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Moustacchi, E.
Quantitative comparison of mutagenic hazards: rad-equivalences. Paris, 29 May 19791980
Quantitative comparison of mutagenic hazards: rad-equivalences. Paris, 29 May 19791980
No abstract available
Original Title
Mecanismes de la mutagenese par produis chimiques et radiations. Bases des regles actuelles pour les irradiations
Primary Subject
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses; p. 49-51; 1980; p. 49-51; Societe Francaise de Radioprotection; Fontenay-aux-Roses, France; Scientific session on quantitative comparison of mutagenic hazards: rad equivalences; Paris, France; 29 May 1979; Published in summary form only.
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Bykov, A.A.; Pronina, I.A.; Kudriavtsev, G.I.
PSAM 5: Probabilistic safety assessment and management2000
PSAM 5: Probabilistic safety assessment and management2000
[en] The paper deals with the generalized probabilistic approach for analyzing health consequences caused by various exposure factors. Formally basing on the competitive risk theory, it is introduced a general risk model for analysis the influence of environmental risk factors to human health. The usefulness of the model approach is in the opportunity of taking into account: time delay of impact and consequence manifestation; easy comparisons of exposure factors with different nature and various consequences (morbidity and mortality, carcinogenic and genetic); social and environmental components in overall mortality. Preliminary examples of comparative risk analysis are demonstrated on the Russian demography and environmental data with the attempt of characterizing the dynamical tendencies and evolution of introduced risk index. The prospects of the probabilistic approach and the results obtaining on this basis are discussed. (author)
Primary Subject
Kondo, S.; Furuta, K. (University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan)) (eds.); 2820 p; ISBN 4-946443-64-9; ; 2000; p. 2595-2601; PSAM 5: 5. international conference on probabilistic safety assessment and management; Osaka (Japan); 27 Nov - 1 Dec 2000; Vol. 4/4; 5 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.
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[en] Combining ability was studied for identification of potential cultivars and hybrids in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in a 6x6 set of diallel crosses among six genotypes of cotton, i.e., VH-232, CRS-2007, SB-149, GR-156, FH-207, and MARVI carried out on fiber length, fiber fineness, fiber elongation, fiber strength, ginning out tern (GOT) and seed cotton yield. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant (p < 0.01) differences among the genotypes for all traits. Combining ability studies showed that the mean squares, due to general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) and reciprocal effects were highly significant in F1 generation. Genetic components, due to GCA and SCA, revealed that traits, such as, fiber length, strength and fineness, showed high proportion of additive type of gene action in F1 generation because of greater GCA variances were greater than SCA variance. GR-156 was the best combiner for lint percentage and fiber length. FH-207 was the best combiner for fiber fineness. FH-207, MARVI and SB-149 were the best general combiners for fiber character and were suggested to be used in future breeding programme to improve fiber quality traits. CRS-2007 x GR-156, CRS-2007 x MARVI, SB-149 x MARVI and VH-232 x SB-149 had higher specific combining ability and reciprocal effects and they can be used for future breeding programme to improve fiber quality. (author)
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Journal Article
Science Technology and Development; ISSN 0254-6418; ; v. 32(4); p. 281-284
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[en] Jatropha curcas (Linnaeus) belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family, is a multipurpose use, drought resistant and perennial plant. It is an economic important crop, which generates wide interest in understanding the genetic diversity of the species towards selection and breeding of superior genotypes. Jatropha accessions are closely related family species. Thus, better understanding of the effectiveness of the different DNA-based markers is an important step towards plant germplasm characterization and evaluation. It is becoming a prerequisite for more effective application of marker techniques in breeding programs. Inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs) has shown rapid, simple, reproducible and inexpensive means in molecular taxonomy, conservation breeding and genetic diversity analysis. These markers were used to understand diversity and differentiate amongst accessions of Jatropha population and mutant lines generated by acute gamma radiation. The ISSR for marker applications are essential to facilitate management, conservation and genetic improvement programs towards improvement of bio-diesel production and medication substances. A total of 62 ISSR primers were optimized for polymorphism evaluations on five foreign accessions (Africa, India, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand), nine local accessions and two mutants of Jatropha. Optimization was resulted 54 ISSR primers affirmative for the polymorphism evaluation study, which encountered 12 ISSR primers, showed significance polymorphism amongst the accessions and mutants. Marker derived from ISSR profiling is a powerful method for identification and molecular classification of Jatropha from accession to generated mutant varieties. (author)
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Secondary Subject
2010; 7 p; RnD Seminar 2010: Research and Development Seminar 2010; Bangi (Malaysia); 12-15 Oct 2010; Also available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center by email:; Poster presentation. 2 fig. 2 tab.
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[en] Since the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world has witnessed the insidious growth of a genocidal system-a constellation of men, weapons, and war-fighting plans which, if implemented, could put an end to life on this planet. In this book, the cast of mind that created and maintains this threat is examined and an alternative, more hopeful direction is suggested. This book draws on the lessons of the Holocaust- and presents a picture of the genocidal mentality. If we are to survive this genocidal mentality must give way to a species self, to a deepened awareness of belonging to a single species. This shift in mind-set would enable us to renounce nuclearism and to envision a genuine human future
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1990; 346 p; Basic Books Inc; New York, NY (United States); ISBN 0-465-02662-1; ; Basic Books Inc., 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022 (United States)
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[en] The sense of an urgent need for risk evaluation of chemical mutagens and carcinogens in man's environment naturally tends to direct attention to the long-standing and successful experience in the field of radiation. Essential criteria for the interaction of chemical agents and radiation with biological systems are analysed and discussed. The marked dissimilarities in this regard between radiation and chemical agents provide the major limitations and hindrance to the meaningful interpretation of the chemical-induced effects in terms of radiation equivalents. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Panel proceedings series; p. 87-90; ISBN 92-0-111180-0; ; 1980; p. 87-90; IAEA; Vienna; Advisory group meeting on radiobiological equivalents of chemical pollutants; Vienna, Austria; 12 - 16 Dec 1977; IAEA-AG--97/10
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[en] A 5 * 5 diallel analysis was conducted to study the inheritance of seed cotton yield, number of bolls and boll weight in Gossypium hirsutum L. using combining ability technique. The analysis of the data revealed that variance due to specific combining ability was significant for all the three traits signifying the importance of non additive gene action. The comparison of the parents showed that NF-801-2-37 was the best general combiner for seed cotton yield, number of bolls and boll weight followed by Acala-63-75. Best hybrid combinations identified were Acala-63-75 * NF-801-2-37 for seed cotton yield and DPL-61 * NF-801-2-37 for number of bolls and boll weight. Higher proportion of dominance variance in all three traits suggested delayed selection or use of heterosis breeding in crop improvement programs. (author)
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Record Type
Journal Article
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences; ISSN 0552-9034; ; v. 51(1); p. 143-146
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[en] The present situation concerning the problem of estimating genetic risks associated with the exposure of living beings, including man, to chemical compounds present in the environment is defined. Since these compounds affect the genetic material of cells by reactions similar to those produced by radiations, attempts have been made to establish rad-equivalences for some of these substances. This idea is discussed through the different publications mentioned
On a defini l'etat actuel du probleme que pose l'estimation des risques genetiques associes a l'exposition d'etres vivants, y compris l'homme, a des composes chimiques presents dans le milieu. Comme ces composes agissent sur le materiel genetique des cellules selon des reactions semblables a celles que produisent les radiations, on a tente d'etablir des rad-equivalences pour certains de ces composes. C'est cette notion qui est discutee au travers des differentes publicationsOriginal Title
Comparaison quantitative des nuisances mutagenes: rad-equivalences
Primary Subject
1980; 178 p; Societe Francaise de Radioprotection; Fontenay-aux-Roses, France; Scientific session on quantitative comparison of mutagenic hazards: rad-equivalences; Paris, France; 29 May 1979
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[en] The aim of this study was to test the effective isolates in the field and select the best mutant for large scale inoculation. Concerming the rest of the treatments there was a significant in the fresh and dry weights. No statistical difference was found between dry weight of plants inoculated with mixture of mutants and mutant number 3
Primary Subject
Iraq Atomic Energy Commission, Baghdad (Iraq). Nuclear Research Centre; Annual Report; [200 p.]; 1989; p. 72; Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission; Baghdad (Iraq); Available from Information Center-Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission, Tuwaitha-Baghdad, P.O. BOX 765, IRAQ
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[en] Agrochemicals are indispensable in agriculture, but their frequent and indiscriminate use incurs caryological irregularities and mutagenic effects on cell-cytongenetic apparatus. These kinds of abnormalities at chromosome level disturb the normal process of their packaging and distribution at the time of cell-division, create phenotypic alterations in the plant and inflict genetic aging upon the crop-varieties. Thus, laboratory-testing of the agrochemicals for their cytotoxicity must be a regular feature in the country and the least cytotoxic formulation should only be recommended for commercial use. (author)
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Journal Article
Science Technology and Development; ISSN 0254-6418; ; v. 21(3); p. 37
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