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[en] A survey has been made of the literature from CMEA countries relating to WWER accident analysis. Key institutions and computer codes are identified and a discussion of accident types given. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); Proceedings series; 505 p; ISBN 92-0-020188-1; ; 1988; v. 1 p. 237-243; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on severe accidents in nuclear power plants; Sorrento (Italy); 21-25 Mar 1988; IAEA-SM--296/115
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[en] The paper reviews the regulatory position in the UK associated with severe accidents and discusses the developments arising from the scrutiny provided at the Sizewell 'B' Public Inquiry. The UK attitude to severe accident research is summarized and illustrated by examples of general applicability. (author). 8 refs
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); Proceedings series; 505 p; ISBN 92-0-020188-1; ; 1988; v. 1 p. 169-180; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on severe accidents in nuclear power plants; Sorrento (Italy); 21-25 Mar 1988; IAEA-SM--296/I13
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[en] The paper gives an overview of the Hungarian position on energy policy and practice related to severe accident management. Some changes due to the TMI and Chernobyl accidents have been implemented towards both the additional application of the probabilistic approach for safety evaluation and improvement of operator performance by development of a number of operator support systems. Probabilistic safety assessment and severe accident analysis activities have been strongly related to international co-operation within the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA). (author). 7 refs, 1 fig., 3 tabs
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); Proceedings series; 505 p; ISBN 92-0-020188-1; ; 1988; v. 1 p. 181-191; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on severe accidents in nuclear power plants; Sorrento (Italy); 21-25 Mar 1988; IAEA-SM--296/I14
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[en] A model for the deposition of airborne fission products, taken from the CORRAL code, as implemented in the MARCH-3 code. The modified version was tested against the results of a mechanistic aerosol code (NAUA). The modified version was used to evaluate the effect of different decay heat distributions among pool, atmosphere and heat sinks on the history of pressure and temperature inside a typical large dry containment for a PWR plant. The importance of the primary system retention factor was also investigated. (author). Poster presentation. 4 refs, 8 figs, 1 tab
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); Proceedings series; 505 p; ISBN 92-0-020188-1; ; 1988; v. 1 p. 381-393; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on severe accidents in nuclear power plants; Sorrento (Italy); 21-25 Mar 1988; IAEA-SM--296/57P
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[en] The paper shows the importance of the auxiliary supply systems of the safety systems for the performance of the safety functions assigned to these systems in the event of an accident. The importance is highlighted by the probabilistic safety assessment of a serious accident such as a large loss of coolant with particular reference to the emergency cooling system. (author). Poster presentation. 6 refs, 2 figs
Original Title
Falla de la refrigeracion de emergencia en un accidente grave de perdida de refrigerante
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); Proceedings series; 505 p; ISBN 92-0-020188-1; ; 1988; v. 1 p. 429-436; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on severe accidents in nuclear power plants; Sorrento (Italy); 21-25 Mar 1988; IAEA-SM--296/107P
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[en] An assessment is given of the ''Basic Safety Principles for Nuclear Power Plants'' developed by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group (INSAG, a group established by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency) as an important contribution to increasing the safety of nuclear power plants and improving regulatory practices. Particular attention is given to the further development of the principle of defence-in-depth and the double role of the operator. The paper presents the approach adopted in the Soviet Union to implementing the main principles of the INSAG document in regulatory practice. (author). 1 ref
Original Title
''Ocnovnye printsipy bezopasnosti' i normativnoe regulirovanie v SSSR
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); Proceedings series; 505 p; ISBN 92-0-020188-1; ; 1988; v. 1 p. 193-196; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on severe accidents in nuclear power plants; Sorrento (Italy); 21-25 Mar 1988; IAEA-SM--296/I15
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[en] The paper reports the results of dynamic calculations of the behaviour of the PEC reactor under severe accidents. Five categories have been considered: loss of off-site power; reactivity insertion; external accidents; impairment of the primary loops; and impairment of the secondary loops. The results of the above mentioned analysis underline that in all cases: extensive fuel damage and phenomena that could trigger a global core accident (core disassembly, sodium-fuel interaction, nuclear excursion) are excluded; and the relative slowness of the transient gives the operator time to take countermeasures. (author). Poster presentation. 4 refs, 6 figs
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); Proceedings series; 505 p; ISBN 92-0-020188-1; ; 1988; v. 1 p. 469-479; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on severe accidents in nuclear power plants; Sorrento (Italy); 21-25 Mar 1988; IAEA-SM--296/37P
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[en] Several transients induced by total loss of feedwater combined with ECCS and/or other system failures are investigated for a 300 MW(e) PWR power plant. Sensitivity calculations are performed to study the effects of the plant specific features on the transient progression. Special attention is paid to the single operator intervention to establish a feed/bleed or bleed/feed process in the reactor coolant system or to recover auxiliary feedwater to the steam generator for preventing serious damage to the core. (author). 5 refs, 4 figs, 2 tabs
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); Proceedings series; 505 p; ISBN 92-0-020188-1; ; 1988; v. 1 p. 263-272; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on severe accidents in nuclear power plants; Sorrento (Italy); 21-25 Mar 1988; IAEA-SM--296/6
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[en] In the paper some calculation results with reference to interrelated effects and to intercompartmental connections in a large dry containment are described. The study was directed to a station blackout sequence (TMLB) in the Zion nuclear power plant using the integrated CONTAIN code, version 1.06. Also discussed are the relationships among the calculated quantities such as pressure, local gas generation and aerosol mass suspension, plating and settling with reference to the containment nodalization adopted by the authors. (author). Poster presentation. 6 refs, 10 figs, 2 tabs
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); Proceedings series; 505 p; ISBN 92-0-020188-1; ; 1988; v. 1 p. 343-358; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on severe accidents in nuclear power plants; Sorrento (Italy); 21-25 Mar 1988; IAEA-SM--296/47P
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[en] In the paper, attention is devoted to failures of the high pressure injection system, which is the most important for prevention of severe core damage in the event of small break LOCAs in a WWER 440 reactor. Initiating small breaks in the primary system boundary with an equivalent diameter from 13 to 107 mm were analysed by means of the SLAP code. The aim was to evaluate time margins for the actions necessary to prevent substantial core uncovery and fuel melting as well as to verify the capability of the high pressure injection system. Results of the steady state and transient analysis are presented and discussed. (author). 3 refs, 7 figs
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Nuclear Energy Agency, 75 - Paris (France); Proceedings series; 505 p; ISBN 92-0-020188-1; ; 1988; v. 1 p. 331-342; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on severe accidents in nuclear power plants; Sorrento (Italy); 21-25 Mar 1988; IAEA-SM--296/109
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