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[en] One of the major aims of the International Atomic Energy Agency in furthering the peaceful uses of atomic energy is to encourage the development of economical nuclear power. Certainly, one of the more obvious methods of producing economical nuclear power is the development of economical fuels that can be used at high temperatures for long periods of time, and which have sufficient strength and integrity to operate under these conditions without permitting the release of fission products. In addition it is desirable that after irradiation these new fuels be economically reprocessed to reduce further the cost of the fuel cycle. As nuclear power becomes more and more competitive with conventional power the interest in new and more efficient higher-temperature fuels naturally increases rapidly. For these reasons, the Agency organized a Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non-Metallic Fuel Elements, which was held from 1 to 5 July 1963 at the International Hotel, Prague, with the assistance and co-operation of the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. A total of 151 scientists attended, from 23 countries and 4 international organizations. The participants heard and discussed more than 60 scientific papers. The Agency wishes to thank the scientists who attended this Conference for their papers and for many spirited discussions that truly mark a successful meeting. The Agency wishes also to record its gratitude for the assistance and generous hospitality accorded the Conference, the participants and the Agency's staff by the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and by the people of Prague. The scientific information contained in these Proceedings should help to quicken the pace of progress in the fabrication of new and m ore economical fuels, and it is hoped that these proceedings will be found useful to all workers in this and related fields
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Secondary Subject
Proceedings Series; Nov 1963; 586 p; IAEA; Vienna (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)); Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements; Prague (Czech Republic); 1-5 Jul 1963; STI/PUB--77(V.2); ISSN 0074-1884;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ambartsumyan, R.S.; Goncharov, V.V.; Glukhov, A.M.; Skvortsov, S.A.; Ryazantsev, E.P.; Orlov, M.S.
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
[en] The paper gives the results of loop tests on a large batch of experimental fuel elements based on sintered uranium dioxide. Generalized data on the operation of fuel elements used in the reactors of the icebreaker ''Lenin'' are also included. (author)
Le memoire indique quelques resultats d'essais en boucle effectues pour une grande quantite d'elements combustibles a base de bioxyde d'uranium fritte, ainsi que certaines donnees d'interet general sur l'utilisation des elements combustibles dans les reacteurs du brise-glace Lenine. (author)[es]
En la memoria se consignan algunos resultados tie ensayos, en circuito, de una serie de elementos combustibles experimentales a base de dioxido de uranio sintetizado, y se exponen datos de interes general sobre la utilizacion de los elementos combustibles en los reactores del rompehielos ''Lenin''. (author)[ru]
V rabote privodyatsya nekotorye rezul'taty petlevykh ispytanij bol'shoj partii opytnykh teplovydelyayushchikh ehlementov na osnove spechennoj dvuokisi urana, a takzhe obobshchennye dannye po ehkspluatatsii toplivnykh ehlementov v reaktorakh ledokola ''Lenin''. (author)Original Title
Etude d'elements combustibles a base de bioxyde d'uranium fritte pour les reacteurs de puissance; Izuchenie toplivnykh ehlementov na osnove spechennoj dvuokisi urana dlya ehnergeticheskikh reaktorov; Estudio de elementos combustibles a base de dioxido de uranio sinterizado para reactores de potencia
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 586 p; Nov 1963; p. 263-273; Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements; Prague (Czech Republic); 1-5 Jul 1963; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 5 tabs., 15 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ban, Z.; Sikirica, M.
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
[en] The laboratory method for preparing pure silicides and borides, reducing the corresponding oxides of metals, has been developed. Synthesis of silicides was carried out in the floating zone of molten silicon. The floating zone was obtained by means of electron bombardment. Synthesis of borides is similar but reactions are generally of the solid-solid type. Initial heating of the reaction mixture was also obtained by means of the electron beam but further heating was produced by the ionized gaseous products of the reaction. (author)
On a mis au point une methode pour la preparation en laboratoire de siliciures et de borures purs, par reduction des oxydes des metaux correspondants. La synthese des siliciures a pu etre faite dans la ''zone flottante'' du silicium fondu. Cette zone flottante a ete obtenue par bombardement electronique. La synthese des borures est analogue, mais les reactions ont lieu generalement a Tetat solide. Le chauffage initial du melange reactionnel a egalement ete obtenu pai bombardement electronique, mais le chauffage ulterieur etait assure par les electrons diffuses des produits ionises gazeux de la reaction. (author)[es]
Los autores idearon un metodo de laboratorio para preparar siliciuros y boruros puros por reduccion de los respectivos oxidos metalicos. La sintesis de los siliciuros se llevo a cabo en la zona flotante del silicio fundido. Esa zona se obtuvo por bombardeo electronico. La sintesis de los boruros se llevo a cabo de manera similar, pero generalmente las reacciones son del tipo solido-solido. El calentamiento inicial de la mezcla se efectuo tambien mediante un haz electronico, pero el calentamiento ulterior es producido por la dispersion electronica en los productos de reaccion ionizados en estado gaseoso. (author)[ru]
Razrabotan laboratornyj metod prigotovleniya chistykh silitsidov i boridov putem vosstanovleniya sootvetstvennykh okislov metalla. Sintez, silitsidov provodili v plavayushchej zone rasplavlennogo kremniya. Ehtu zonu poluchali, putem bombardirovki ehlektronami. Sintez boridov analogichen, no reaktsii v osnovnom yavlyayutsya reaktsiyami tipa tverdoe-tverdoe. Nachal'nyj nagrev reaktsionnoj smesi osushchestvlyali pri pomoshchi puchka ehlektronov, a dal'nejshij nagrev proizvodili ehlektronami, rasseyannymi na ionizirovannykh gazoobraznykh produktakh reaktsii. (author)Original Title
Synthese de siliciures et de borures sans creuset; Bestigel'nyj sintez silitsidov i boridov; Sintesis de siliciuros y boruros sin crisol
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 586 p; Nov 1963; p. 175-182; Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements; Prague (Czech Republic); 1-5 Jul 1963; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 2 tabs., 10 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Savel'ev, E.G.; Portnoj, K.I.; Nosov, V.I.
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
[en] The paper gives the methodology and results of an experiment on the irradiation in air (at an integrated flux up to approx. 3 x l020 thermal n/cm2 and at temperatures up to 1000oC) of specimens of absorbing material formed of a nlmonic-type alloy with europium oxide dispersed therein (up to 30 wt.%). No important changes in geometrical dimensions, microstructure or mechanical properties were observed after irradiation. (author)
Le memoire expose les conditions et resultats de l'experience d'irradiation d'echantillons de matieres absorbantes en alliage du type Nimonic contenant de l'oxyde d'europium en dispersion (jusqu'a 30% en poids), par un flux integre de neutrons thermiques de 3 x 1020 n/cm2, dans une atmosphere d'air a 1000oC. La configuration geometrique de la microstructure et les proprietes mecaniques n'ont subi aucune modification substantielle apres l'irradiation. (author)[es]
Se expone el metodo utilizado y los resultados obtenidos en un experimento de irradiacion de probetas de material absorbente de aleacion del tipo Nimonic conteniendo oxido de europio en dispersion (hasta 30% en peso), con un flujo integrado de unos 3 x 1020 neutrones termicos/cm2 en aire a 1000oC. La configuracion geometrica de la microestructura y las propiedades mecanicas no sufrieron modificaciones apreciables por efecto de la irradiacion. (author)[ru]
Privedena metodika i rezul'taty ehksperimenta po oblucheniyu obraztsov pogloshchayushchego materiala iz splava tipa kimonik s dispergirovannoj v nem okis'yu evropiya (do 30 ves.%) do integral'nogo potoka ∼ 3 x 1020 tepl. nejtr/cm2 pri temperature do 1000oC v vozdushnoj srede. Kakikh libo sushchestvennykh izmenenij geometricheskikh razmerov, mikrostruktury i mekhanicheskikh svojstv posle oblucheniya ne obnaruzheno. (author)Original Title
Matieres dispersibles pour les barres de controle des reacteurs nucleaires; Materialy dispersionnogo tipa dlya pogloshchayushchikh stershej yadernykh reaktorov; Materiales de tipo dispersion para las barras de control en los reactores nucleares
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 586 p; Nov 1963; p. 367-373; Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements; Prague (Czech Republic); 1-5 Jul 1963; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 4 figs., 2 tabs., 7 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ivanov, V.E.; Zelenskij, V.F.; Voloshchuk, A.I.; Grishok, V.N.
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
[en] The paper describes certain features of dispersion-hardened uranium-based cermets. As possible hardening materials, consideration was given to UO2, UC, Al2O3, MgO and UBe13. Data were obtained on the behaviour of uranium alloys containing the above-mentioned admixtures during creep tests, short-term strength tests and cyclic thermal treatment. The corrosion resistance o f UBe13-based uranium alloys was also studied. )author)
Les auteurs decrivent certaines proprietes de cermets a base d'uranium, dont la resistance a ete accrue a l'aide de particules dispersees. Les materiaux utilises a cette fin sont notamment: UO2, UC, Al2O3, MgO et UBe13. Les auteurs indiquent les donnees obtenues sur le comportement des cermets a l'uranium; durant les essais de fluage, les essais de resistance a court terme et le traitement thermique cyclique, en mentionnant les substances ajoutees. Ils etudient enfin la resistance a la corrosion des cermets d'uranium et UBe13. (author)[es]
Los autores describen algunas propiedades de los cermets a base de uranio, reforzados por particulas de diversos compuestos en dispersion. En calidad de posibles materiales de refuerzo, ensayaron el UO2, el UC, el Al2O3, el MgO y el UBe13. Obtuvieron datos sobre el comportamiento de esas aleaciones en ensayos de fluencia, ensayoe rapidos de resistencia y tratamiento termico ciclico. Por ultimo, estudiaron la resistencia a la corrosion de las aleaciones de uranio a base de UBe13. (author)[ru]
Daetsya opisanie nekotorykh svojstv metallokeramicheskikh splavov urana, uprochnennykh dispersionnymi chastitsami. V kachestve vozmozhnykh uprochnyayushchikh materialov izuchalis' UO2, UC, Al2O3 , MgO i UBe13. Polucheny dannye o povedenii splavov urana s ukazannymi primesyami pri kripovykh ispytaniyakh, pri kratkovremennykh prochnostnykh ispytaniyakh i pri tsiklicheskoj termoobrabotke. Izuchalas' korrozionnaya stojkost' splavov urana s UBe13. (author)Original Title
Cermets a base d'uranium; Metallokeramicheskie splavy na osnove urana; Cermets a base de uranio
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 586 p; Nov 1963; p. 143-152; Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements; Prague (Czech Republic); 1-5 Jul 1963; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 7 figs., 1 tab., 7 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Sikirica, M.; Ban, Z.
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
[en] During the investigation of the ternary system uranium-molybdenum-silicon, a new phase with the composition U4Mo5-Si3 was formed. Structure determination exclusively based on the powder data showed that the particular phase belongs to the hexagonal system. Space group P6/mmc or one of the sub-groups is indicated. Unit cell dimensions were found to be a = 5.370A, c = 8 . 582A. A comparison of calculated and observed intensities shows close resemblance to the structure of the Laves phases of the C14-type. (author)
Au cours de recherches sur le systeme ternaire uranium-molybdene-silicium, on a constate la formation d'une nouvelle phase, de composition U4Mo5Si3. Une determination de la structure, exclusivement fondee sur des donnees relatives a la poudre, a revele que cette phase particuliere appartenait au systeme hexagonal. Les auteurs indiquent un groupe spatial P6/mmc ou un des sous-groupes. Les dimensions d'une maille individuelle sont donnees par a = 5,370A, c = 8,582A. La comparaison entre l'intensite calculee et Tintensite observee montre une ressemblance etroite avec la structure des phases de Laves du type C-14. (author)[es]
En-el curso del estudio del sistema temario uranio-molibdeno-silicio, los autores observaron la formacion de una fase cuya composicion responde a la formula U4Mo5Si3. La determinacion de la estructura, basada exclusivamente en los datos referentes al material en polvo, demuestra que esa fase pertenece al sistema hexagonal. Se senalo la existencia de un grupo especial P6/mmc y se comprobo que las dimensiones de la celda elemental son a = 5,370A, c = 8,582A. La comparacion de las intensidades calculadas con las observadas indica que existe una analogia estrecha con la estructura de la fase de Laves del tipo C 14. (author)[ru]
Pri izuchenii trojnoj sistemy uran - molibden - kremnij obrazovalas' novaya faza sostava U4Mo5Si3. Opredelenie struktury osnovano isklyuchitel'no na poroshkovykh dannykh, pokazavshikh, chto ehta novaya faza prinadlezhit k geksagonal'noj sisteme. Vyyavlena prostranstvennaya gruppa P6/mmc ili odna iz podgrupp. Razmery ehlementarnoj yachejki najdeny ravnymi a - 5,370 A; s s 8,582 A. Sravnenie raschetnykh i nablyudaemykh intensivnostej ukazyvaet na bol'shoe skhodstvo so strukturoj faz Lavesa tipa C 14. (author)Original Title
Nouvelle phase dans le systeme uranium-molybdene-silicium; Novaya faza v sisteme uran-molibden'-kremnij; Una fase nueva en el sistema uranio-molibdeno-silicio
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 586 p; Nov 1963; p. 229-233; Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements; Prague (Czech Republic); 1-5 Jul 1963; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 4 tabs., 4 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Meerson, G.A.; Kotel'nikov, R.B.; Bashlykov, S.N.; Gaevskaya, N.S.
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
[en] The purpose of the work described was to compare the characteristics of specimens of ZrC-UC solid solutions with and without the addition of nickel, and also to compare such specimens with ZrC obtained under comparable conditions. The procedure for obtaining powdered solid solutions of carbides is described. The paper quotes the results of experiments on the hot pressing of specimens, on testing under compression in an argon atmosphere at 2000 - 2500oC, and on subsequent annealing in vacuo. The mechanical properties of the specimens are compared. (author)
Les travaux visaient a comparer les proprietes d'echantillons de solutions solides de ZrC-UC, avec et sans addition de nickel, entre elles et avec les proprietes d'echantillons de ZrC obtenus dans des conditions analogues. Le memoire indique par quel procede et dans quelles conditions on peut preparer des solutions solides de carbures sous forme de poudre. On y trouve les resultats des experiences sur le pressage a chaud des echantillons et sur les essais de compression en atmosphere d'argon a 2000 - 2500oC, puis recuit sous vide. Les proprietes mecaniques des echantillons font l'objet d'une comparaison. (author)[es]
El proposito del trabajo consistia en cotejar las propiedades de muestras de soluciones solidas de ZrC-UC con y sin adicion de niquel, y las propiedades del ZrC obtenido en condiciones analogas. Se describe el metodo aplicado y las condiciones de obtencion de soluciones solidas pulverulentas de carburos. Se exponen los resultados de los ensayos de compresion en caliente de las probetas, de densificacion en atmosfera de argon entre 2000 y 2500oC y su ulterior recocido en el vacio. Se comparan las propiedades mecanicas de las probetas asi obtenidas. (author)[ru]
Tsel'yu raboty yavilos' sravnenie svojstv obraztsov tverdykh rastvorov karbidov ZrC - UC s dobavkami i bez dobavok nikelya, a takkhe so svojstvami ZrC, poluchennykh v sopostavimykh usloviyakh. Opisyvaetsya metodika i usloviya polucheniya poroshkoobraznykh tverdykh rastvorov karbidov. Privodyatsya rezul'taty opytov po goryachemu pressovaniyu obraztsov, ispytaniyu ikh na otsakhivanie pri szhatii v atmosfere argona pri to 2000 - 2500oC i posleduyushchemu otkhigu v vakuume. Daetsya sravnenie mekhanicheskikh svojstv obraztsov. (author)Original Title
Solutions solides des carbures de zirconium et d'uranium; Tverdye rastvory karbid tsirkoniya - karbid urana; Soluciones solidas de los carburos de circonio y de uranio
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 586 p; Nov 1963; p. 19-32; Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements; Prague (Czech Republic); 1-5 Jul 1963; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 10 figs., 3 tabs. 11 refs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Porneuf, A.; Hauser, R.
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
[en] The possibility of using uranium carbide as a nuclear fuel led to the development of various processes tor densilying it. This paper describes the research, design and industrial development involved in an original process for the fabrication of bars by arc melting and casting. By this process, it is possible to produce molded uranium carbide ingots or bars with physical and chemical characteristics having very close tolerances. The characteristic feature of the single melting and casting apparatus is the method of casting, which is entirely self-determined and requires no special mechanical devices. The paper discusses various parameters involved in the melting and casting. To illustrate industrial- scale production, it gives the results obtained in the fabrication of 2 t of uranium carbide bars by this process. (author)
La possibilite d'emploi de carbure d'uranium comme combustible nucleaire a conduit au developpement de divers procedes de densification de ce carbure. On decrit dans ce memoire les resultats de l'etude, de la mise au point et du developpement industriel d'un procede original de fabrication de barreaux par fusion a l'arc et coulee. Ce procede permet l'obtention de lingots ou de barreaux moules en carbure d'uranium presentant des caracteristiques physiques et chimiques a tolerances tres etroites. L'appareillage unique de fusion et coulee se caracterise par la methode de coulee laquelle, entierement autodeterminee, ne necessite l'emploi d'aucun dispositif mecanique particulier. On presente une etude de differents parametres intervenant dans la mise en oevre de la fusion et de la coulee; on indique, a titre d'exem ple d'industrialisation, les resultats obtenus lors d'une fabrication de deux tonnes de barreaux de carbure d'uranium par ce procede. (author)[es]
La posibilidad de emplear carburo de uranio en calidad de combustible nuclear ha estimulado el desarrollo de diversos procedimientos para densificarlo. La memoria describe los resultados de los estudios realizados con miras al desarrollo industrial de un procedimiento original de fabricacion por fusion al arco y colada. Este procedimiento permite obtener lingotes o barras moldeadas de carburo de uranio que presentan caracteristicas fisicas y quimicas con margenes de tolerancia muy estrechos. La fusion y la colada se efectuan en un unico aparato que se caracteriza por su funcionamiento enteramente automatico y por el hecho de no precisar ningun dispositivo mecanico especial. (author)[ru]
Vozmozhnost' ispol'zovaniya karbida urana v kachestve yadernogo goryuchego privela k razrabotke raznoobraznykh protsessov uplotneniya karbida. Privodyatsya rezul'taty izucheniya, razrabotki i promyshlennogo primeneniya original'nogo metoda proizvodstva sterzhnej putem dugovogo rasplavleniya materiala i posleduyushchej razlivki ego v formy. Ehtot protsess pozvolyaet poluchat' bloki ili sterzhni iz karbida urana s ochen' nebol'shim dopuskom fizicheskikh i khimicheskikh kharakteristik. Ispol'zuetsya edinstvennaya v svoem rode ustanovka, ne trebutatsaya primeneniya osobykh mekhanicheskikh operatsij. Obsuzhdayutsya razlichnye rezhimy rasplavleniya i formovki; vozmozhnost' promyshlennogo ispol'zovaniya metoda illyustriruetsya rezul'tatami proizvodstva ehtim metodom dvukh tonn sterzhnej iz karbida urana. (author)Original Title
Fabrication industrielle de barreaux denses en carbure d'uranium; Promyshlennoe proizvodstvo plotnykh sterzhnej iz karbida urana; Fabricacion industrial de barras densas de carburo de uranio
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 586 p; Nov 1963; p. 399-413; Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements; Prague (Czech Republic); 1-5 Jul 1963; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 5 figs. 4 tabs. 6 refs.
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Pandic, B.
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
[en] The author sets forth a method for the determination of crystallite dimensions Lc in reactor graphite. The method consists of the mathematical correction of the diffraction profile (002) obtained by means of a Philips diffractometer with scintillation counter. During the work CuKβ radiation is used. The convenience of using CuKβ radiation rather than that of a CuKα doublet is discussed. All instrumental errors except that of the sample adsorption are eliminated using corresponding slits. Sample adsorption is corrected mathematically. Highly symmetrical lines of graphitic and non-graphitic phase could be analytically separated from such corrected line profiles. Experimental error in the determination of the half-height and half-width of these lines does not exceed 5%. (author)
On a elabore une methode pour determiner la hauteur moyenne Lc des cristallites du graphite nucleaire. Il s'agit d'une methode mathematique de correction du profil de la raie de diffraction (002), obtenu par le diffractometre Philips avec un compteur a scintillation. On a discute les avantages des rayons CuKβ par rapport au doublet CuKα. Le choix des ouvertures elimine toutes les erreurs, sauf l'erreur d'absorption dans les echantillons, que l 'on ecarte mathematiquement. Les raies de diffraction pures et tres symetriques des phases graphitique et non graphitique peuvent etre separees du profil corrige de cette facon. L'incertitude dans la mesure de la demi-largeur de ces raies n'est pas superieure a 5%. (author)[es]
El autor de la memoria expone un metodo para determinar la altura media Lc de las cristalitas del grafito nuclear. Consiste en corregir matematicamente el perfil de la linea de difraccion (002) obtenido con un difractometro Philips y un contador de centelleo. En la memoria se explican las ventajas que la radiacion CuKβ ofrece sobre el doblete CuKα Si se elige correctamente la apertura quedan eliminados todos los errores excepto el de absorcion en las muestras, que se corrige matematicamente. Estos perfiles corregidos permiten separar analiticamente las lineas de difraccion de alto grado de simetria de las fases grafitica y no grafitica. El error de medicion de la amplitud media de estas lineas es inferior a 5%. (author)[ru]
Razrabotan metod opredeleniya srednego razmera Lc kristallitov reaktornogo grafita. Metod osnovan na matematicheskoj korrektsii (002) difraktsionnogo kontura, poluchennogo na diffraktometre Filshsa so stsintillyatsionnym schetchikom. Obsuzhdayutsya preimushchestva izlucheniya CuKβ pered dubletom CuKα. Vybor sootvetstvuyushchikh shchelej pozvolil ustranit' vse pogreshnosti pribora, za isklyucheniem oshibki, vyzvannoj pogloshcheniem v obraztse, na kotoruyu delalas' popravka matematicheskim sposobom. Yasnye i vpolne simmetrichnye diffraktsionnye linii grafitnoj i negrafitnoj fazy ispravlennogo takim obrazom kontura legko razlichaemy. Ehksperimental'naya oshibka opredeleniya polushiriny ehtikh linij ne prevyshaet 5%. (author)Original Title
Separation de la raie graphitique dans le debyegramme du graphite nucleaire; Otdelenie linii grafita v debaiegramme reaktornogo grafita; Separacion de la linea grafitica en el diagrama de debye del grafito nuclear
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 586 p; Nov 1963; p. 33-42; Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements; Prague (Czech Republic); 1-5 Jul 1963; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 9 figs., 9 refs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Accary, A.; Trouve, J.
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
New Nuclear Materials Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements1963
[en] Studying the cause of defects in cast uranium monocarbide products, the authors of the paper describe how heating by electronic bombardment associated with continuous casting can be used as a satisfactory method of producing semi-metallic nuclear fuel rods of materials such as UC, UC2, ThC2(Th, U)C2, and PuC. This method is shown to yield uranium monocarbide rods of perfectly isotropic structure, 20-30 mm in diam. and about 30 cm long. The composition can be selected to within better than 0.10% C, and the oxygen and nitrogen contents are of the order of 500 ppm and 150 ppm respectively. (author)
Les auteurs, en etudiant l'origine des defauts apparaissant sur les pieces de monocarbure d'uranium mises en forme par coulee, definissent des conditions d'utilisation du chauffage par bombardement electronique associe a la coulee continue, qui permettent la mise en forme dans de bonnes conditions des barreaux de combustibles nucleaires semi-metalliques, tels que UC, UC2. ThC2(Th, U)C2, PuC. Ils montrent que cette methode permet d'obtenir des barreaux de monocarbure d'uranium, de structure parfaitement isotrope, de 20 a 30 mm de diametre et environ 30 cm de long, dont la composition peut etre choisie a mieux que 0,10% C pres, dont la teneur en oxygene est de l'ordre de 500 ppm, et la teneur en azote de l'ordre de 150 ppm. (author)[es]
Los autores, que tratan de encontrar la causa de los defectos aparecidos en piezas de monocarburo de uranio preparadas por colada, definen las condiciones de utilizacion del calentamiento por bombardeo electronico aplicado a la colada continua, que permite preparar en buenas condiciones barras de combustibles nucleares semimetalicos, tales como el UC, UC2. ThC2, (Th, U)C2 y PuC. Demuestran que ese metodo permite obtener barras de monocarburo de Uranio, de estructura perfectamente isotropica, de 20 a 30 mm de diametro y alrededor de 30 cm de largo, cuya composicion puede elegirse con precision superior al 0,10% de C, y cuyos contenidos de oxigeno y nitrogeno son del orden de las 500 ppm y 150 ppm, respectivamente. (author)[ru]
Avtory, issleduya prichinu defektov, voznikayushchikh na ehlementakh iz monokarbida urana, kotorye obrazuyutsya pri razlivke, ukazyvayut na usloviya ispol'zovaniya nagrevaniya bombardirovkoj ehlektronami pri nepreryvnoj razlivke, chto daet vozmozhnost' formovat' v blagopriyatnykh usloviyakh sterzhni iz polumetallicheskogo yadernogo topliva, takogo, kak UC, UC2, ThC2 (Th,U)C2, PuC. Oni pokazyvayut, chto dannyj metod pozvolyaet poluchat' sterzhni iz monokarbida urana s polnost'yu izotopnoj strukturoj diametrom 20 - 30 mm i dlinoj priblizitel'no 30 sm. Sostav sterzhnej mozhet byt' podobran luchshe, chem na 0,10% C, gde soderzhanie kisloroda mozhet byt' poryadka 500, a azota - poryadka 150 chastej ka million. (author)Original Title
Fusion par bombardement electronique et coulee continue - methode de mise en forme des combustibles nucleaires semi-metalliques; Metod formovki polumetallicheskogo yadernogo topliva. rasplavlenie bombardirovkoj ehlektronami i nepreryvnaya razlivka; Fusion por bombardeo electronico y colada continua - metodo de preparacion de combustibles nucleares semimetalicos
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); 586 p; Nov 1963; p. 375-397; Conference on New Nuclear Materials Technology, Including Non Metallic Fuel Elements; Prague (Czech Republic); 1-5 Jul 1963; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 9 figs., 5 tabs., 7 refs.
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