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Jacobsson, M.
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
[en] Some States have introduced systems of compensation out of public funds in case the compensation under the Paris Convention and the Brussels Supplementary Convention is insufficient to cover the damage caused by a nuclear incident. The systems are described in this paper as well as that in Switzerland, which is not Party to these Conventions. (NEA)
Certains Etats ont introduit des regimes d'indemnisation au moyen de fonds publics dans le cas ou la reparation prevue dans la Convention de Paris et la Convention Complementaire de Bruxelles est insuffisante pour couvrir les dommages causes par un accident nucleaire. Sont decrits dans ce rapport les regimes existant aux Pays Bas, en Republique Federale d'Allemagne et en Suede, ainsi qu'en Suisse qui n'est pas partie a ces ConventionsPrimary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 457 p; ISBN 92-64-02665-7; ; 1985; p. 141-145; OECD; Paris (France); Symposium on nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects; Munich (Germany, F.R.); 10-14 Sep 1984
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Mueller, W.
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
[en] German insurers were quick to respond to the challenge inherent in the coverage of nuclear risks. By international co-operation, the German nuclear pool has been able to meet increasing demands to the present day and will continue to make its contribution in the future. One condition must still be satisfied on this subject: the stabilisation of the tried and tested liability and financial coverage system. (NEA)
Les assureurs allemands ont ete prompts a repondre au defi que representait la couverture des risques nucleaires. En s'appuyant sur la cooperation internationale, le Pool nucleaire allemand a ete capable de faire face jusqu'a present a l'augmentation des besoins et continuera a l'avenir d'apporter sa contribution. Une condition doit neanmoins etre satisfaite a ce sujet: la stabilisation d'un systeme de responsabilite et de couverture financiere qui a fait ses preuvesPrimary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 457 p; ISBN 92-64-02665-7; ; 1985; p. 166-171; OECD; Paris (France); Symposium on nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects; Munich (Germany, F.R.); 10-14 Sep 1984
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Uemura, E.
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
[en] Early dismantling and removal of decommissioned reactors is a basic policy of Japan's Atomic Energy Commission. With this policy in mind, the author reviews Japan's current nuclear safety regulations and Nuclear Damage Compensation Law as they relate to the potential decommissioning of nuclear reactors. A similar analysis is made of the Nuclear Damage Compensation Law with regard to its possible application to damage caused during the various phases of decommissioning. (NEA)
La politique reglementaire de la Commission japonaise de l'energie atomique prevoit que les reacteurs mis hors service devraient en principe etre declasses et demanteles sans attendre. Dans ce contexte, la presente communication analyse les dispositions des reglementations de surete nucleaire qui se rapportent aux declassements des reacteurs nucleaires. La legislation sur la reparation des dommages nucleaires est egalement etudiee dans l'optique de son application eventuelle a des dommages causes au cours des diverses phases du declassementPrimary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 457 p; ISBN 92-64-02665-7; ; 1985; p. 348-356; OECD; Paris (France); Symposium on nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects; Munich (Germany, F.R.); 10-14 Sep 1984
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[en] Environmental damage has reached catastrophic proportions, implying the death of hundreds of people or expenses of many hundreds of million dollars. The financial impact of this damage is however small at the level of the industrial sector concerned which could bear its costs. If States would take measures to redistribute such costs, they would avoid having to compensate victims of the gravest accidents. Special procedures were introduced for this purpose in certain industrial sectors. (NEA)
Les dommages a l'environnement ont atteint des dimensions catastrophiques, cause la mort de centaines de personnes et des depenses atteignant des centaines de millions de dollars. L'ampleur financiere de ces dommages est neanmoins tres faible au niveau des secteurs industriels concernes qui pourraient en assumer les couts. Si l'Etat prenait des mesures de repartition des couts des dommages, il eviterait de devoir lui-meme indemniser les victimes des accidents les plus graves. Des procedures particulieres ont ete prises pour certains secteurs industrielsOriginal Title
Indemnisation des dommages a l'environnement causes par les activites industrielles autres que nucleaires
Primary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 457 p; ISBN 92-64-02665-7; ; 1985; p. 64-96; OECD; Paris (France); Symposium on nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects; Munich (Germany, F.R.); 10-14 Sep 1984
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Kawamura, T.
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
[en] The issue of compensation for nuclear damage was first taken up by Japan in the late 1950's as a result of the requirement by foreign nuclear suppliers that liability exemptions be placed in treaties and agreements. The Japanese Atomic Energy Commission established a committee to research foreign nuclear damage compensation systems. The recommendations of this committee formed the basis of Japan's 1961 Law on nuclear damage compensation. The committee's recommendations, the basic provisions of the 1961 Law and its later revisions are set forth in this paper. A brief description of the Japan Atomic Energy Insurance Pool also is provided. (NEA)
La question de l'indemnisation des dommages nucleaires a ete abordee pour la premiere fois au Japon a la fin des annees 50 lorsque des fournisseurs etrangers ont demande a etre legalement exoneres de leur responsabilite en rapport avec leurs livraisons. La Commission japonaise de l'energie atomique a institue un comite charge d'etudier les regimes de reparation des dommages nucleaires. Cette derniere, ainsi que les recommandations du Comite sont analysees dans la presente communication. On y trouvera egalement une rapide description du Pool japonais d'assurance nucleairePrimary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 457 p; ISBN 92-64-02665-7; ; 1985; p. 206-210; OECD; Paris (France); Symposium on nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects; Munich (Germany, F.R.); 10-14 Sep 1984
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Saltzman, J.
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
[en] The 1957 Price-Anderson Act which encompasses nuclear liability legislation in the United States has been reviewed in each of the last two decades and is under consideration for extension or modification in the next few years. There are a number of principles underlying the legislation that have been explicitly laid down by Congress either in the legislation itself or in the legislative history. The principles upon which the original Act and its amendments were based are described. The recent proposals of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for modifying the Price-Anderson Act are explained and the principles used in support of and in opposition to these proposals are compared. (NEA)
La Loi Price-Anderson de 1957 qui constitue la legislation sur la responsabilite nucleaire aux Etats-Unis a ete revue deux fois au cours des vingt dernieres annees. On examine actuellement si cette loi doit etre prorogee ou modifiee au cours des annees qui viennent. Certains principes fondamentaux de la legislation ont ete clairement definis par le Congres, dans la legislation elle-meme ou dans l'historique de la legislation. Les principes sur lesquels la loi originale et ses modifications etaient fondees sont decrits dans la presente communication. Les propositions recentes de la Commission de la reglementation nucleaire des Etats-Unis (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission) pour modifier la Loi Price-Anderson sont expliquees. Les pincipes invoques a l'appui ou a l'encontre de ces propositions sont comparesPrimary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 457 p; ISBN 92-64-02665-7; ; 1985; p. 400-418; OECD; Paris (France); Symposium on nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects; Munich (Germany, F.R.); 10-14 Sep 1984
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Lagorce, M.
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
[en] This paper contains a brief review of the evolution of the Paris and Brussels Conventions from 1960 to 1980, an analysis of the articles of the Paris Convention, which, whether amended or not by the Protocol of 1982, drew the attention of the Group of Governmental Experts of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, at the time it was examined for its revision. Then the author makes a suggestion for a new world Convention intending to complete the Paris and Vienna Conventions lightened of their provisions relating to transports. A last chapter deals briefly with the Protocol to amend the Brussels Supplementary Convention. (NEA)
Cette communication contient un rapide historique de l'evolution des Conventions de Paris et de Bruxelles de 1960 a 1980 et une analyse des articles de la Convention de Paris qui, modifies ou non par le Protocole de 1982, ont retenu l'attention du Groupe des experts gouvernementaux de l'Agence pour l'Energie Nucleaire de l'OCDE, lors de son exercice de revision. L'auteur lance ensuite l'idee d'une nouvelle Convention mondiale venant completer les Conventions de Paris et de Vienne allegees de leurs dispositions ''transports''. Un dernier chapitre traite brievement du Protocole de modification de la Convention complementaire de BruxellesOriginal Title
Bilan et analyse critique de la Convention de Paris et de la Convention Complementaire de Bruxelles apres les Protocoles de 1982
Primary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 457 p; ISBN 92-64-02665-7; ; 1985; p. 24-42; OECD; Paris (France); Symposium on nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects; Munich (Germany, F.R.); 10-14 Sep 1984
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Schattke, H.
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
[en] The author proposes the creation of a system of distribution for limited indemnification amounts before the occurrence of a nuclear incident. The offered concept contains basic substantive procedural elements: two-thirds of the liability sum or coverage amount should be reserved for compensation of personal injuries. Damage claims of the nuclear economy would only be compensated with lower priority. The procedure for distribution should be concentrated on an official authority, commission or court. This authority should be allowed to issue a provisional prohibition of payment or stay of execution. At the same time, anticipated payments should be possible. (NEA)
L'auteur propose la creation d'un systeme de repartition des montants limites d'indemnisation avant que ne survienne un accident nucleaire. L'idee avancee repose sur des bases conceptuelles et comporte des elements de procedure: deux tiers du montant de responsabilite (ou de couverture financiere) devraient etre reserves a la reparation des dommages aux personnes. Les dommages aux biens relevant de l'economie nucleaire ne seraient indemnises qu'avec un ordre inferieur de priorite. La procedure de repartition devrait relever d'un organisme officiel, commission ou juridiction. Cette autorite serait habilitee a decreter une interdiction provisoire des paiements ou une suspension de leur execution. Cependant, des paiements anticipes devraient etre possiblesPrimary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 457 p; ISBN 92-64-02665-7; ; 1985; p. 97-140; OECD; Paris (France); Symposium on nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects; Munich (Germany, F.R.); 10-14 Sep 1984
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Herzog, R.
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
Nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects. Proceedings of the Munich symposium, 10th-14th September 19841985
[en] This paper addresses various aspects of the bases underlying the nuclear third party liability regime, and also analyses the distinction between danger and risk and the manner in which damage caused by flood, mass unemployment (economic damage mainly) and certain diseases is dealt with in the absence of liability provisions similar to those applicable to nuclear incidents. It also is suggested that the State because of its duty under the Basic Law to ensure adequate energy supplies, should be co-responsible for liability questions along with the nuclear operator. (NEA)
Cette communication decrit les divers aspects des bases du regime de responsabilite civile nucleaire; elle analyse egalement la distinction entre le danger et le risque et la maniere dont sont traites les dommages dus a certains types de calamites en l'absence de dispositions relatives a la responsabilite civile, par comparaison avec celles applicables aux accidents d'origine nucleaire. Il est propose d'autre part que l'Etat, en raison de son obligation en vertu de la Loi fondamentale d'assurer des fournitures d'energie satisfaisantes, partage la responsabilite civile de l'exploitant nucleairePrimary Subject
Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 457 p; ISBN 92-64-02665-7; ; 1985; p. 13-21; OECD; Paris (France); Symposium on nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects; Munich (Germany, F.R.); 10-14 Sep 1984
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[en] A symposium on Nuclear Third Party Liability and Insurance, organised by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency in 1984 reviewed the fundamental principles of the nuclear third party liability regime and discussed the relationship of the insurance market with the international Conventions in this field. It also examined the concept of nuclear damage and a number of new issues raised by technical developments such as long-term radioactive waste management and decommissioning of nuclear installations. These proceedings reproduce the papers presented, in English or French, as well as the ensuing discussions and panel discussions. (NEA)
Le Symposium sur la responsabilite civile nucleaire et l'assurance, organise en 1984 par l'Agence de l'OCDE pour l'Energie Nucleaire et l'Agence Internationale de l'Energie Atomique, a examine les principes de base du regime de responsabilite civile nucleaire et les relations du marche de l'assurance avec les Conventions internationales dans ce domaine. Le Symposium a egalement evalue la notion de dommage nucleaire et discute certains problemes souleves par le developpement des techniques tels que la gestion a long terme des dechets radioactifs et le declassement des installations nucleaires. Ce compte-rendu reproduit les communications presentees, en anglais ou en francais, ainsi que les discussions qu'elles ont suscite et les discussions des tables rondesOriginal Title
La responsabilite civile nucleaire et l'assurance. Bilan et perspectives. Compte rendu du symposium de Munich, 10-14 septembre 1984
Primary Subject
1985; 457 p; OECD; Paris (France); Symposium on nuclear third party liability and insurance - Status and prospects; Munich (Germany, F.R.); 10-14 Sep 1984; ISBN 92-64-02665-7; ; Available from OECD Publications Office, Paris, price 180 FF.
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