol car, would be money well spent too.

Ironically, one of the few things that unites Sadiq Khan and the Government is the 2030 car target. Khan was among several mayors who called for the deadline in 2018 and two years later Transport Secretary Grant Shapps and PM Boris Johnson went for it – because the market signals were obvious for jobs and the economy.

Of course, Labour too needs to do a better job of selling the merits of things such as the London Ulez. I suspect Sadiq Khan will push ahead with its implementation on 29 August (pending court action) because it is only once it is in place that 90 per cent of people will realise their own car is exempt. Yet he and Keir Starmer need to better make the point that a low emission zone is primarily not about saving the planet but saving lives through reduced air pollution.

One of the voices that was lost in the Uxbridge by-election was that of Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah, whose daughter Ella was tragically the first person to have air pollution listed as a cause of death at an inquest in the UK.

Moreover, Labour failed to hammer home that outer London boroughs are prone to air pollution too. Five boroughs with the highest rate of emergency adult asthma hospital admissions in 2018-19 were all in outer London.

Perhaps the most sobering statistic of all is that the greatest number of premature deaths attributable to air pollution are in outer London boroughs – due to the higher proportion of elderly people who live there and are vulnerable to breathing problems.

And once again the costs of inaction are often greater than the costs of action. In 2018 Public Health England (PHE) estimated that up to 43,000 people a year are dying in the UK because of air pollution and that it could cost the country as much as £18.6bn by 2035.

After the Uxbridge by-election, Keir Starmer said: “We are doing something very wrong if policies put forward by the Labour Party end up on each and every Tory leaflet.” Yet although his own plans to build on poor quality Green Belt land will be weaponised by his opponents, he clearly thinks that’s a political risk worth taking.

He could show similar boldness in making the case for fresh measures to help people switch to cheaper, less polluting vehicles. On the whole, the public will go green if it saves them money and their health. But our political leaders need to do more to prove it – and be clearer about it.

