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Original Title
Ensemble de decroissance avec hydro-ejecteur pour dilution des ejections radioactives
Primary Subject
19 Nov 1968; 4 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 1604662/D/
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[en] The effect of the ionic contrast media diatrizoate, iocarmate and metrizoate and the non-ionic metrizamide on whole blood viscosity, plasma viscosity and hematocrit was investigated. All the contrast media increased whole blood and plasma viscosity and reduced the hematocrit. The whole blood viscosity increased with increasing osmolality of the contrast medium solutions, whereas the plasma viscosity increased with increasing viscosity of the contrast medium solutions. The higher the osmolality of the contrast media, the lower the hematocrit became. The normal shear-thinning (decreasing viscosity with increasing shear rate) property of blood was reduced when contrast medium was added to the blood. At 50 per cent volume ratio (contrast medium to blood), the ionic contrast media converted the blood into a shear-thickening (increasing viscosity with increasing shear rate) suspension, indicating a marked rigidification of the single red cell, while the non-ionic contrast medium still produced shear-thinning, indicating less rigidification of the red cell (p<0.01). (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Acta Radiologica. Diagnosis; ISSN 0567-8056; ; v. 19(6); p. 977-989
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Hegesippe, Michel.
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1971
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1971
No abstract available
Original Title
Seringue filtrante et procede de dosage en faisant application
Primary Subject
11 Mar 1971; 5 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2129003/D/
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Pierce, J.O.; Lichte, F.E.; Hastings Vogt, C.R.; Abu-Samra, A.; Ryan, T.R.; Koirtyohann, S.R.; Vogt, J.R.
Measurement, detection and control of environmental pollutants1976
Measurement, detection and control of environmental pollutants1976
[en] Highly sensitive procedures for the determination of chromium in bio-environmental samples using neutron activation analysis, atomic absorption and gas chromatography have been developed in this laboratory. In the neutron activation procedure, dried samples are irradiated for up to 100 hours at a neutron flux in excess of 1014 neutrons cm-2s-1 for determinations at the parts per 109 level. Following irradiation, chromium is separated by distillation as chromylchloride and precipitated and counted as BaCrO4. Samples to be analysed by atomic absorption were digested using concentrated nitric acid followed by hydrogen peroxide, and injected into a Perkin Elmer model 2100 graphite furnace. For the gas chromatography determinations an EC detector in pulse mode with linearizer was used to detect chromium trifluoroacetylacetonate following separation on 3% OV-17. Analysis of a round-robin, freeze-dried urine sample by all three methods gave excellent agreement. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Proceedings series; p. 357-367; ISBN 92-0-060076-X; ; 1976; IAEA; Vienna; International symposium on the development of nuclear-based techniques for the measurement, detection and control of environmental pollutants; Vienna, Austria; 15 Mar 1976; IAEA-SM--206/27
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[en] The protein fractions of blood serum containing HB antigen underwent disintegration to varying degrees, depending on the radiation ose. Dry preparations were more radiation-resistant. Gamma radiation reduced the immunochemical activity of HB-antigen. (author)
Original Title
Vliyanie radiosterilizatsii na belki cyvorotki krovi cheloveka i NB-antigen
Primary Subject
Sovet Ehkonomicheskoj Vzaimopomoshchi, Moscow (USSR). Postoyanniya Komissiya po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii v Mirnykh Tselyakh; p. 103-106; 1976; Symposium on radiation sterilization of drugs; Brno, Czechoslovakia; 7 Apr 1975
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[en] Five ml of blood samples were taken from cervix, lung and other cancer patients treated with therapeutic radiation of 1,000r, 1,200r, 1,400r, 1,600r, 2,000r, 2,800r, 3,000r, 3,800r, 4,000r, 4,600r, 5,000r, 5,400r, 5,800r and 6,000r respectively. Chromosome preparations were obtained from invitro leukocyte culture and air drying method. Types of chromosome aberration rates were analyzed according to the radiation dose. Two types of abnormal chromosomes, dicentric and acentric chromosomes, were observed in the leukocytes. The polyploid cells were also found in the experimental groups. (author)
Primary Subject
10. annual meeting of the Korean Nuclear Society; Seoul, Korea; 20 May 1978
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of the Korean Nuclear Society; v. 10(2); p. 121
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[en] This paper presents the use of the developed spectroscopic system for noncontact measurement of one’s skin blood oxygen saturation (StO2). This study employed light diffusion model in the prediction of the required value using light source of wavelength 488 nm, 522 nm and 684 nm. The performance of this system was tested on ten volunteers of different skin tone to investigate the robustness of the system. The mean and standard deviation of StO2 value calculated for the recruited subjects is given by 71 ± 4.7 %. The results revealed differences in the predicted value with the recruits’ skin tone. This work concluded that the developed system may potentially be used in clinical settings to determine skin oxygen saturation and to monitor wound healing progress. (paper)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International PostGraduate Conference on Applied Science and Physics 2017; Johor (Malaysia); 7 Dec 2017; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 1049(1); [5 p.]
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Wang, Guofeng; Gu, Yong; Xu, Ning; Zhang, Mei; Yang, Tao, E-mail:, E-mail: taoyang_1@126.com2018
[en] Recent studies revealed altered miRNAs profiling in patients with autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes (T1D). Here, we conducted an observational study and examined the expression levels of these five miRNAs (miR-150,miR-146a,miR-424,miR-181a and miR-142-3P) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from T1D patients.
Primary Subject
S0006291X17313281; Available from; Copyright (c) 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications; ISSN 0006-291X; ; CODEN BBRCA9; v. 498(3); p. 382-387
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External URLExternal URL
[en] Complete text of publication follows. By considering the surface properties as a key factor in blood compatibility and biostability of a synthetic vessel, in the present study, the surface modification of a hybrid nanocomposite polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) in to poly (carbonate-urea) urethane (CPU) , POSS-PCU, was done. Computer based modelling through response surface methodology (RSM) and central composite design (CCD) was used to optimise the processing conditions relating to plasma power output (30, 60 and 90 W), and (b) the duration of plasma exposure time (30, 75 and 120 sec) on the treatment process. It was found that optimal WCA (θ) for endothelial cells (EC) adhesion and retention which was reported 55 deg from supporting literature (equivalent to (γs = 51 mN/m), was easily achievable using the following experimental conditions: (I) power output at 30 W for 75 sec, (II) 90 W for 40 sec, and (III) 90 W for 55 sec in O2. The effect of plasma treatment on the film of POSS-PCU was studied through water contact angle (WCA), surface energy, ATR-FTIR, SEM and AFM. A comparison between platelet adhesion, hemolysis ratio and EC adhesion and MTT assays for cell assessment to both plasma treated and untreated samples were done and evaluated. This study showed that by developing a model, it is possible to investigate key experimental parameters to achieve reproducible and optimal wettability and surface energy (γs) values and hence modify the interfacial properties of biomaterials used in the design of vascular bypass grafts to enhance the endothelial cells (EC) response to biomaterials.
Primary Subject
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Isotopes (Hungary); [168 p.]; 2011; p. 41; 12. 'Tihany' symposium on radiation chemistry; Zalakaros (Hungary); 27 Aug - 1 Sep 2011; 2 refs.
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Gwon, Huijeong; Nho, Youngchang; Lim, Younmook; Park, Jongseok; Jeong, Sungin; Jo, Sunyoung; Kim, Sujeong
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2014
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2014
[en] To develop blood filters for reducing of transfusion, radiation technology used for the development of high quality and selectivity blood filters and to develop a one-pot multistep filter-based system for the complete separation of whole blood. As a result, the mesh, spherical, and mesh/spherical mixed 11 kinds of filters developed by using radiation grafting techniques have completed a blood compatibility and cell viability and non-enzymatic degradation assessment test. The performance of these developed filters compared to commercial filters, red blood cell recovery rate of 99% or more, platelet recovery rate of 100% or more, and a 99% or more leukocyte removal rate have achieved. In particular, this project successfully preempt and patented technologies to design a one-pot multistep blood filter system using the radiation technology. This research is expected to contribute significantly to public health and welfare, as well as import substitution and localization.
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Jan 2014; 103 p; Also available from KAERI; 10 refs, 74 figs, 9 tabs
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