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Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
[en] This chapter, the reader will introduce with basic knowledge on radiography exposure. All the code and standard must give a specification on density or their range that can accepted. So the result outside the specification usually will be unacceptable and this can effected the time, cost and energy of the radiographer. So, for radiographer, they must work carefully to produce a good result and one way to solve this problem is through good exposure. The more the exposure can make a film darker while the less exposure can make the radiograph not enough density. So, through this chapter, the reader can know detailed how to manage this problem. As mention earlier, this technique is a combination between theories and practical, so, here theory is a main part to make the practical successful.
Original Title
Dedahan radiografi
Primary Subject
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (MY), Industrial Technology Div.); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 398 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-37-1; ; 2008; p. 183-210; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; 8 tabs. 12 figs.This record replaces 42014605
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Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
[en] After digestion, the interpreter must interpreted and evaluate the image on film, usually many radiograph stuck in this step, if there is good density, so there are no problem. This is a final stage of radiography work and this work must be done by level two or three radiographer. This is a final stages before the radiographer give a result to their customer for further action. The good interpreter must know what kind of artifact, is this artifact are dangerous or not and others. In this chapter, the entire artifact that usually showed will be discussed briefly with the good illustration and picture to make the reader understand and know the type of artifact that exists.
Original Title
Interpretasi dan penilaian radiograf
Primary Subject
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (MY), Industrial Technology Div.); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 398 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-37-1; ; 2008; p. 297-318; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; 20 figs.This record replaces 42014610
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Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
[en] If one object placed in the field under the sun, we can see the shadow of that object in two dimensional where that object was placed. Nevertheless, the sun cannot penetrate deeply so that it will produce the shadow with same object. This principal also same as radiography, however, with ionizing radiation, it can penetrate through the object so that the image that produced not only the shadow of the object but also what are inside the object. So this can give advantages for the radiographer to make inspection what are inside this object. The images that produce depend with the shape, density, thickness and distance between the object, film and source. The reader also will introduce with some term such as Distance source to film, distance source to object, and distance object to film also some basic on DIN standard and API 1104 Standard.
Original Title
Prinsip geometri radiografi
Primary Subject
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (MY), Industrial Technology Div.); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 398 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-37-1; ; 2008; p. 47-56; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; 11 figs. 1 tab. This record replaces 42014600
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Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
[en] For this chapter, reader will be served with the basic knowledge on metallurgy for nondestructive testing. One the main application of nondestructive testing is to detect discontinuity of mass defect in metal. As we already know, metal are widely used in many application such as in building as a system, component and engineering product. Steel and iron are metal that usually used in industry, especially heavy industry such as gas and petroleum industry, chemistry, electric generation, automobile, and military device. Based on this, basic knowledge on metallurgy must need by NDT practitioner. The combination between metallurgy and datas from radiography testing can make radiographer good interpretation on quality of the metal inspected and can used to make a good decision either to accept or not certain product, system or components.
Original Title
Metalurgi asas untuk ujian tanpa musnah
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Secondary Subject
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (MY), Industrial Technology Div.); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 398 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-37-1; ; 2008; p. 319-342; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; 30 figs.This record replaces 42014611
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
[en] Radiography also same as the other technique, it need standard. This standard was used widely and method of used it also regular. With that, radiography testing only practical based on regulations as mentioned and documented. These regulation or guideline documented in code, standard and specifications. In Malaysia, level one and basic radiographer can do radiography work based on instruction give by level two or three radiographer. This instruction was produced based on guideline that mention in document. Level two must follow the specifications mentioned in standard when write the instruction. From this scenario, it makes clearly that this radiography work is a type of work that everything must follow the rule. For the code, the radiography follow the code of American Society for Mechanical Engineer (ASME) and the only code that have in Malaysia for this time is rule that published by Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) known as Practical code for radiation Protection in Industrial radiography. With the existence of this code, all the radiography must follow the rule or standard regulated automatically.
Original Title
Kod, piawaian dan spesifikasi
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Secondary Subject
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (MY), Industrial Technology Div.); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 398 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-37-1; ; 2008; p. 251-264; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; This record replaces 42014607
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
[en] After we know where the radiographic come from, then we must know about the film and also dark room. So, this chapter 5 discusses the two main components for radiography work that is film and dark room, places to process the film. Film are structured with three structured that are basic structured, emulsion and protection structured. So, this film can be classified either with their speed, screen and standard that used. The process to wash the film must be done in dark room otherwise the radiographer cannot get what are they inspected. The processing of film will be discussed briefly in next chapter.
Original Title
Filem dan bilik gelap
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (MY), Industrial Technology Div.); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 398 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-37-1; ; 2008; p. 101-124; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; 16 figs. 8 tabs. This record replaces 42014602
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
[en] This chapter was a continuation to chapter before. In this chapter, the radiographer must know a little bit technique that to make this radiography work successful. All of this technique was produced to give a guideline to radiographer how to produce good radiograph. In radiography, technique is more on one specific way to implement the exposure on the some object. So, there is two way, one to refer to the characteristic of radiation used during exposure either it panoramic or directed. The other way is based on number of thickness that radiation gets through it from the source to the object inspected. So, it depends to radiographer to choose the best way based on expertise, time and location of the inspection.
Original Title
Teknik dedahan radiografi
Primary Subject
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (MY), Industrial Technology Div.); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 398 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-37-1; ; 2008; p. 211-250; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; 36 figs.This record replaces 42014606
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
[en] The processing was made not only to show what are in the film but also to produce radiograph with high quality where the information gathered really presented level of the quality of the object inspected. Besides that, good procedure will make the film with good quality can keep the film in long time for reference. Here, more detailed on how the dark room functioned and its design. So, the good procedure while processed the film will be discussed detailed in this chapter from entering the dark room to exit from there.
Original Title
Pemprosesan filem
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (MY), Industrial Technology Div.); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 398 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-37-1; ; 2008; p. 125-144; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; 3 tabs. 4 figs. This record replaces 42014603
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
[en] Beside radiography testing using x-ray machine and gamma source, there are several technique that developed specifically to complete the testing that cannot be done with the two earlier. This technique was specific based on several factor, for the example, the advantages of neutron and electron using to show the image was unique compare to x-ray and gamma. Besides that, these special radiography techniques maybe differ in how to detect the radiation get through the object. These technique can used to inspect thin or specimen that contained radioactive material. There are several technique will discussed in this chapter such as neutron radiography, electron radiography, fluoroscopy and also autoradiography.
Original Title
Teknik radiografi khas
Primary Subject
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (MY), Industrial Technology Div.); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 398 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-37-1; ; 2008; p. 265-284; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; 14 figs.This record replaces 42014608
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Industrial Radiography: Principle and Practical2008
[en] For the final chapter of this book, there is basic introduction on welding process. The good radiography must know somehow on welding process so that they can know what kind of welding that must rejected or not. All of the exposure technique that mention in earlier chapter almost applicable in this field because welding process is critical problem if there is no inspection will be done. So, for this chapter, all the discontinuity that usually appeared will be discussed and there is another discontinuity maybe not to important and do not give big impact if found it, do not described here. On top of that, the decision to accept or reject based on code, standard and specification that agreed by both to make sure that decision that agreed is corrected and more meaningful.
Original Title
Proses kimpalan
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Abdul Nassir Ibrahim; Azali Muhammad; Ab. Razak Hamzah; Abd. Aziz Mohamed; Mohamad Pauzi Ismail (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (MY), Industrial Technology Div.); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 398 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-37-1; ; 2008; p. 343-368; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; 20 figs. 1 tabs.This record replaces 42014612
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