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Amiel, M.; Ducassou, D.; Frija, G.; Grenier, P.
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), 75 - Paris (France)1987
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), 75 - Paris (France)1987
[en] The following topics were investigated: image processing; contrast media radiopharmaceuticals; imaging and health policy; interventional imaging
On a presente les domaines suivants: analyse et traitement d'image; produits de contraste et traceurs; imagerie et sante publique; imagerie et therapeutiqueOriginal Title
Recherche en imagerie medicale
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1987; 243 p; INSERM; Paris (France); Conference on medical imaging research; Paris (France); 18-20 Mar 1987; Colloque INSERM v. 160.
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[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Le Gadolinium DTPA en imagerie par resonance magnetique
Primary Subject
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), 75 - Paris (France); 243 p; 1987; p. 59-60; INSERM; Paris (France); Conference on medical imaging research; Paris (France); 18-20 Mar 1987
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[en] The problem of displaying 3-D medical images based on computerized tomography (and on other digital tomographic radiological modalities) has been discussed. The theory that has been developed for this purpose concerns itself with the segmentation of 3D scenes, representations of such segmented scenes, display of objects in the 3D scenes (including projection onto a screen, hidden surface removal and visible surface rendering), and computer implementation. The methods have been implemented in easy-to-use software packages which produce useful displays of 3-D medical objects with acceptable efficiency and at practically no cost
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), 75 - Paris (France); 243 p; 1987; p. 15-24; INSERM; Paris (France); Conference on medical imaging research; Paris (France); 18-20 Mar 1987
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[en] The impact of new medical imaging technologies on radiographic contrast media (CM) has been redistribution rather than reduction in use. Development of the third generation of nonionic CM is thus justified. For low viscosity, nonionic monomers rather than dimers should be designed with the tolerance improved by a significant reduction of osmolality. This can be accomplished by synthesis of molecules containing a limited hydrophobic region to provide a binding area for formation of intermolecular aggregates in solution. The overall surface of the molecular aggregates must be highly hydrophilic and, therefore, the hydrophobic regions must be intramolecular and hydrophilically masked. The monomers must also conform to each other sterically, so that the aggregates expose outwardly only a highly hydrophilic surface
Primary Subject
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche medicale (INSERM), 75 - Paris (France); 243 p; 1987; p. 39-48; INSERM; Paris (France); Conference on medical imaging research; Paris (France); 18-20 Mar 1987
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[en] Radiological examinations are increasingly based on sequences of cross-sectional images. In current clinical applications, the three-dimensional (3D) relationships contained in these examinations must be inferred by the observer through analysis of multiple two-dimensional (2D) images. In this paper, methods for the direct display of 3D gray level data are investigated. In the chosen approach, the 3D presentation of bone and skin surface serves to orient the viewer, while planar reformation and/or transparent projections can be applied for the assessment of soft tissue structures in regions of interest. The resulting images represent the original image data in a way that is more suitable for observation of 3D relationships than the conventional cross-sectional viewing mode. This may facilitate the diagnostic process and enhance the interpretability of the images. Routine clinical application of this technique requires special computer hardware
Primary Subject
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), 75 - Paris (France); 243 p; 1987; p. 25-36; INSERM; Paris (France); Conference on medical imaging research; Paris (France); 18-20 Mar 1987
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[en] Mammographic screening provides a major advance in the combat against breast cancer. Technical research has resulted in high quality images and low radiation doses. Research screening programmes in the United States and Sweden have established that breast cancer mortality can be reduced. In order to exploit this development and provide reliable services which will benefit large numbers of women at a reasonable cost equal effort must now be directed into finding what kind of screening service is optimal from the point of view both of health and of economics. Monitoring, based on a population register should be an integral part of screening programmes and should be used to ensure not only that those with cancer are detected and treated early but also that all those screened are protected from the dangers of over-investigation and over-treatment
Primary Subject
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), 75 - Paris (France); 243 p; 1987; p. 127-136; INSERM; Paris (France); Conference on medical imaging research; Paris (France); 18-20 Mar 1987
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[en] The radiopharmaceutical therapy of cancer has an history going back nearly 50 years. Specific tumor uptake of the radiopharmaceutical is the major determinant of successful therapy. This may be achieved by exploiting the biological differences between tumor and host tissue. In systematically administered therapy (eg. the uptake and prolonged retention of 131-I by thyroid cancer or 131-I-metaiodobenzylquanidine by pheochromocytoma) or by limited access administration (eg. introduction of radiocolloids into serious spaces, the intra-arterial administration of radiolabelled microspheres or the intralymphatic administration of radiocolloids or radiolabelled antibodies). Future advances in radiopharmaceutical therapy will depend on further exploitation of tumor specific localization, improved choices of radionuclide labels and accurate dosimetry at both a macro and microdosimetry level
Primary Subject
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), 75 - Paris (France); 243 p; 1987; p. 163-172; INSERM; Paris (France); Conference on medical imaging research; Paris (France); 18-20 Mar 1987
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[en] Medical imaging is a source of data for clinical and epidemiological research just like any other factual information obtained during medical treatment. Medical imaging data, like any other information, are not really useful unless they are obtained in rigorously controlled and determined conditions, defined a priori in the research protocol. In order to be use as an epidemiologic tracer (that is, as a meaning of finding a given pathology in a given population and during a given time period), the imaging data have to be valid, reliable, and representative, of easy access and obtained at a low cost
L'imagerie medicale est une source de donnees pour la recherche clinique et epidemiologique au meme titre que toute source d'information issue des activites de soins. Comme les autres sources, elle n'est reellement utile a la recherche que dans certaines conditions rigoureuses, qui doivent etre parfaitement definies dans le protocole de recherche. Pour etre utilisee comme traceur epidemiologique, c'est-a-dire comme moyen de reperer les cas d'une pathologie donnee dans une population donnee, pendant une periode donnee, l'information issue de l'imagerie doit etre valide, fiable, representative, facile d'acces si possible a faible coutOriginal Title
L'utilisation de l'imagerie comme traceur d'une maladie
Primary Subject
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), 75 - Paris (France); 243 p; 1987; p. 117-126; INSERM; Paris (France); Conference on medical imaging research; Paris (France); 18-20 Mar 1987
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[en] This paper gives an overview on the existing systems for automated image analysis and interpretation in medical imaging, especially in radiology. The example of ORFEVRE, the system for the analysis of CAT-scan images of the cervical triplet (c3-c5) by image analysis and subsequent expert-system is given and discussed in detail. Possible extensions are described
Les auteurs presentent les principales caracteristiques du systeme Orfevre (Outil de Reconnaissances des Formes et d'Expertises sur les Vertebres pour le RadiologistE) concu pour le diagnostic du triplet cervical (vertebres C3, C4 et C5) et orientent leurs recherches vers l'analyse automatique de certaines donnees lorsque leur morphologie, leur densite etc... se pretent a la reconnaissance des formes, qu'elles soient normales ou pathologiques. Ils insistent sur l'importance du pre-traitement (binarisation, lissage) et sur la sectorisation de l'image qui leur parait indispensable pour maitriser les mecanismes de raisonnement. Ils exposent en detail leur conception actuelle des perturbations de la symetrieOriginal Title
Intelligence artificielle et imagerie medicale systemes experts et analyse d'images
Primary Subject
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), 75 - Paris (France); 243 p; 1987; p. 105-116; INSERM; Paris (France); Conference on medical imaging research; Paris (France); 18-20 Mar 1987
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[en] The accidents related to the general toxicity of the watersoluble iodinated contrast media are unfrequent. They still exist despite the availability of new kinds of low osmolar molecules. Their pathogenesis is not yet clearly defined. An anaphylactic mechanism cannot give a satisfying explanation because specific IgE have been exceptionally found in humans. Two theories are discussed. Lalli has made an emphasis on the role played by stress and anxiety. The other theory is based on the prominent role played by the lesion of the vascular endothelial cells then the activation of factor XII. A vicious circle is created by the liberation of pre- and neo-formated ligands, eventually after the activation of the complement system
Les accidents lies a la toxicite generale des produits de contraste iodes hydrosolubles sont rares mais restent preoccupants dans la mesure ou ils n'ont pas disparu malgre l'apparition d'une nouvelle generation de molecules de faible osmolalite. Leur pathogenie n'est pas claire. La theorie anaphylactique manque du support qu'aurait apporte la mise en evidence reguliere d'IgE specifique. Deux theories sont envisagees. La theorie de Lalli est celle du stress avec un role important joue par l'angoisse. La seconde theorie met en valeur le role predominant joue par la blessure de l'endothelium vasculaire et l'installation d'un cercle vicieux dont l'origine est l'activation du facteur XII et la liberation de mediateurs pre- et neo-formesOriginal Title
Toxicite generale des produits de contraste iodes hydrosolubles: hypotheses pathogeniques
Primary Subject
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), 75 - Paris (France); 243 p; 1987; p. 49-58; INSERM; Paris (France); Conference on medical imaging research; Paris (France); 18-20 Mar 1987
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