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Ministerstvo na Narodnoto Zdrave, Sofia (Bulgaria); Syyuz na Nauchnite Meditsinski Druzhestva v Bylgariya, Sofia; Nauchno Druzhestvo na Rentgenolozite i Radiolozite, Sofia (Bulgaria); 189 p; Oct 1985; p. 120-121; 6. national congress of roentgenology, radiology and radiobiology; Sofia (Bulgaria); 4-6 Oct 1985; Published in summary form only.
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Groch, M.W.; Whitehead, F.R.
Searle (G.D.) and Co., Chicago, Ill. (USA)1976
Searle (G.D.) and Co., Chicago, Ill. (USA)1976
[en] A cylindrical scintillator is optically insulated from a second crystal, coaxially surrounding it. Both scintillators are each connected by a light guide to a photomultiplier tube. A collimator is placed in front of the scintillators, formed by two coaxial cylinders of radiation absorbing material, having the same diameters as the scintillators. This defines a conical field of view for the central scintillator. The field of view of the outer scintillator is also conical, but with a blind region, cylindrical in shape, situated in front of the central scintillator. Comparison of the light output of the photomultiplier tubes allows one to effectively isolate photons from a single half of a patient's heart, if he is given an injection of radioactivity, and if the center of the probe is placed exactly opposite the region of interest. (ORU)
Ein Ringszintillator wird optisch von einem ihn koaxial umgebenden Kristall isoliert. Beide Szintillatoren sind einzeln durch Lichtfuehrungselemente mit einem Photoelektronen-Vervielfacher gekoppelt. Vor den Szintillatoren befindet sich ein Kollimator, der aus zwei koaxialen Zylindern aus strahlenabsorbierendem Material gebildet wird, die denselben Durchmesser wie die Szintillatoren haben. Der Kollimator begrenzt ein konisches Gesichtsfeld fuer die zentralen Szintillatoren. Das Gesichtsfeld des peripheren Szintillators ist ebenfalls konisch, hat aber vor den zentralen Szintillatoren eine optische Barriere. Eine Lichtleistungvergleich der Photoelektronen-Vervielfacher ermoeglicht eine wirksame Isolierung der Photonen von der einen Herzhaelfte des Patienten, falls dieser eine radioaktive Injektion bekommt und wenn das Sondenzentrum genau gegenueber dem zu untersuchenden Gebiet plaziert wird. (ORU)Original Title
Szintillationssonde mit zwei Szintillationskristallen
14 Oct 1976; 23 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2611101/A/; Available from Dt. Patentamt, Muenchen (FRG); 6 figs.
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Baruthio, J.; Constantinesco, A.; Chavas, M.; Meyer, P.; Dumitresco, B.; Chambron, J.; Nikitine, S.; Voegtlin, R.
International conference on signals and images in medicine and biology (BIOSIGMA 78), Paris, 24-28 April 19781978
International conference on signals and images in medicine and biology (BIOSIGMA 78), Paris, 24-28 April 19781978
[en] This work is based on a acquisition and pretreating Service of data and signals resulting from several types of functional explorations in cardiology. This Service, through a specialised phone-line, is connected to the Medical Centre of Informatic where the different treatments and on occasion the recording of data are carried out. This functions according to the Real Time Executive System and the clinical results are send back to the investigation unit. The main types of cardiologic analysis as studied by the system are envisaged: measure in real time of the cardiac output and analysis of the radiocardiogram, measure and display of the thoracic potentials, spectral analysis of the vectorcardiogram, quantitative cineangiocardiography and analysis of intracardiac pressures. This system is particularly interesting in that it may treat several processes which could ask for a great capacity of storing and an important calculus power, see for instance the study of thoracic potentials. This type of analysis could not be envisaged financially with isolated calculators. The set of results obtained enables us to investigate thoroughly and precisely the cardiac performance
Il est presente une Antenne d'acquisition et de pretraitement de donnees et de signaux provenant de plusieurs types d'explorations fonctionnelles en cardiologie. Cette antenne est reliee par ligne specialisee au centre d'Informatique Medicale ou sont effectues les traitements et l'archivage des donnees et des resultats. L'ensemble fonctionne sous le systeme 'temps reel' et les resultats sont renvoyes sur le site d'exploration. Les differents ensembles d'acquisition des signaux et des donnees sont decrits, ainsi que les traitements appropries: mesure en temps reel du debit cardiaque par radioisotopes, analyse du radiocardiogramme, cartographie thoracique, analyse des vectocardiogrammes, cineangiocardiographie quantitative et analyse des pressions intracardiaques. L'interet de la realisation reside essentiellement dans la possibilite d'offrir une aide au diagnostic a plusieurs types d'explorations cardiologiques et ceci par le meme systeme central d'acquisition, dans le caractere evolutif de l'ensemble, dans l'obtention de parametres cardiaques difficilement accessibles par des systemes isoles et dans la possibilite de mener, conjointement a un but diagnostic, un programme de recherche dans l'etude des signaux et de la mecanique cardiaqueOriginal Title
Acquisition decentralisee et exploitation des donnees d'explorations fonctionnelles
Primary Subject
Anon; v. 2 p. 418-422; 1978; v. 2 p. 418-422; International conference committee BIOSIGMA 78; Paris, France; International conference on signals and images in medicine and biology (BIOSIGMA 78); Paris, France; 24 - 28 Apr 1978; Available from BIOSIGMA 78, 75783 Paris Cedex 16
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[en] In order to perform automatically the thresholding of the amplitude image obtained by phase analysis, a filter based on the probability density of the amplitude is proposed. It generates the image of the significant amplitude by setting to zero the amplitude if its square is lower than 4α0 log(1/α)/N where α0 is the mean of the signal, α the risk of error and N the number of frames. The power of the test is discussed and the modification of the filter for pre-processed data is provided. (author)
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Spector, M.; Barritault, L.; Boeri, C.; Fauchet, M.; Gambini, D.; Vernejoul, P. de
18. French language symposium on nuclear medicine. Reims, 9-12 June 1977
18. French language symposium on nuclear medicine. Reims, 9-12 June 1977
[en] The nuclear medicine and biophysics laboratory of the Necker-Enfants malades University Hospital Centre has built a microprocessor controlled Cardiac flowmetre. The principle of the cardiac output measurement from a radiocardiogram is well established. After injection of a radioactive indicator upstream from the heart cavities the dilution curve is obtained by the use of a gamma-ray precordial detector. This curve normally displays two peaks due to passage of the indicator into the right and left sides of the heart respectively. The output is then obtained from the stewart Hamilton principle once recirculation is eliminated. The graphic method used for the calculation however is long and tedious. The decreasing fraction of the dilution curve is projected in logarithmic space in order to eliminate recirculation by determining the mean straight line from which the decreasing exponential is obtained. The principle of the use of microprocessors is explained (electronics, logics)
Le laboratoire de medecine nucleaire et de biophysique du C.H.U. Necker-Enfants-Malades a construit un debitmetre cardiaque gere par microprocesseur. Le principe de la mesure du debit cardiaque a partir du radiocardiogramme est classique. Apres injection d'un indicateur radioactif en amont des cavites cardiaques, un detecteur precordial a rayon gamma permet d'obtenir la courbe de dilution. Cette courbe presente normalement deux pics, le premier du au passage de l'embol dans les cavites droites, le second dans le coeur gauche. Le principe de Stewart-Hamilton permet alors d'obtenir le debit une fois supprimee la recirculation. Mais la methode graphique utilisee pour le calcul reste longue et fastidieuse. Elle consiste a projeter dans l'espace logarithmique la fraction decroissante de la courbe de dilution afin de supprimer la recirculation en determinant la droite moyenne qui permet de determiner l'exponentielle decroissante. On a expose le principe de l'utilisation des microprocesseurs (electronique, logiciel)Original Title
Appareils de mesure du debit cardiaque geres par microprocesseurs
Valeyre, J.; Deltour, G.; Delisle, M.J. (eds.); p. 23-25; nd; p. 23-25; Faculte de Medecine; Reims, France; 18. French language symposium on nuclear medicine; Reims, France; 9 - 12 Jun 1977; Available from Institut Jean Goudinot, 45, rue Cognacq-Jay, 51090 Reims, France
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[en] A modified form of the back-to-front display algorithm has been implemented on a conventional nuclear medicine computer, enabling real time display of three-dimensional shaded surface images of the heart. A surface model was created from conventional blood pool tomograms, and displayed using depth shading. Mean time required to process 40 tomographic sections was 45 s; subsequently the heart could be inspected from any aspect with a refresh rate of 2-4 Hz, giving the effect of real time rotation. Rapid oscillation between end-diastolic and end-systolic images allowed wall motion to be assessed, and was combined with interactive selection of the viewing direction using a trackerball. For hard copy images, a surface orientation shading algorithm was used. Kinetic information was incorporated by creating composite hidden surface images from end-diastolic and end-systolic objects, using colour to indicate which surface was visible. (author)
Primary Subject
15. annual meeting of the British Nuclear Medicine Society; London (UK); 13-15 Apr 1987
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[en] An X-ray apparatus is described that includes a floor mounted enclosure, a patient supporting table on the enclosure, an X-ray tube casing mounted for angulating in the enclosure, X-ray imaging devices unitarily supported for angulating on a cantilever arm located above the table, and an extensible and contractible and optionally removable link arm for coupling the tube casing and image devices, respectively, to enable their coordinate longitudinal angulation or selectively to enable maintaining the X-ray tube and imaging devices in a fixed vertical relationship
Original Title
Diagnostisch roentgentoestel
Primary Subject
5 Nov 1976; 18 p; NL PATENT DOCUMENT 7612353/A/; Priority 17 Nov 1975, USA; 5 figs.
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No abstract available
Original Title
Objektivierung der Bildverarbeitung in der Nuklearmedizin am Beispiel der Nuklearkardiologie
Primary Subject
21. symposium on nuclear medicine; Reinhardsbrunn (German Democratic Republic); 15-19 Apr 1984; Published in summary form only.
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Journal Article
Literature Type
Radiologia Diagnostica; ISSN 0033-8354; ; v. 26(1); p. 169-170
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[en] Five methods of obtaining cardiac phase (and phase-like) images are compared. These are single-harmonic Fourier phase imaging; time-to-minimum using a two-harmonic fit to each dixel; time-to-minimum using four weighted harmonics; composite factorial phase imaging; and individual factorial phase imaging. Polaroid prints of phase images for both gated equilibrium studies (using all methods) and first-pass studies (first and last methods only) were shown to observers who were asked to rate the images according to their confidence of an abnormality presenting. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed. For gated studies composite factorial phase imaging appears to be best, while all methods are significantly better than single-harmonic Fourier phase imaging. For first-pass studies individual factorial phase imaging appears to be superior to single-harmonic Fourier phase imaging. (author)
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[en] Results are given for 23 patients including 19 tricuspid deficiencies, 9 surgical cases of which 5 had been examined before surgery, 2 were followed twice after surgery and 3 before. From a study of the aorta curve it seems possible: to diagnose a tricuspid deficiency in a patient with a complex heart disease, though for want of enough experience the reliability of this examination cannot be quaranteed in adiastolic cases nor above all when an added respiratory deficiency is present; to determine the magnitude of the leakage from the tricuscip regurgitation index measurement
On a rappote les resultats obtenus chez 23 malades comprenant: 19 insuffisances tricuspidiennes, 9 malades operes dont 5 avaient ete examines en pre-operatoire, 2 malades ont ete suivis a deux reprises en post-operatoire et 3 en pre-operatoire. L'etude de la courbe aortique semble permettre: d'affirmer l'existence d'une insuffisance tricuspidienne chez un malade porteur d'une cardiopathie complexe (on ne peut toutefois faute d'experience suffisante garantir la fiabilite de cet examen en cas d'adiastolie et surtout d'insuffisance respiratoire surajoutee); de preciser l'importance de cette fuite avec la mesure de l'indice de regurgitation triscuspidienOriginal Title
Interet de la courbe de dilution isotopique aortique dans le diagnostic d'insuffisance tricuspidienne
Primary Subject
Valeyre, J.; Deltour, G.; Delisle, M.J. (eds.); p. 54-57; nd; p. 54-57; Faculte de Medecine; Reims, France; 18. French language symposium on nuclear medicine; Reims, France; 9 - 12 Jun 1977; Available from Institut Jean Goudinot, 45, rue Cognacq-Jay, 51090 Reims, France
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