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Bergheim, K.; Skarsvag, K.
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
[en] A gas-scintillation counter is developed. The gas is a 10% xenon and 90% helium mixture and is streaming through. The counter is used for discrimination between the heavy and the light fission fragment. (author)
Les auteurs ont mis au point un compteur a scintillation a gaz. Le gaz est un melange de 10% de xenon et de 90% d'helium et passe a travers le systeme. Ils utilisent ce compteur pour faire la discrimination entre les fragments de fission lourds et les fragments de fission legers. (author)[es]
Los autores han perfeccionado un contador de centelleo de gas. Este gas fluye a traves del aparato y consiste en una mezcla de 10 por ciento de xenon y 90 por ciento de helio. El contador se emplea para discriminar entre fragmentos de fision ligeros y pesados. (author)[ru]
Razrabotan gazovyj stsintillyatsionnyj schetchik. Gaz sostoit na 10 protsentov iz ksenona i na 90 protsentov iz smesi geliya i propuskaetsya cherez ehtot schetchik. Schetchik ispol'zuetsya dlya razlicheniya tyazhelykh i legkikh oskolkov deleniya. (author)Original Title
Un compteur a scintillation, a l'helium et au xenon; Gazovyj (ksenon-gelij) stsintillyatsionnyj schetchik; Contador de centelleo de gas xenon-helio
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 611 p; Apr 1962; p. 111-114; Conference on Nuclear Electronics; Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Serbia); 15-20 May 1961; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 3 figs, 13 refs
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Buffington, A.; Frisch, D.H.; Hill, D.A.; Wahlig, M.
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
[en] A parallel-plate spark counter consisting of an eight-gap array of coaxial cylinders surrounding a two-liter liquid hydrogen target is nearing completion. An optical system with some unusual features has been devised to permit a direct measurement of particle trajectories in cylindrical coordinates. The essential design features and test results are given. (author)
Les auteurs sont sur le point de terminer la construction d'un compteur a etincelles a plaques paralleles, qui se compose d'un ensemble de cylindres coaxiaux a huit intervalles entourant une cible composee de deux litres d'hydrogene liquide. Ils ont mis au point un appareil optique, comportant certains dispositifs tout a fait speciaux, qui permet de mesurer directement les trajectoires des particules en coordonnees cylindriques. Le memoire indique les principales caracteristiques de l'appareillage et donne les resultats des essais. (author)[es]
Se esta terminando de construir un contador de chispa de placas paralelas; consiste en ocho cilindros coaxiales que rodean a un blanco de dos litros de hidrogeno liquido. Se ha ideado un sistema optico con ciertas caracteristicas poco comunes que permitira medir directamente trayectorias de particulas en sistemas de coordenadas cilindricas. Los autores expondran los detalles fundamentales del diseno y los resultados de los ensayos del instrumento. (author)[ru]
Zavershaetsya sozdanie iskrovogo schetchika s parallel'nymi plastinami, sostoyashchego iz vos'mizazornoj sistemy koaksial'nykh tsilindrov, okruzhayushchikh mishen' iz zhidkogo vodoroda obemom v 2 litra. Byla izobretena opticheskaya sistema s nekotorymi neobychnymi detalyami dlya neposredstvennogo izmereniya traektorij chastits v tsilindricheskikh koordinatakh. BUDUT predstavleny sushchestvennye osobennosti proekta i rezul'taty ispytanij. (author)Original Title
Compteur cylindrique a etincelles; Tsilindricheskij iskrovoj schetchik; Contador cilindrico de chispa
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 611 p; Apr 1962; p. 261; Conference on Nuclear Electronics; Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Serbia); 15-20 May 1961; ISSN 0074-1884;
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Lalovic, B.; Ajdacic, V.
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
[en] Semi-conductor counters for the detection of fast and slow neutrons and their use for measuring neutron-flux distribution in the RA reactor in Vinca are described. (author)
Description de compteurs a semi-conducteurs pour detecter les neutrons rapides et les neutrons lents et de leur utilisation pour mesurer la distribution du flux des neutrons dans le reacteur RA a Vinca. (author)[es]
Se describen contadores a base de semiconductores destinados a detectar neutrones lentos y rapidos y se explica la forma de utilizarlos en la medicion de la distribucion del flujo neutronico en el Reactor RA de Vinca. (author)[ru]
Opisyvayutsya poluprovodnikovye schetchiki dlya obnaruzheniya bystrykh i medlennykh nejtronov i ispol'zovanie ehtikh schetchikov dlya izmereniya raspredeleniya nejtronnogo potoka v reaktore tipa RA v Vinche. (author)Original Title
Utilisation des semi-conducteurs pour mesurer la distribution du flux des neutrons dans les reacteurs; Ispol'zovanie poluprovodnikovykh schetchikov dlya izmereniya raspredeleniya nejtronnykh potokov v reaktore; Uso de contadores a base de semiconductores para medir la distribucion del flujo neutronico en los reactores
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 611 p; Apr 1962; p. 543-549; Conference on Nuclear Electronics; Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Serbia); 15-20 May 1961; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 5 figs, 5 refs
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Griffiths, R.J.; Batty, C.J.; Gibbons, P.E.; Northrop, D.C.
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
[en] A solid-state ionization chamber has been made by diffusing phosphorus into high-resistivity silicon to form ohmic contacts. Such a detector has been successfully used to detect 30-MeV protons. Preliminary results are given and discussed. (author)
Une chambre d'ionisation a milieu solide a ete realisee par diffusion de phosphore dans du silicium de haute resistivite pour former des contacts ohmiques. Un detecteur de cette nature a ete utilise avec succes pour detecter des protons de 30 MeV. Les auteurs presentent les resultats preliminaires obtenus. (author)[es]
Se ha construido una camara de ionizacion en estado solido, por difusion de fosforo en silicio de elevada resistividad para formar contactos ohmicos. Con esta camara se han logrado detectar protones de 30 MeV. Los autores presentan y examinan los resultados preliminares obtenidos. (author)[ru]
Tverdaya ionizatsionnaya kamera izgotovlena putem vklyucheniya fosfora v kremnij s vysokoj udel'noj soprotivlyaemost'yu dlya obrazovaniya omicheskikh kontaktov. Takoj detektor uspeshno primenyaetsya dlya obnaruzheniya protonov v 30 mehv. Predstavleny i obsuzhdayutsya predvaritel'nye rezul'taty. (author)Original Title
Experiences preliminaires au moyen d'une chambre d'ionisation a milieu solide; Predvaritel'nye opyty s tverdoj ionizatsionnoj kameroj; Experimentos preliminares con una camara de ionizacion en estado solido
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 611 p; Apr 1962; p. 497-500; Conference on Nuclear Electronics; Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Serbia); 15-20 May 1961; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 3 figs, 1 tab
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Kirpichnikov, I.V.
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
[en] A slow neutron scintillation counter is described; the detector consists of a mixture of dihydrodecaborane with zinc sulphide. The recording efficiency for neutrons is 10% at a neutron energy of 1 eV and about 1.5 to 2% at an energy of 50 eV. The counter is almost completely insensitive to gamma radiation. (author)
L'auteur decrit un compteur a scintillations pour neutrons lents; comme scintillateur, il utilise un melange de dihydrodecaborane et de sulfure de zinc. Le taux d'enregistrement est de 10% pour une energie neutronique de 1 eV et d'environ 1,5 a 2% lorsque cette energie est de 50 eV. Le compteur est pratiquement insensible aux rayons gamma. (author)[es]
En esta memoria se describe un contador de centelleo para neutrones termicos; el detector consiste en una mezcla de dihidrodecaborano con sulfuro de zinc. La eficiencia de registro es de 10 por ciento para neutrones de 1 eV, y de 1,5 a 2 por ciento para neutrones de 50 eV. El contador es practicamente insensible a los rayos γ. (author)[ru]
Opisyvaetsya stsintillyatsionnyj schetchik medlennykh nejtronov; detektorom sluzhit smes' digidrodekaborana s sernistym tsinkom. EHffektivnost' registratsii nejtronov sostavlyaet 10% pri ehnergii nejtronov 1 eV i okolo 1,5-2% pri ehnergii 50 eV. Schetchik prakticheski polnost'yu nechuvstvitelen k γ-lucham. (author)Original Title
Compteur a scintillations pour neutrons lents, insensible aux rayons gamma; Stsintillyatsionnyj schetchik medlennykh nejtronov, nechuvstvitel'nyj k γ-izlucheniyu; Contador de centelleo para neutrones termicos insensible a las radiaciones gamma
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 611 p; Apr 1962; p. 139-141; Conference on Nuclear Electronics; Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Serbia); 15-20 May 1961; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 4 figs, 3 refs
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[en] Nuclear instruments are used in almost every phase of atomic energy work, from assessing health hazards and prospecting for nuclear materials to plant control and nuclear physics experiments. The demands on nucleonic instrumentation are growing steadily. High-energy particle physics need such instruments for measuring extremely short times; in various research experiments most advanced electronic systems are required; and routine applications of radioisotopes call for more reliable instruments for automated counting facilities. In order to give designers and users of nuclear instrumentation an opportunity to discuss the research results and to exchange information on recent developments and new designs, the International Atomic Energy Agency, in co-operation with the Federal Nuclear Energy Commission of Yugoslavia, organized a Conference on Nuclear Electronics which was held in Belgrade from 15-20 May 1961. It was attended by more than 300 scientists from nearly 30 countries and five international organizations. Over 150 papers were read and discussed. As the field of nuclear electronics has expanded considerably, it was impossible to discuss all aspects of nuclear electronics in one series of meetings. Included in the main topics were radiation detectors, electronic circuitry in conventional and fast-pulse techniques and advanced electronic systems used in nuclear research. The Proceedings presented in these volumes contain the full records of the Conference, including discussions. The present state of technique, together with current trends and developments, are outlined. Of particular value should be the world-wide survey on progress recently made in such fields as those connected with semiconductor detectors, spark counters, luminescence chambers and fast electronic facilities for nuclear physics research. Together with the Proceedings of the Symposium on the same subject held in Paris and also published by the International Atomic Energy Agency, these volumes offer reference materials very useful to scientists and engineers directly engaged in the development and design of nuclear electronic instruments, as well as to all those who use these instruments in their research and routine work-in developed as well as developing countries.
Primary Subject
Proceedings Series; Apr 1962; 611 p; Brueder Rosenbaum; Vienna (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)); Conference on Nuclear Electronics; Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Serbia); 15-20 May 1961; STI/PUB--42(VOL.1); ISSN 0074-1884; ; In three volumes; Refs, figs, tabs
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Mikhajlov, V.A.; Roinishvili, V.N.; Chikovani, G.E.
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
[en] The authors present a new type of detector-''a spark chamber'', which is similar, in its principle of operation, to the spark counter. Unlike the latter, the spark chamber has a pulse-feed. The detector is simple in design and easy to operate ; it can be used for following particle trajectories ;- it possesses high time and space resolution; finally, it can be made to large dimensions. (author)
Les auteurs proposent un nouveau type de detecteur appele < chambre a etincelles> qui fonctionne selon un principe semblable a celui du compteur a etincelles. Contrairement a ce dernier, la chambre a etincelles est alimentee par impulsions. Elle est d'une construction simple, facile a employer, permet de suivre la trajectoire d'une particule et dispose d'un pouvoir de resolution eleve dans le temps et dans l'espace; en outre, on peut construire des chambres de grandes dimensions. (author)[es]
Los autores describen un nuevo tipo de detector: una < camara de chispa> cuyo principio de funcionamiento es analogo al del contador de chispa. A diferencia de este ultimo, la camara de chispa se alimenta por impulsos. Este detector, de construccion sencilla y manejo comodo, puede utilizarse para seguir las trayectorias de las particulas y tiene un alto poder de resolucion en el tiempo y en el espacio. Es posible construir modelos de grandes dimensiones. (author)[ru]
Avtorami nastoyashchej raboty predlozhen novyj tip detektora - ''iskrovaya kamera'', skhodnyj po printsipu dejstviya s iskrovym schetchikom. V otlichie ot poslednego iskrovaya kamera pitaetsya impul'sno. Detektor prost po konstruktsii, udoben v ehkspluatatsii, daet vozmozhnost' sledit' za traektoriej chastitsy i obladaet vysokim vremennym i prostranstvennym razresheniem, pri ehtom on mozhet byt' sdelan bol'shikh razmerov. (author)Original Title
Chambre reglable a etincelles pour observer les traces de particules chargees; Upravlyaemaya iskrovaya kamera - pribor dlya nablyudeniya sledov zaryazhennykh chastits; Camara de chispa regulable para observar las trazas de particulas cargadas
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 611 p; Apr 1962; p. 353-359; Conference on Nuclear Electronics; Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Serbia); 15-20 May 1961; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 6 figs, 5 refs
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Bally, D.; Tarina, E.
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
[en] A spark counter for neutronographic purposes has been constructed. It is known that a spark counter with a suitable distribution of anodes and cathodes may be used to obtain diffraction patterns. The high resolution and the possibility of measuring the intensity of diffraction peaks are made possible by means of a new, improved counting device. Two moving electrodes of this counter explore a large area in order to obtain the diffraction patterns which are recorded mechanically. (author)
Les auteurs ont construit un compteur a etincelles destine aux recherches neutronographiques. On sait qu'un compteur a etincelles dans lequel les anodes et les cathodes sont convenablement reparties peut servir a obtenir des diagrammes de diffraction des neutrons. Un dispositif de comptage perfectionne donne un pouvoir de resolution eleve et permet de mesurer l'intensite des cretes de diffraction. Deux electrodes mobiles explorent une zone etendue et permettent de determiner les diagrammes de diffraction, lesquels sont enregistres par des procedes mecaniques. (author)[es]
Los autores han construido un contador de chispa para realizar estudios neutronograficos. Como es sabido, un contador de chispas cuyos anodos y catodos esten distribuidos de manera adecuada puede servir para obtener imagenes de difraccion. Un dispositivo nuevo de contaje permite alcanzar un alto grado de resolucion y medir la intensidad de los maximos de difraccion. Dos electrodos moviles del contador exploran un area muy extensa para obtener las imagenes de difraccion, que son registradas mecanicamente. (author)[ru]
Byl postroen iskrovoj schetchik dlya nejtronograficheskikh tselej. Izvestno, chto iskrovoj schetchik s sootvetstvuyushchim raspredeleniem anodov i katodov mozhet byt' ispol'zovan dlya polucheniya diffraktsionnykh risunkov. Novoe usovershenstvovannoe schetnoe ustrojstvo pozvolyaet dostigat' vysokoj razreshayushchej sposobnosti i daet vozmozhnost' izmeryat' intensivnost' diffraktsionnykh pikov. Dva podvizhnykh ehlektroda ehtogo schetchika obsleduyut bol'shuyu ploshchad' dlya polucheniya mekhanicheski registriruemykh diffraktsionnykh risunkov. (author)Original Title
Compteur a etincelles pour les recherches neutronographiques; Iskrovoj schetchik dlya nejtronograficheskikh issledovanij; Contadores de chispas para investigaciones neutronograficas
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 611 p; Apr 1962; p. 321-325; Conference on Nuclear Electronics; Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Serbia); 15-20 May 1961; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 3 figs, 1 ref
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[en] Butslov et al. (Proceedings of IV Congress on High-Speed Photography, Cologne, 1958) have published an account of their work on an Image Intensifier Chronograph useful in connection with spark counters. Comments are made on extensions of this technique with respect to different kinds of output, deflection and shuttering. In particular some of the problems connected with multi-stage intensifiers will be considered. As a result of some experience in experiments of this type an attempt has been made to make small-diameter fibre scintillators for both detectors and output screens. (author)
Butslov et al. (Actes du quatrieme congres sur la photographie ultrarapide, Cologne, 1958) ont publie un compte rendu de leurs travaux de mise au point d'un chronographe renforcateur d'images jouant un role utile dans les compteurs a etincelles. Des observations sont faites sur les applications de cette technique aux differents types de sortie, de deflexion et d'obturation. On etudie notamment certains des problemes relatifs aux renforcateurs a plusieurs etages. Grace a l'experience que les recherches dans ce domaine ont permis d'acquerir, on a essaye de realiser des scintillateurs a fibre, de petit diametre, a la fois pour des detecteurs et pour des ecrans de sortie. (author)[es]
Butslov y otros (Actas del IV Congreso de Fotografia Ultraveloz, Colonia, 1958) han publicado una memoria sobre sus estudios acerca de un cronografo intensificador de imagenes que tiene utilidad en el caso de los contadores de chispa. El autor estudia la posibilidad de extender la aplicacion de este procedimiento a distintas clases de salida, deflexion y obturacion. En particular trata algunos problemas relacionados con los intensificadores de etapas multiples. Como aplicacion de la experiencia adquirida en ensayos de este tipo, se ha intentado preparar centelleadores de fibra de diametro pequeno, tanto para detectores como para pantallas de salida. (author)[ru]
BUTSLOV I drugie opublikovali otchet o svoej rabote po sozdaniyu khronografa dlya usileniya yarkosti izobrazhenij, kotoryj polezno primenyat' v svyazi soschetchikom iskr (trudy IV kongressa po vysokoskorostnoj fotografii, Kel'n, 1958 g.). Delayutsya zamechaniya otnositel'no vozmozhnostej rasprostraneniya ehtogo metoda v svyazi s razlichnymi vidami vykhodyashchikh impul'sov i ustrojstvami otkloneniya i preryvaniya. V chastnosti, rassmatrivayutsya nekotorye problemy v svyazi s mnogokaskadnymi usilitelyami. V rezul'tate nakoplennogo pri ehksperimentakh ehtogo roda opyta byla sdelana popytka skonstruirovat' voloknistye stsintillyatory malogo diametra kak dlya detektorov, tak i dlya ehkranirovaniya vykhodyashchikh impul'sov. (author)Original Title
Perfectionnements du tube renforcateur; Razrabotka konstruktsii usilitel'noj ehlektronnoj lampy; Desarrollo de valvulas intensificadoras
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 611 p; Apr 1962; p. 159-163; Conference on Nuclear Electronics; Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Serbia); 15-20 May 1961; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 3 figs, 9 refs
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Vizi, I.; Zhukov, G.P.; Zabiyakin, G.I.; Karzhavina, Eh.N.; Pikel'ner, J.B.; Popov, A.B.; Sharapov, E.I.; Yazvitskij, Y.S.
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
Nuclear Electronics I. Proceedings of the Conference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol. I1962
[en] One of the main methods employed in slow-neutron spectrometry is the time-of-flight method. The paper describes two detectors intended for time-of-flight work-a neutron detector for measuring total cross-sections, and a capture gamma-ray detector for measuring radiationcapture cross-sections and self-absorption cross-sections. The paper also indicates how the detectors are used and the results obtained with them. (author)
Une des methodes fondamentales employees dans le spectrometrie des neutrons lents est celle du temps de vol. Le memoire decrit deux detecteurs destines aux recherches a l'aide de la methode du temps de vol: un detecteur a neutrons pour mesurer les sections efficaces totales, un detecteur a rayons gamma de capture pour mesurer les sections efficaces de capture radiative et les sections efficaces d'auto-absorption. On indique la methodologie et les resultats des ces mesures. (author)[es]
Uno de los principales metodos de la espectrometria de neutrones lentos es el de la determinacion de su tiempo de vuelo. Los autores describen dos detectores destinados a la determinacion del tiempo de vuelo: un detector neutronico para la medicion de secciones eficaces totales y un detector de rayos gamma de captura para la medicion de secciones eficaces de captura radiactiva y de secciones eficaces de autoabsorcion. En la memoria se indican, ademas, los metodos de empleo de los detectores y los resultados con ellos obtenidos. (author)[ru]
Odnim iz osnovnykh metodov spektrometrii medlennykh nejtronov yavlyaetsya metod vremeni proleta. V ehtoj rabote opisyvayutsya dva detektora, prednaznachennye dlya issledovanij po vremeni proleta - nejtronnyj detektor dlya izmereniya polnykh sechenij i detektor zakhvatnykh gamma-luchej dlya izmereniya sechenij radiatsionnogo zakhvata i sechenij samopogloshcheniya. Privodyatsya metodika i rezul'taty izmerenij. (author)Original Title
Detecteurs a scintillateur liquide pour l'enregistrement du comptage des neutrons; ZHidkostnye stsintillyatsionnye detektory dlya registratsii nejtronov; Contadores de centelleador liquido para el registro de neutrones
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 611 p; Apr 1962; p. 27-36; Conference on Nuclear Electronics; Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Serbia); 15-20 May 1961; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 7 figs, 1 tab, 5 refs
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