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[en] The National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (NCNST) organized on May 16-17th in Gammarth -Tunis, the International Conference on Radio-isotopes Production and Utilization ICRPR- 2013. This multidisciplinary meeting grouped the skills in the domains of Radio-isotopes production by a cyclotron, the nuclear medecine whether it is in state or private establishments, the pharmaceutical industry and research in the field of cancer diagnosis and therapy. The fruitful exchanges and relaxed and studious atmosphere of this conference emphasied the need of cyclotron installation in Tunisia and the implementation of PET cameras in the hospitals university centers. The reader can find in this manuscript the summaries of the themes presented during tha days.
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2013; vp; National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies; Tunisia (Tunisia); International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation: Radioisotopes and health; Tunisia (Tunisia); 16-17 May 2013; Available from National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (TN); Technical support and enquires
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Ben Ismail, Ahmed; Dridi, W.; Ben Abdallah, M.; Jelassi, H.; Kahlaoui, N.; Nasri, M.A.; Reguigui, N.
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
[en] Nuclear reactors and cyclotrons are today the main producing facilities of artificial radioisotopes. These radionuclides are widely used, in particular, in nuclear medicine, such as in radiation therapy (utilizing the Cobalt-60 radioisotope) and medical imaging (utilizing the technetium-99 radioisotope). We propose to summarize, the basic information concerning the production of radioisotopes with research reactors, as well as information about the current project to implement a subcritical assembly-reactor in the National Centre of Nuclear Sciences and Technology (CNSTN). The CNSTN's subcritical assembly will serve as efficient tool for educating and training students and scientists. It would be then made available as a service to the community e.g. for industrial benefit and to academic organizations as an institutional benefit. The subcritical assembly is planned to be operational at the beginning of 2016 and will contribute for the initiation of the first steps (including the enacting of new legislation and the establishment of competent and independent nuclear safety regulator) needed for the development of the Tunisian nuclear power program and the related infrastructure, already considered. This project is carried out with the assistance and the support of the International Atomic Energy Agency. (Author)
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National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (Tunisia); vp; 2013; vp; International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation: Radioisotopes and health; Tunisia (Tunisia); 16-17 May 2013; Available from National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (TN)
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Riahi, Adel
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
[en] Before starting a national nuclear program, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the commitments and the obligations both at the national and international level. In the national context, certainly it is necessary to have a comprehensive legislation for the creation of independent regulatory authority and establish an appropriate legal framework in accordance with the national policy related to nuclear activities. This legislation has to cover all aspects of nuclear laws: safety, security safeguards and civil liability for nuclear damage. Since 2008 and in close collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a national group of experts is set up to work on the elaboration of main elements of the national legislation including: Safety of the nuclear installations, the preparation and the management of emergencies, exploration and exploitation of the radioactive ores, the transport of the radioactive materials, the radioactive waste and the spent fuel, the civil liability for nuclear damage, the import and the export of the nuclear materials, the non proliferation and the safeguards, the physical protection. In this communication, we present the objectives, fields of application and some definitions of certain specific terms and the various elements of the nuclear law. It should be noted that the existing legislative and regulatory Tunisian infrastructure meet the needs related to existing nuclear program. This program was based on the various uses of radioactive sources, however over time the infrastructure is not in accordance with the new standards and international recommendations. (Author)
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National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (Tunisia); vp; 2013; vp; International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation: Radioisotopes and health; Tunisia (Tunisia); 16-17 May 2013; Available from National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (TN)
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Hosni, Faouzi; Farah, K.
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
[en] The studies in physics, concerned until now, approximately two thousand five hundred radioactive nuclide. These nuclides with 263 stable nucleus constitute the current nuclear field. This field is far from being complete because there are more than three thousand radioactive isotopes to be discovered. Materials and Methods: To reach these radio-isotopes there are two complementary methods which are the on-line separation (ISOL) and the fragmentation in times of flight. The latter has the advantage to allow the study of the elements of very short period (lower than 10-3 s). It supplies beams having a big dispersal in energy and in angle. In the case of the separation of on-line isotope, a target is run to produce the radioactive atoms. This allows producing beams much more intense than the fragmentation in times of flight. To obtain radioactive beams in the required intensities or for the research or medical applications, it is essential to end in thick targets or the products of reaction can go out as fast as possible. That is to realize targets which can maintain a porous and sluggish structure counterpart in the produced elements. This is one of the main technological challenges to be solved. The works concerning this domain will be presented as well as the got advantage if the nuclear reactions are led by protons reaching 30 MeV of energy. (Author)
Primary Subject
National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (Tunisia); vp; 2013; vp; International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation: Radioisotopes and health; Tunisia (Tunisia); 16-17 May 2013; Available from National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (TN)
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Trabelsi, Mohamed Hedi
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
[en] The manufacturing of single-use and medical devices in a sterile environment is expensive, that is why the irradiation processing with radioactive isotope. It has been considered a very efficient and not expensive solution for product sterilizing in its final packaging. The progress of radiation processing techniques since the 1950s, allows the development of modern sterilization services for the pharmaceutical industry. The gamma irradiation technique is characterized by deep penetration and low doses rates. Gamma radiations efficiency destroys micro-organisms in the product and its packaging with no heating. Even high-density products can be irradiated and used safely. The facility is located at the National Center of Nuclear Science and Technology (CNSTN) in Tunis; it's equipped with cobalt-60 source with dry storage and an initial activity of 100 kCi in 1999. Since the establishment of agamma irradiation facility in 1999, Tunisia has implemented a regulation that authorizes radiation sterilization of various pharmaceuticals. This new technology gives more competitiveness for products dedicated for export to European Union countries. The poster will focus on the activity of radiation sterilization and treatment of medical products by gamma radiation in Tunisia, and show the importance of this technology and its advantages. (Author)
Primary Subject
National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (Tunisia); vp; 2013; vp; International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation: Radioisotopes and health; Tunisia (Tunisia); 16-17 May 2013; Available from National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (TN)
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Malek Saied, Nadia
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
[en] The prevalence of brain pathologies especially neurodegenerative diseases still increasing due to longer life expectancy and the age pyramid evolution that shows an increase in the proportion of the old persons. So, we count currently more than 30 million persons affected by a neuro-degenerative disease. It is estimated that this number will reach 100 million at 2050. Generally, these diseases are not fatal, but the intellectual handicap and/or the progressive physical deterioration which causes some of them (Alzheimer, Parkinson), may lead to the death. Despite the screening efforts, it remains difficult to establish an early and differential diagnosis. It is proposed that research provides new solutions for diagnostic to reduce the risk of mortality associated with these diseases and improve patient comfort. The first part of this presentation is dedicated to some definitions of the radiopharmaceuticals, the chemistry of technetium and rhenium and the strategies of labeling with Technetium. We propose first to give an overview concerning the target vectors and criteria for crossing of the hemato-encephalic barrier. In the second part we will present our results concerning the synthesis and the physico-chemical characterization of some ferrocenic ligands, radio-complex of the technetium-99 and their "rhenisted" analogues. We will expose some bio-distributions as well as the biochemical studies of certain cytectrenic molecules which showed a very interesting affinity for 5HT1A serotonergic receptors such as Tc-MP associated to the molecule of piperazine (2 - methoxyphenyl) as a vector of choice. This molecule allows an exceptional kinetic of extraction around (2.47 pou cent DI / g) in 5min pi. (Author)
Primary Subject
National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (Tunisia); vp; 2013; vp; International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation: Radioisotopes and health; Tunisia (Tunisia); 16-17 May 2013; Available from National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (TN)
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Ayachi Hatit, Najla; Toumi, A.; Essabah, H.
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
[en] Radiopharmacy is a specialized activity of hospital pharmacy related to the utilisation of RadioPHarmaceuticals (RPH). 70 pour cent to 80 pour cent of the RPH are extemporaneous preparations made the same day of utilisation. The objective of this work is to illustrate the characteristics inherent in these products to ensure safety and effectiveness. The practice of radiopharmacy begins with the radiopharmaceutical supply until its administration to the patient. Their management, preparation and quality control are intermediate stages that contribute to their efficient utilisation. The application of the rules of hygiene and radiation protection is a guarantee of efficacy and safety. My experience acquired since the establishment of the radiopharmacy in the nuclear medicine department of Sahloul hospital of Sousse, allows me to present in this work the main features of this specialty The supply of radiopharmaceuticals requires a market study followed by the choice of providers. In our department, this approach allowed a reduction of the cost of some RPH reaching 46 pour cent. The radioactive nature of these products requires careful management. In our case, this practice allowed an increase in activity of around 30 pour cent for some radiopharmaceuticals. PRH have a precise stereochemistry which gives them a very high specificity in explorations. The preparation requires, in fact strict monitoring of manufacturing procedures. The quality control of these preparations concerns the pharmaceutical and radioactive features. Indeed, patient safety and protection are the most important concerns. The development of positron emitting radionuclides with a very short physical half-life and undeniable contribution of positron emission tomography, places the radiopharmacist as one of the essential actors to the proper utilisation of PRH. The radiopharmacist in involvement at all levels of the RPH circuit. He manages orders and optimizes the utilisation of RPH. He ensures that the radiopharmaceutical administered to the patient was designed, developed and delivered with all the guarantees of safety and quality. (Author)
Primary Subject
National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (Tunisia); vp; 2013; vp; International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation: Radioisotopes and health; Tunisia (Tunisia); 16-17 May 2013; Available from National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (TN)
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Takriti, Salaheddin
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
[en] Arab Atomic Energy Agency (AAEA) is one of the organizations of the League of Arab States (LAS). AAEA is working within the framework of the LAS to coordinate the scientific efforts of the Arab Countries in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy. So, AAEA works hard to enhance the socio-economical development in Arab countries by promoting the peaceful applications of atomic energy in many aspects of life. The Arab Authority contributes for the implementation of training programs for Arab staff in the field of parameters mentioned above through the implementation of training courses, workshops and expert meetings in addition to scientific visits exchanged between the researchers and Arabs scientists and translation of books from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to the Arabic language and circulated to the Arab countries. At Arab Summits (Riyadh - 2007 - Damascus and Doha 2008 - 2009), AAEA elaborates 12 projects on the Arab strategy for the peaceful uses of atomic energy until 2020 and planed all applications of atomic energy. Integration of radioisotopes production in the Arab countries is among these projects. This project aims to unify efforts and coordinate cooperation between the Arab countries together to develop the human potential and benefit from the expertise available in some Arab countries in the production of radioisotopes to insure the integration between Arab countries. Nuclear and radioactive facilities in Arab countries are:- Research reactors (RRs) that can produce isotopes (Egypt -2, -2 Algeria, Libya -1) and (-1 Morocco, Syria -1).- Ions accelerators (cyclotron) for isotope production (Morocco, Algeria, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt).- Ions accelerators (VDG) for research and analysis (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria and Jordan).- Electron accelerator (LINAC) for research and industry applications (Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, UAE and Kuwait).- Electron accelerators (LINAC) for nuclear medicine therapy (all Arab countries).- Gamma irradiators (γ-ray) for medical and other applications (all Arab countries). In Syria, isotopes for PET imaging and 67Ga are produced by accelerator; they have laboratories to prepare certain kits of radio-pharmaceutical products. (Author)
Primary Subject
National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (Tunisia); vp; 2013; vp; International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation: Radioisotopes and health; Tunisia (Tunisia); 16-17 May 2013; Available from National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (TN)
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Cherif, Leila; Bayoudh, L.; Riahi, S.; Zarrad, M.
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
[en] The Tunisian National Health Insurance Fund (TNHIF) has 186 practitioners and advisers (physicians, dentists and pharmacists) in the service of medical supervision. These advisers are distributed on three levels (regional, district and national). In the present paper we have discussed the CNAM support in the different types of oncology (FSD (Fully Supported Disorders), Hospitalization, the scans, the radiation therapy, specific drugs and treatment abroad). We begin by presenting expenditures by year and age group for FSD and hospitalization in the private and the public sectors. We then give the conventional packages for scans, radiotherapy: either for CLAM or CRAM. Daily benefits for the sickness leave and the disability will be presented briefly. Then we will give the administrative process for the approval of the commission for specific medication. The medical advice is based on certain criteria that will be explained in the paper. In certain cases definitive medical advice needs to call for the recommendation of a national commission and oncology or different experts. The spending trend of the TNHIF from 2001 to 2012 will be discussed. TNHIF generally considered Herceptin, Nexavar Erbitaux as the main drugs for targeted therapies. We present for the treatment cost and expenditure trends for the first drug from 2008 to 2012 as well as the estimation for 2013, which increases from one year to year. For the treatment with the second and the third drug we give the evolution of expenditure between 2010 and 2012. Cancer is a serious disease that requires a costly multidisciplinary support for the patients. This support has changed the prognosis survival (see cases of healing). The financial coverage of this support can never be supported by the family (whatever the wealth level) without any TNHIF support. The real gain in survival and expenditure control are closely related to awareness and early detection of the disease. TNHIF usually intervenes in the financing of care abroad as PET SCAN and nonfamily Allograft that we present the number attributed each year. We conclude with statistics on expenditures in cancer diseases: increased spending from one year to year (2010-2011), the number of cancer care abroad (2010-2011-2012) and at the end the number of PET tumour location. (Author)
Primary Subject
National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (Tunisia); vp; 2013; vp; International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation: Radioisotopes and health; Tunisia (Tunisia); 16-17 May 2013; Available from National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (TN)
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Investigation of natural radioactivity in medicinal plants determined by gammaand alpha spectrometry
Jahouach Rabai, Wafa; Samaali, M.; Azzouz Berriche, Z.; Oueslati, M.; Abdelli, W.
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation : Radioisotopes and health, Book of abstracts, Tunisia (TN), 16-17 May, 20132013
[en] The presence of radionuclide in medicinal plants constitutes the pathway for their migration to human via the food chains. This danger favored challenges to give more interest in studying radionuclide abundance, in the aim to avoid human health damages. In this purpose, the natural radioactivity of some medicinal plants which are widely used in Tunisia (cumin, cinnamon, fennel and nigelium) was investigated. Activity concentrations of principal actinides were measured by gamma and alpha spectrometry techniques. The radioanalytical results showed different levels in 40K and 238U. The 40K showed different levels ranging from 168.72 to 871.40Bq/kg. It is about 168.72 Bq/kg in cinnamon, 268.02 Bq/kg in nigellium, 672.70 Bq/kg incumin and 871.40Bq/kg infennel. The activity of this nuclide is due to the natural abundance of this essential nutrient in the soil and its high absorption by plants. Activity concentration of 238U determined by gamma spectrometry ranged from 30.56 Bq/kg and 103.04 Bq/kg. The highest concentrations were obtained for fennel and cinnamon, characterized with activities of 103.04 Bq/kg and 77.92Bq/kg, respectively. In addition, 238U activity in considered plants was measured by alpha spectrometry with radio-analytical procedure based on the utilisation of 232U as an internal standard radioisotope and by applying a chemical extraction of uranium with mineralization, and co-precipitation followed by an electro-deposition. The yields of 238U activity (Bq/ml) calculated relatively to 232U activity ranged between 40 pour cent and 50 pour cent. (Author)
Primary Subject
National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (Tunisia); vp; 2013; vp; International Conference on Radioisotopes Production and Utilisation: Radioisotopes and health; Tunisia (Tunisia); 16-17 May 2013; Available from National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia (TN)
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