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Oshima, Masanori; Hasegawa, Toru.
Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)1978
Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)1978
[en] Purpose: To provide a simple radiation shielding method for the shielding wall of a building processing radioactive substances through which pipe lines are passed. Constitution: A concrete shielding block having insertion holes for pipe lines are formed, to which engaging recesses and engaging ridges are provided for the positioning of the pipe line insertion holes. Then, the concrete shielding block is inserted to a sleeve embedded in the shielding wall of the building and shielding plugs are inserted. (Kawakami, Y.)
Primary Subject
16 Nov 1978; 2 p; JP PATENT DOCUMENT 53-131388/A/; Available from JAPATIC. Also available from INPADOC
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Hirscheider, E.; Balk, O.
Gesellschaft fuer Strahlen- und Umweltforschung m.b.H. Muenchen, Neuherberg (Germany, F.R.)1980
Gesellschaft fuer Strahlen- und Umweltforschung m.b.H. Muenchen, Neuherberg (Germany, F.R.)1980
[en] The form-fitting brick allows to form simple geometric figures like straight lines, angles, polygons and crosses and to cover surfaces homogeneously without making use of another shape of brick. The brick has got superficies consisting of plane rectangular quadrangles part of which showing a concave connecting contour for the adjoining brick which has got a convex connecting contour. According to the invention both external ends of the concave connecting contours are shaped as reinforcing ribs. The bricks may be manufactured from concrete. The description mentions some variants. (UWI)
Der Strahlenschutz-Formbaustein erlaubt es, einfache geometrische Figuren wie Geraden, Winkel, Vielecke und Kreise zu bilden und Flaechen homogen auszulegen, ohne dass auf eine andere Steinform zurueckgegriffen wird. Der Stein besitzt Mantelflaechen aus ebenen rechtwinkligen Vierecken, ein Teil der Mantelflaechen weist eine konkave Anschlusskontur fuer den benachbarten Stein auf, der eine entsprechende konvexe Anschlusskontur besitzt. Erfindungsgemaess sind die beiden aeusseren Enden der konkaven Anschlusskonturen als Verstaerkungsrippen ausgebildet. Die Steine koennen aus Beton ausgefuehrt werden. Die Beschreibung gibt einige Varianten an. (UWI)Original Title
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
3 Apr 1980; 6 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2700088/C/; Available from Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen, Germany, F.R
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Huang, C.L.D.; Siang, H.H.; Kirmser, P.G.
Structural mechanics in reactor technology. Transactions. Vol. H1979
Structural mechanics in reactor technology. Transactions. Vol. H1979
[en] A diffusion theory with a linear or a nonlinear coefficient of diffusivity is insufficient for the characterization of the drying behaviour of hydrated concrete slabs. A general mathematical model, based on nonequilibrium, irreversible flows of heat and mass, yields a set of nonlinear partial differential equations of parabolic type. Implicit finite difference calculations for a concrete slab yield moisture, temperature, and pressure histories as well as global average drying rates. Graphs show that during the pendular state of dessication, diffusion, capillary, and evaporation-condensation processes are the governing mechanisms in drying. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Jaeger, T.A.; Boley, B.A. (eds.); Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); Bundesanstalt fuer Materialpruefung, Berlin (Germany, F.R.); International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology; p. H1/6 (1-8); ISBN 0 444 85364 2; ; 1979; p. H1/6 (1-8); North-Holland Publishing Co; Amsterdam, Netherlands; 5. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMIRT-5). 9. international seminar and 2. international seminar on structural reliability of mechanical components and subassemblies of nuclear power plants and 2. international seminar on containment of fast breeder reactors (CONFABRE-2); Berlin, Germany, F.R; 9 - 21 Aug 1979; INKA-CONF--79-321-284
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Compernass, J.
Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)1979
Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen (Germany, F.R.)1979
[en] The cadmium, boron or hafnium compound, particularly boron oxide granulate is enriched to saturation by the H2O contained in or added to a mixture of plastic dispersion and cement gel, and is added to the concrete mixture. A mixture of polyvinyl propionate, oil of terpentine, xylol, fatty acid ester, oil of paraffin and chlorine-free bitumen emulsion is suitable as dispersion. Following mixing, the concrete is densified to values of 2.51 to 2.55 g/cm3 by common methods. Steel or carbon fibers can be added to the concrete mixture to further increase the strength values and shielding effect. (DG)
Die Cadmium-, Bor- oder Hafniumverbindung, insbesondere das Bortrioxid-Granulat, wird durch das in einem Gemisch aus Kunststoffdispersion und Zementgel enthaltene oder zugesetzte H2O bis zur Saettigung angereichert und der Betonmischung beigegeben. Als Dispersion eignet sich eine Mischung aus Polyvinylpropionat, Terpentinoel, Xylol, Fettsaeureester, Paraffinoel und chlorfreier Bitumenemulsion. Nach der Durchmischung erfolgt eine Verdichtung des Betons auf Werte von 2,51 bis 2,55 g/cm3 mit ueblichen Verfahren. Zur weiteren Erhoehung der Festigkeitswerte und Abschirmwirkung koennen der Betonmischung Stahl- oder Kohlenstofffasern zugesetzt werden. (DG)Original Title
Verfahren zum Herstellen eines neutronensicheren Betons
Primary Subject
15 Feb 1979; 2 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2749059/B/
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[en] The velocities of ultrasonic waves in a uniaxially compressed concrete are influenced by microcracking. The experimental results are commented and a model of propagation in a randomly microcracked medium is built. The model shows a high anisotropy of propagation when all cracks have the same orientation
Les celerites de propagation d'ondes ultrasonores dans une eprouvette de beton soumise a des cycles de compression simple sont reliees a son etat de microfissuration. On presente les resultats experimentaux et on construit un modele theorique de propagation en milieu fissure aleatoirement. On montre en particulier la forte anisotropie induite par une orientation preferentielle des fissuresOriginal Title
Propagation des ondes et microfissuration du beton
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
C. R. Seances Acad. Sci., Ser. B; v. 289(13); p. 215-218
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[en] A procedure for the manufacture of concrete vessels with an inner lining to contain hazardous materials is described. The procedure is designed to avoid enclosed air pockets or faults in the concrete like gravel lumps. Protruding reinforcement parts are fitted with rubber buffers to protect the vessel from being damaged in case of accidents (falling from a crane) or rolling away. Also thin-walled vessels can be produced by this method
Original Title
Werkwijze voor de vervaardiging van betonnen vaten, in het bijzonder containers voor gevaarlijke stoffen, en met deze werkwijze vervaardigde container
Primary Subject
31 Jan 1974; 7 p; NL PATENT DOCUMENT 7401389/A/; 2 figs.
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Lazzeri, L.; Bozzo, F.; Berro, A.; Righetti, G.A.
Structural mechanics in reactor technology. Transactions. Vol. J1979
Structural mechanics in reactor technology. Transactions. Vol. J1979
[en] While analyzing heavy concrete structures the thermal problem has a huge importance due to the large stiffness of the structure themselves. However cracking occurs and a large reduction in the stiffness of the structures and consequently on the loads takes place. This characteristic (already taken into consideration by ASME code for steel structures) needs some more care for the case of concrete due to its relatively brittle nature (however this benefit has been recognized by ACI codes). Following the same line of research presented by some of the authors some experience has been made in the field of the analysis of concrete structures under cracking due to thermal loads. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Jaeger, T.A.; Boley, B.A. (eds.); Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); Bundesanstalt fuer Materialpruefung, Berlin (Germany, F.R.); International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology; p. J5/6 (1-7); ISBN 0444 85365 0; ; 1979; p. J5/6 (1-7); North-Holland Publishing Co; Amsterdam, Netherlands; 5. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMIRT-5). 9. international seminar and 2. international seminar on structural reliability of mechanical components and subassemblies of nuclear power plants and 2. international seminar on containment of fast breeder reactors (CONFABRE-2); Berlin, Germany, F.R; 9 - 21 Aug 1979; INKA-CONF--79-321-352
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L'Homme, A.; Humbert, J.M.; Quillico, J.J.; Lourenco, A.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1982
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1982
[en] This paper deals with the description of the experimental device, the study programme and the physical model developed for the final interpretation of the experiments. Some experimental results are given as an example. The experimental device enables one side of a concrete cylinder of 1 m3 (section 1 m2, height 1 m), fitted with temperature and pressure measurement instrument in the mass, to be heated. The water is collected continuously on each of the 2 sides. Several experiments have been carried out on reinforced and non reinforced concrete samples, for hot face maximum temperatures in the 300 to 6000C range. The duration of an experiment varies from 2 days to one week. The physical model developed for interpreting the experiments allows for all thermal exchanges and various types of water transport in the porosity of the concrete (gaseous or liquid phase, towards the hot side or the cold side)
Cet expose est oriente sur la description du dispositif experimental, du programme d'etudes et du modele physique en cours d'elaboration pour l'interpretation finale des experiences. Quelques resultats experimentaux sont donnes a titre d'exemple. Le dispositif experimental permet de chauffer sur une face un cylindre de beton de 1 m3 (section 1 m2, hauteur 1 m), instrumente dans la masse en mesures de temperature et de pression. L'eau est recueillie en continu sur chacune des 2 faces. Plusieurs experiences ont ete effectuees sur des eprouvettes de beton ferraillees ou non, pour des temperatures maximales de face chaude comprises entre 300 et 600 0C. La duree d'une experience varie entre 2 jours et 1 semaine. Le modele physique mis au point pour interpreter les experiences tient compte de tous les echanges thermiques et des divers types de transport de l'eau dans la porosite du beton (en phase gazause ou liquide, vers la face chaude ou vers la face froide)Original Title
Comportement thermique et relachement en eau du beton chauffe a des temperatures comprises entre 300 et 6000C
Primary Subject
Jun 1982; 28 p; International workshop on containment integrity; Washington, DC, USA; 7 - 9 Jun 1982
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Report Number
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[en] Specifications are set forth for natural mineral aggregates, consisting of materials such as barite, magnetite, ilmenite, limonite, and serpentine and synthetic aggregates such as ferrophosphorous for use in radiation-shielding concretes. Sizing, composition, specific gravity, and fixed water content are all covered in the standards of specifications
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Annual Book of ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Standards; (no.45); p. 165-168
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[en] The possibility of using numerical method for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures is limited by the incomplete knowledge of the behavior of concrete under multiaxial stress states. While many experimental and theorectical investigations have been and are presently carried out to clarify this problem, an attempt is being made here to use the available experimental data to achieve an ultimate strength criterion apt to be used in an analytical model. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Jaeger, T.A.; Boley, B.A. (eds.); Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); Bundesanstalt fuer Materialpruefung, Berlin (Germany, F.R.); International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology; p. H2/4 (1-10); ISBN 0 444 85364 2; ; 1979; p. H2/4 (1-10); North-Holland Publishing Co; Amsterdam, Netherlands; 5. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMIRT-5). 9. international seminar and 2. international seminar on structural reliability of mechanical components and subassemblies of nuclear power plants and 2. international seminar on containment of fast breeder reactors (CONFABRE-2); Berlin, Germany, F.R; 9 - 21 Aug 1979; INKA-CONF--79-321-288
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