[en] In this article a survey is presented of the actual knowledge about the effects of irradiation of embryos and fetuses.; figs.; tabs. (H.W.). 15 refs
Original Title
Effecten van prenatale bestraling
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Passchier, W.F. (ed.) (Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands)); Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands); 105 p; 1 Aug 1988; p. 41-52; Available from library KNAW, P.O. Box 41950, 1009 DD Amsterdam, Netherlands
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[en] The effective dose equivalent is a quantity which is used in the daily practice of radiation protection as well as in the radiation hygienic rules as measure for the health risks. In this contribution it is worked out upon which assumptions this quantity is based and in which cases the effective dose equivalent can be used more or less well. (H.W.)
Original Title
Effectief dosisequivalent
Primary Subject
Passchier, W.F. (ed.) (Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands)); Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands); 105 p; 1 Aug 1988; p. 13-26; Available from library KNAW, P.O. Box 41950, 1009 DD Amsterdam, Netherlands
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[en] This article discuss the occurrence of mutations in germ cells by ionizing radiation. (H.W.). 11 refs.; 2 tabs
Original Title
Genetische effecten van blootstelling aan ioniserende straling
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Passchier, W.F. (ed.) (Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands)); Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands); 105 p; 1 Aug 1988; p. 53-68; Available from library KNAW, P.O. Box 41950, 1009 DD Amsterdam, Netherlands
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[en] In this article some of the radiobiological studies with laboratory animals are described which have been performed in the Dutch Radiobiological Institute TNO. These studies found their origin in questions with regard to the public health. It is concluded that the risk factors for the origin of tumours in man caused by exposure of ionizing radiation, which are generally accepted, is confirmed by these studies. (H.W.). 21 refs.; 7 figs.; 2 tabs
Original Title
Het optreden van tumoren bij proefdieren na blootstelling aan ioniserende straling
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Passchier, W.F. (ed.) (Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands)); Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands); 105 p; 1 Aug 1988; p. 69-88; Available from library KNAW, P.O. Box 41950, 1009 DD Amsterdam, Netherlands
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[en] Radiation effects like cancer are denoted as casualties. Other radiation effects occur almost in everyone when the radiation dose is sufficiently high. One then speaks of radiation effects with a threshold dose. In this article the author puts his doubt about this classification of radiation effects. He argues that some effects of exposure to radiation do not fit in this classification. (H.W.). 19 refs.; 2 figs.; 1 tab
Original Title
Toevalstreffers en drempeleffecten
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Passchier, W.F. (ed.) (Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands)); Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands); 105 p; 1 Aug 1988; p. 27-40; Available from library KNAW, P.O. Box 41950, 1009 DD Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Passchier, W.F.
Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands)1988
Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands)1988
[en] This report is part two from the series 'Future explorations' of the Dutch Counsil for Public Health. It contains contributions on biological effects of radiation in which information is presented on research into the occurrence of cancer in patients treated with radiotherapy and irradiated laboratory animals, on the effects of prenatal irradiation, and on the possibile, only in laboratory-animal research demonstrated, effects of irradiation in offspring of irradiated parents. In other contributions, which put the 'link' between the radiology and the practical radiation hygienics, it appears that the increased scientific knowledge does not make it easier to design radiation-hygienic standards and rules. (H.W.). refs.; figs.; tabs
Original Title
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Secondary Subject
1 Aug 1988; 105 p; Available from library KNAW, P.O. Box 41950, 1009 DD Amsterdam, Netherlands
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[en] In this article the chance for a new tumour after a succesful treatment of breast cancer is worked out. The chance of a second tumour for treated women turns out to be three times as large as the change which an arbitrary group of contemporaries has of cancer. These (second) tumours mostly occur in the other breast. It is not quite clear in how far treatment with ionizing radiation can influence the origin of new tumours. The chance for re-occurring of breast cancer appears to be somewhat higher for women who underwent radiotherapy than for woman who were treated otherwise. Also leukemia occurred more often in women treated with than without ionnizing radiation; however, absolutely seen it does concern very small numbers. The importance of a good registration of cancer and the way of treatment of cancer are illustrated. Epidemiologic research as described may contribute in finding the most effective treatment with the least side effects. (H.W.). 15 refs.; 3 figs.; 3 tabs
Original Title
Kans op nieuwe tumoren na behandeling van borstkanker bij vrouwen
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Passchier, W.F. (ed.) (Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands)); Gezondheidsraad, The Hague (Netherlands); 105 p; 1 Aug 1988; p. 89-105; Available from library KNAW, P.O. Box 41950, 1009 DD Amsterdam, Netherlands
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