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Mouret, P.; Rigaud, A.
Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1959
Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1959
[en] After a brief summary of the physical and chemical properties of beryllium, the various chemical treatments which can be applied to beryllium minerals either directly or after a physical enrichment are discussed. These various treatments give either the hydroxide or beryllium salts, from which either beryllium oxide or metallic beryllium can easily be obtained. The purification, analysis and uses of beryllium are also briefly discussed. (author)
Original Title
Le beryllium
Primary Subject
1959; [23 p.]; 16 refs.
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The health hazards associated with the exposure to beryllium and its compounds and the symptoms of beryllium poisoning are described. Control measures to be followed during processing of beryllium and its compounds are outlined. Process and plant should be designed to give rise to as little dust or fume as possible, because beryllium poisoning results primarily from the inhalation of dusts, fumes and mists generated during processing of beryllium and its compounds. Air from process area should be cleaned before discharge. Protective clothing should be used. Beryllium area should be regularly cleaned. There should also be a programme for routine monitoring of air and surface contamination. (M.G.B.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Bulletin of Radiation Protection; v. 1(1); p. 7-9
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Singh, Ankit Kumar; Yadav, Mukesh Kumar; Deepti; Mohapatra, Montek; Mondal, Partha Sarathi, E-mail:
Proceedings of the international conference on frontiers in materials engineering: abstract book2022
Proceedings of the international conference on frontiers in materials engineering: abstract book2022
[en] Piezocatalysis based advanced oxidation process (AOP) has been emerged as a promising approach for wastewater treatments under the action of mechanical vibrations. The piezocatalytic reaction mechanism so far conceived as an analogue to those in photocatlysis. External stress caused by acoustic field induces bulk polarization that enables redox reaction to occur at different locations of the catalyst and piezo-generated electrons and holes can initiate AOP. In present study, we report the piezocatalytic and photo-piezocatalytic activities of strontium doped barium titanate (BST) ceramics. The catalytic activities of BST are estimated in terms of organic dye degradation efficiency. The BST ceramics were prepared via conventional solid-state reaction and characterized. Ultrasonic agitation (20 kHz, watt) and UV radiation (360 nm,250 W) are used to trigger the piezocatalytic and photocatalytic activities of BST semiconductor piezo-ceramics, respectively. The piezocatalytic and photocatalytic dye degradation efficiencies of BST are found to be 12 % and 92 %, respectively. BST shows highest dye degradation efficiency of ~94 % when photo-piezocatalytic activity of it, is triggered simultaneously by ultrasonic agitation and UV irradiation. The reaction rate constant, k~0.0587min-1 is also found to be the highest for photo-piezocatalytic process which is higher than sole piezocatalytic and photocatalytic activity. (author)
Primary Subject
Department of Metallurgy Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Indore (India); 105 p; 2022; p. 63-64; ICFME-2022: international conference on frontiers in materials engineering; Indore (India); 14-16 Dec 2022
Record Type
Literature Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] After an exact definition of the term 'dispersion hardening' various rules are outlined for the selection of stable dispersoides. A corresponding list of suitable binary compounds is presented in the form of table. Then follows a report on the application of dispersion hardening with the various metals. The present publication deals with beryllium and magnesium. Starting from theoretical considerations, a number of dispersoides, which should be sufficiently stable, may be indicated for both metals. As a matter of fact, part there of has already successfully been used for the dispersion hardening of Be and Mg. However, the materials thus developed have so far not been applied technically. This can be explained by the fact that in many cases the selected conditions of production did not yield a sufficiently fine and uniform distribution of dispersoides. Besides, the tests were often made on recrystallized materials. Both reasons hindered the achievement of optimum properties. (orig.)
Nach einer Abgrenzung des Begriffes Dispersionshaertung werden Regeln fuer die Auswahl stabiler Dispersoide angegeben. Eine hierauf basierende Auflistung geeigneter binaerer Verbindungen wird in Tabellenform vorgelegt. Danach beginnt ein Bericht ueber die Anwendung der Dispersionshaertung bei den einzelnen Metallen. Der hier vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt Beryllium und Magnesium. Fuer beide Metalle koennen aufgrund theoretischer Ueberlegungen eine Reihe von Dispersoiden angegeben werden, die hinreichend stabil sein muessten. Ein Teil hiervon ist auch mit Erfolg zur Dispersionshaertung von Be bzw. Mg eingesetzt worden. Die so entwickelten Werkstoffe haben jedoch bisher keine technische Anwendung gefunden. Ein Grund hierfuer ist die Tatsache, dass vielfach keine Herstellungsbedingungen gewaehlt wurden, die eine hinreichend feine und gleichmaessige Dispersoidverteilung ergaben. Ferner wurden oft rekristallisierte Werkstoffe geprueft. Beides fuehrt zu nicht optimalen Eigenschaften. (orig.)Original Title
Zum technischen Stand der Dispersionshaertung. T. 1
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Metall; ISSN 0026-0746; ; v. 36(12); p. 1280-1287
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A description of the particularities of structure of atom of beryllium and of the chemical properties of the metal is given. Presented are the physical and the chemical properties of its major compounds, inclusive of complexes and organic substances. Considered are the applications of Be, and its important value in nuclear engineering is noted. Listed further are minerals and ores of beryllium and methods for dressing beryllium ores. Presented are some flowsheets for the manufacture of Be compounds and of Be itself. As the practical applications of beryllium require additional purification of the latter, the existing and the promising purification techniques are discussed. Emphasized is the need for a strict observance of safety rules at beryllium industry works
Original Title
Primary Subject
Bol'shakov, K.A. (ed.); Plyushchev, V.E.; Stepina, S.B.; Fedorov, P.I; p. 165-222; 1976; Vysshaya Shkola; Moscow
Record Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Published in summary form only, 7 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Indian Chemical Society; v. 53(7); p. 731-732
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The spectrophotometric determination of microgram amounts of beryllium by means of chromazurol S (CHAS) in presence of dimethyllaurylbenzylammonium bromide (ST) is described. The latter appreciably enhance the sensitivity of the method. Lambdasub(610nm)=1.06x105. The complex obeys the Lambert-Beer law in the concentration range 2-200ppb Be. The maximum colour intensity is immediately attained at pH5. The molar ratio Be:CHAS:ST=1:2:4. The suggested method is sensitive and selective when EDTA is applied as a masking agent. (Author)
Der ternaere Komplex des Berylliums mit Chromazurol S (CHAS) und Dimethyllaurylbenzylammoniumbromid (ST) wurde zur spektralphotometrischen Bestimmung bei pH5 angewandt. Die Methode ist empfindlich und gestattet die Bestimmung von 2-20ppb Be. Der molare Extinktionskoeffizient betraegt 1.05x105lxmol-1xcm-1 bei 610nm. Die maximale Farbintensitaet ist nach 20 min mindestens 20 Std. stabil. Die molare Zusammensetzung betraegt Be:CHAS:ST=1:2:4. Die vorgeschlagene Methode ist empfindlich und bei Anwendung von EDTA als Maskierungsmittel befriedigend selektiv. (Autor)Original Title
Spektralphotometrische Methode zur Bestimmung von Beryllium mit Chromazurol S und Dimethyllaurylbenzylammoniumbromid
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Mikrochimica Acta; ISSN 0026-3672; ; v. 1 p. 333-338
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Goldbart, Z.; Harel, A.; Lorber, A.; Lichinsky, A.
Israel Atomic Energy Commission, Beersheba. Nuclear Research Center-Negev1979
Israel Atomic Energy Commission, Beersheba. Nuclear Research Center-Negev1979
[en] A spectrochemical method for the determination of 28 impurities in magnesium (metal) as well as in its compounds is described
Primary Subject
Jun 1979; 15 p
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This 'Hazard Data Bank' sheet gives the following information: description; uses; hazardous reactions; extinguishants; toxicity; spillage disposal; safety precautions; emergency treatment. A table covering Be metal and some Be compounds, gives general, physical and hazard data. (U.K.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Safety Surveyor; ISSN 0143-5302; ; v. 9(4); p. 19-21
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Original Title
Application d'une methode statistique a la recherche des conditions de fixation du lanthane sur le fluorure de calcium
Primary Subject
4 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Radiochemical and Radioanalytical Letters; v. 9(1); p. 45-54
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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