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Parker, A.G.
Sterile insect technique. Principles and practice in area-wide integrated pest management2005
Sterile insect technique. Principles and practice in area-wide integrated pest management2005
[en] As the sterile insect technique (SIT) relies upon released sterile male insects efficiently competing with wild males to mate with wild females, it follows that mass-rearing of insects is one of the principal steps in the process. Mass-rearing for the SIT presents both problems and opportunities due to the increased scale involved compared with rearing insects for most other purposes. This chapter discusses facility design, environmental concerns, strain management, quality control, automation, diet, sex separation, marking, and storage in relation to rearing for the SIT. (author)
Primary Subject
Dyck, V.A.; Hendrichs, J.; Robinson, A.S. (International Atomic Energy Agency, Joint FAO/IAEA Programme, Vienna (Austria)) (eds.); 787 p; ISBN 1-4020-4050-4; ; ISBN 978 1-4020-4050-4; ; ISBN 1-4020-4051-2; ; ISBN 978 1-4020-4051-1; ; 2005; p. 209-232; 171 refs, 2 figs
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[en] The first insect mass-rearing facility was built in Florida for screwworm fly in the late 1950s. Over these last five decades the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) has also progressed for other pest insects from the laboratory bench to the large scale 'factory' level of sophistication. Facilities around the world have also been built for different insects ( and they are all designed to produce mass-reared, sterile insects, but each one differs from the other in design and resource usage. Unfortunately, some facilities have been found to be deficient in design and resource use and, therefore, they needed considerable redesign or their cost-effectiveness for SIT has been less than optimal. Despite this undesirable occurrence, SIT has been demonstrated to be very successful in the suppression, containment, eradication or prevention of target pest insect populations. Consequently a number of national authorities are now looking for advice on building their own facilities for SIT programmes against a wide range of pest insect species. They need to know, among other related issues, how to determine the optimum size, the best location and the most cost-efficient design and equipment. The answers to these queries vary considerably with location, climate and the environment, the scale and the target pest, the funding available and the Government's objective, and many other variables. When national or regional authorities, who wish to build their own SIT mass-rearing facilities approach existing facilities for advice on how to start they are confronted with a very wide range of different styles of planning and design, and types of construction and energy efficiencies. In addition, each existing facility will list a series of deficiencies of which to be aware. Considering the cost to build, run and maintain such a facility, a standard format for planning and design of mass-rearing facilities for SIT purposes would be extremely useful for FAO and IAEA Member States. Based on the experience of managers of existing mass-rearing facilities, there are some common, but important, considerations that should be taken into account to facilitate the task of designing a cost-effective mass-rearing facility. There are many, but some of the main concerns are: Site selection; Design of buildings for optimal process, product and staff flow; Safe storage of equipment and consumables; Appropriate warehouse space for sufficient stocks; Backups for key equipment, processes, and utilities; Balancing requirements and costs for automation and manual labour; Balancing investment and future energy efficiencies and maintenance costs; Waste treatment, disposal and impact on the environment; Requirements for research, quality control, hygiene, staff amenities and occupational health and safety. A consultants meeting was therefore organised at the IAEA, Vienna from 20-24 April 2009, to discuss the requirements for a standard process for planning and designing new mass-rearing facilities and the activities required to further develop such a standard. Consultants presented information on rearing facilities including flow patterns for staff, equipment and insects as well as high-lighting problem areas and solutions. Following the presentations discussions were held on how to set up a list of important issues that need to be addressed for new insect rearing facilities and how to evaluate their importance. The FAO/IAEA Interactive Spreadsheet for Design and Operation of Insect Mass Rearing Facilities, which is in its internal review phase for publication, was then introduced as a model for new facility planning and design. The spreadsheet was examined in detail at the meeting and some suggestions for modification and improvement were made. This spreadsheet has not been constructed to include work flow considerations. These were discussed and will be incorporated in new facility planning and design phases in addition to the results from spreadsheet
Primary Subject
Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, Vienna (Austria); FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory, Seibersdorf (Austria); 48 p; ISSN 1011-274X; ; Jul 2009; p. 26-27; Consultants Meeting on Development of a Standard Planning and Design Format for New SIT Mass-Rearing Facilities; Vienna (Austria); 20-24 Apr 2009; Also available on-line:; Web sites:
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[en] The biology of Spodoptera cosmioides (Walk.) was studied under different temperatures and its thermal requirements were determined, aiming to aid the rearing of this insect in the laboratory. Embryonic and post-embryonic periods were evaluated at seven different temperatures (14, 18, 22, 25, 28, 30 and 32 deg C) under environmental chamber conditions, with 14h photophase. The caterpillars were reared on an artificial diet containing white bean, soybean meal, yeast extract, wheat germ and powder milk as source of protein. The extent of the embryonic period decreased with the increase of temperature within the 14 deg C to 25 deg C temperature range, remaining constant between 28 deg C and 32 deg C. For the other phases (caterpillar, pre-pupa and pupa) an inverse relationship between temperature and duration was observed within the 14 deg C to 30 deg C temperature range, extending to 32 deg C for pupae. Duration of pupal phase for males was larger than for females resulting in asynchronous adult emergence. The temperature thresholds for the embryonic, larval, pre-pupal, pupal periods and total cycle were 9.34 deg C, 11.65 deg C, 9.65 deg C, 11.08 deg C and 11.23 deg C, with thermal constants of 62,73 degree-days (DD), 254.61DD, 33.42DD, 177.55DD and 525.11DD, respectively. Evaluating the pupal phase alone, the threshold temperatures were 11.25 deg C for males and 10.81deg C for females, with thermal constants of 188.26DD for males and 165.47DD for females. For total cycle, the threshold temperature and the thermal constant for males were 11.28 deg C and 535.85DD, whereas for females the same variables had values of 11.15 deg C and 513.17DD. So, the most adequate temperature for the development of S. cosmioides is within the range of 25 deg C and 28 deg C, where 9.6 to 11.7 generations of the insect can be annually obtained, in laboratory conditions. (author)
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Available from; 18 refs.
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Journal Article
Neotropical Entomology (Impresso); ISSN 1519-566X; ; v. 31(1); p. 49-54
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[en] For over 50 years the sterile insect technique (SIT) is a pest control strategy which has been used for eradication, and more recently for suppression, containment and prevention, of unwanted insect pest populations. Examples of successful applications of SIT, almost always applied in conjunction with other control methods in an area-wide integrated approach, are available from around the world. The development and application of SIT has relied overwhelmingly on public or donor initiative and funding throughout its history, although the private sector has always been involved as participants, cooperators or partners in funding. The demand for SIT, and therefore the market for sterile insects, has increased in recent years. This increase coincides with the introduction of new pests through the expansion of global trade and, at the same time, widespread pressure to find alternatives to pesticides. Recent improvements in the technology supporting SIT facilitate its application and suggest lower costs can be achieved. The conditions are therefore met for a greater commercialization of the technique to bring it in line with other pest control approaches that are fully integrated into a market approach. Several challenges arise, however, in pursuing sterile insect production as a commercial venture, ranging from intellectual property protection to pricing of the product. Routine insurance requirements, for instance, are complicated by the biological aspects of the business. This report is aimed at facilitating private sector involvement in the production of sterile insects for use in pest control. It provides guidelines and tools to support the development of specific business plans for a new SIT venture. By providing an international perspective on such issues as initial capital costs and recurring operational expenditures for a sterile insect facility, it may be used to evaluate the feasibility of proceeding with the construction or expansion of a sterile insect production facility. Informed decisions will allow government planners and private investors alike to account for the opportunities and risks unique to SIT and to plan accordingly
Primary Subject
Jan 2008; 396 p; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); ISBN 978-92-0-110007-8; ; PROJECT IAEA INT/5/145; Also available on-line:; For availability on CD-ROM, please contact IAEA, Sales and Promotion Unit: E-mail:; Web site:; IAEA-MBP; Refs, figs, tabs
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Tejada, L.O.
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)1976
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)1976
[en] Spirulina algae and opaque-2 maize proved very promising sources of protein in the mass rearing of Heliothis under laboratory conditions. They can be developed as a very simple inexpensive larval diet. Opaque-2 is particularly rich in lysine and tryptophan whereas algae are, in addition rich in alanine, tyrosine, other amino acids and in vitamin-B. Their cost is about 70% below that of other sources of protein tested. Larval and pupae weights were higher, though not significantly so, when reared on diets containing spirulina and opaque-2. The life cycle and reproduction of moths from controls and from larvae reared on spirulina and opaque-2 diets proved comparable
Primary Subject
Feb 1976; 6 p
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Zolfagharieh, H.R.; Mashayekhi, S.; Babaii, M; Mostafavi, H.A., E-mail:
FAO/IAEA international conference on area-wide control of insect pests: Integrating the sterile insect and related nuclear and other techniques. Book of extended synopses2005
FAO/IAEA international conference on area-wide control of insect pests: Integrating the sterile insect and related nuclear and other techniques. Book of extended synopses2005
[en] Full text: The effect of different doses of gamma radiation on Callosobruchus maculatus (F) was studied. Doses of 0, 20, 35, 50, 60 and 70 Gy were used to treat pupae. Emerging adults were separated before mating and crossed in treatments including: normal male x normal female, normal male x irradiated female, irradiated male x normal female and irradiated male x irradiated female. Comparing means (Duncan's test, 0.05) showed that in the 20 Gy treatment dose, all the crosses had a significant difference, except normal male x normal female and normal male x irradiated female. In the 35 Gy dose treatment, all the crosses had a significant difference. The highest sterility was observed in irradiated male x irradiated female and there was no significant difference with irradiated male x normal female. In the 50 Gy dose treatment, those crosses, which contained irradiated males or irradiated females had a significant difference with crosses containing normal males and females. In the 60 and 70 Gy treatments, percentage hatch in the next generation, both for sterile males and sterile females, was significantly reduced. Therefore, 60 to 70 Gy induce sterility in this insect. The efforts of sterile insect releases on a normal population were studied in three cases including: sterile males, sterile females and sterile male and female releases. Results indicated that sterile females release had no effect on reducing population in the next generation. Sterile male releases and sterile male and female releases had identical effects. In view that separating males and females is difficult and time consuming, it seems that sterile males and females released in a ratio of 10:10:1:1 (irradiated male x irradiated female x normal male x normal female) resulted in the best population reduction in the next generation. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy); 386 p; 2005; p. 175; FAO/IAEA international conference on area-wide control of insect pests: Integrating the sterile insect and related nuclear and other techniques; Vienna (Austria); 9-13 May 2005; IAEA-CN--131/124P
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Ito, Y.; Yamamura, K.
Sterile insect technique. Principles and practice in area-wide integrated pest management2005
Sterile insect technique. Principles and practice in area-wide integrated pest management2005
[en] The principles of population and behavioural ecology in relation to the application of the sterile insect technique (SIT) for eradication of a pest are explained. These include: (1) a logistic population model for estimation of the population fluctuation of target animals and the number of sterile males to be released for successful eradication, (2) mark-recapture estimations of density and mortality rate of the target population, especially for remote areas, where repeated releases and recaptures are difficult, (3) models of dispersal to assess dispersal distance of target animals, and (4) equations for estimating the decrease of sexual competitiveness of mass-reared strains under field conditions. The method to estimate dispersal distance curves when attraction areas of traps are overlapping, and changes in mate-choice of wild females resulting from inadvertent selection when the SIT is applied, are explained. The necessity of field estimation of sexual competitiveness of released sterile males is also emphasized. (author)
Primary Subject
Dyck, V.A.; Hendrichs, J.; Robinson, A.S. (International Atomic Energy Agency, Joint FAO/IAEA Programme, Vienna (Austria)) (eds.); 787 p; ISBN 1-4020-4050-4; ; ISBN 978 1-4020-4050-4; ; ISBN 1-4020-4051-2; ; ISBN 978 1-4020-4051-1; ; 2005; p. 177-208; 62 refs, 9 figs, 2 tabs
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Robinson, A.S.; Hendrichs, J.
Sterile insect technique. Principles and practice in area-wide integrated pest management2005
Sterile insect technique. Principles and practice in area-wide integrated pest management2005
[en] Science-based modern agriculture and international trade in agricultural commodities have achieved that, even though the world population has doubled in the last 40 years, the absolute number of people in poverty and hunger has been falling steadily. The major challenge in the immediate future is to consolidate these positive gains, while simultaneously expanding environment-friendly agricultural practices. Within this context, the sterile insect technique (SIT), as part of area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) programmes, will continue to gain momentum for application against certain key insect pests. This is in response to the demands for cleaner food and a better environment, the need to facilitate increasing international trade by overcoming pest related trade barriers to the movement of agricultural commodities, and the imperative of dealing with the increasing invasion of exotic pests. As the use of the technology increases, changes will continue to be made to improve the overall efficiency of the technique for those species where the SIT is already being used, and to expand the use of the technique to new key species. Modem biotechnology may also contribute to improving efficiency and, even though there are as yet no transgenic strains of pest insects that could be used in AW-IPM programmes, transgenic technology may eventually benefit these programmes in terms of strain marking, genetic sexing, molecular sterilization, and disease refractoriness; however, first the regulatory hurdle to allow their use will have to be overcome. There appears to be much promise in improving sterile male performance by exposing male insects to hormonal, nutritional, microbial, and semiochemical supplements. Furthermore, the management of mother colonies will be significantly improved to reduce the effects of colonization and to slow down mass-rearing effects on key behavioural parameters that often result in rapid colony deterioration. Progress will also need to be made in the cost-effectiveness of all components of SIT implementation, from cage design to facility design, and from programme planning to evaluation. The trend of increasingly using sterile insects for routine pest suppression rather than eradication, particularly in commercially important commodities, will favour the involvement of the private sector and hence accelerate these improvements. Commercial producers of beneficial insects will probably be the natural investors, in view of the complementarities with sterile insects, experience in managing living organisms, and understanding the biological control market. As programme implementation is logistically complex, management will remain the key issue determining the success or failure of any area-wide approach to insect control. Thus, in spite of the many successes achieved and to be expected, in many least-developed countries the SIT may be a technology that is 'ahead of its time' and beyond the animal and public health as well plant protection infrastructures. Failures in SIT application, mostly confined to such countries, have not been due to science but the implementation of systematic large-scale operations. Increased involvement of the private sector in such countries probably would assure effective implementation. (author)
Primary Subject
Dyck, V.A.; Hendrichs, J.; Robinson, A.S. (International Atomic Energy Agency, Joint FAO/IAEA Programme, Vienna (Austria)) (eds.); 787 p; ISBN 1-4020-4050-4; ; ISBN 978 1-4020-4050-4; ; ISBN 1-4020-4051-2; ; ISBN 978 1-4020-4051-1; ; 2005; p. 727-760; 114 refs
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Dowell, R.V.; Worley, J.; Gomes, P.J.
Sterile insect technique. Principles and practice in area-wide integrated pest management2005
Sterile insect technique. Principles and practice in area-wide integrated pest management2005
[en] Insect mass-rearing for a sterile insect technique (SIT) programme is designed to move beyond the large-scale rearing of insects in a laboratory to the industrial production of consistently high-quality insects for sterilization and release. Each facility reflects the unique biology of the insect reared within it, but there are some generalities for all rearing facilities. Rearing insects in self-contained modules offers flexibility, and increased safety from catastrophic occurrences, compared with using a single building which houses all facets of the rearing process. Although mechanizing certain aspects of the rearing steps helps provide a consistently high-quality insect, successful mass-rearing and delivery depends largely upon the human component. Besides production in centralized facilities, insects can be produced from purchased eggs, or nowadays, adult insects are often obtained from specialized satellite emergence/collection facilities. Interest in commercializing insect production and release is increasing. Shipping sterile insects, sometimes over long distances, is now common practice. Procedures for handling and chilling adult insects, and providing food and water prior to release, are continually being improved. Sterile insects are released via static-release receptacles, ground-release systems, or most commonly from the air. The aerial release of chilled sterile insects is the most efficient method of release, especially when aircraft flight paths are guided by a Global Positioning System (GPS) linked to a computer-controlled release mechanism. (author)
Primary Subject
Dyck, V.A.; Hendrichs, J.; Robinson, A.S. (International Atomic Energy Agency, Joint FAO/IAEA Programme, Vienna (Austria)) (eds.); 787 p; ISBN 1-4020-4050-4; ; ISBN 978 1-4020-4050-4; ; ISBN 1-4020-4051-2; ; ISBN 978 1-4020-4051-1; ; 2005; p. 297-324; 93 refs, 6 figs
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No abstract available
Original Title
Controle da mosca-do-mediterraneo atraves da tecnica do inseto esteril
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ARN: BR19870053018; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
Informe Agropecuario; ISSN 0100-3364; ; v. 12(140); p. 52-54
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