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Sidenius, G.
Proceedings of the international conference on electromagnetic isotope separators and the techniques for their applications1970
Proceedings of the international conference on electromagnetic isotope separators and the techniques for their applications1970
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Wagner, H.; Walcher, W. (Marburg Univ. (F.R. Germany). Physikalisches Inst.) (eds.); Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Wissenschaft, Bonn (F.R. Germany); Zentralstelle fuer Atomkernenergie-Dokumentation, Karlsruhe (F.R. Germany); p. 423-432; Dec 1970; International conference on electromagnetic isotope separators and the technique of their applications; Marburg, F.R. Germany; 7 Sep 1970; 4 figs.; 2 refs.
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[en] The physical events investigated in a Transient Hollow Cathode Discharge (THCD) are initiated by means of high voltage electric discharges ranged in low pressure, and it is characterized by an axial aperture in the cathode electrode. The main effect of the axial orifice in the cathode is to modify the geometry of the extemal applied electric field creating local conditions of ionization in the Hollow Cathode Region (HCR) previous to the occurrence of a substantial growth of the ionization processes in the interelectrode region (A-K). The ionization processes, occurring so much in the A-K region like in the HCR are mutually assisted , are the essential events which leads the final electric breakdown; both region are interconnected by means of the hollow cathode leading, from the beginning of the discharges, the existence of three distinguished ionization regime. In some previous statistical studies it was suggested that in the third identified regime would exists a competition between the ionization events due to that the temporal statistics distributions of this events would not obey to gaussian distributions. The present work attempts to show the temporal ionization events sequence which exists in the third regime in the range of 100 ns previous to the breakdown. The temporal sequence of the studied ionization events occurs in Hydrogen gas at 30 kV voltage supply in the work pressure range of 50 and 500 mTorr for different cathode apertures (C.W)
Original Title
Procesos de ionizacion en una descarga transiente de catodo hueco 100 ns antes de la ruptura electrica
Primary Subject
Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear (CCHEN), Santiago de Chile (Chile); 54 p; Oct 2000; p. 23; 2. Scientific meeting of Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission; Segundas jornadas cientificas de la Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear; Santiago de Chile (Chile); 4-6 Oct 2000; Available from Library of CCHEN (spanish version); Translation of the full text of the spanish abstract has been entered in this record
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No abstract available
Original Title
Ob odnoj osobennosti formirovaniya razryada v sisteme polykh ehlektrodov
Primary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst; Proceedings Series; no. 1(1) p. 52-53; 1973; Engineering problems of experimental physics; Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR; 14 Dec 1972
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Ben-Zvi, I.
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: Doe - Office Of Science (United States)2008
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: Doe - Office Of Science (United States)2008
[en] Over the past three years, Advanced Energy Systems and Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) have been collaborating on the design of an Ampere- class superconducting photocathode electron gun. BNL performed the physics design of the overall system and RF cavity under prior programs. Advanced Energy Systems (AES) is currently responsible for the engineering design and fabrication of the electron gun under contract to BNL. We will report on the engineering design and fabrication status of the superconducting photocathode electron gun. The overall configuration of the cryomodule will be reviewed. The layout of the hermitic string, space frame, shielding package, and cold mass will be discussed. The engineering design of the gun cavity and removable cathode will be presented in detail and areas of technical risk will be highlighted. Finally, the fabrication sequence and fabrication status of the gun cavity will be discussed
Primary Subject
17 Nov 2008; 15 p; 11. Annual Directed Symposium; Honolulu, HI (United States); 17-20 Nov 2008; AC02-98CH10886; Available from; PURL:
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[en] The goal of this activity has been to develop and implement S-20 photocathode processing techniques at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in order to study the physical properties of the photocathode films. The present work is the initial phase of a planned activity in understanding cathode fabrication techniques and the optical/electrical characterization of these films
Secondary Subject
22 Nov 1983; 40 p; Available from NTIS, PC A03/MF A01 as DE84004703
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Pellegrini, C.; Barov, N.; Hartman, S.C.; Park, S.; Rosenzweig, J.; Travish, G.; Zhang, R.; Davis, P.; Joshi, C.; Hairapetian, G.
Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference: Volume 41993
Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference: Volume 41993
[en] The UCLA rf photo-injector system has been commissioned. All of the sub-components such as the high power rf, pico-second laser, rf photo-injector cavity, diagnostics, and supporting hardware have been tested and are operational. The authors briefly discuss the performance of the various components since the details of each subsystem are very lengthy. The laser delivers a sub 4 ps pulse containing 0-300 μJ of energy per pulse. The photo-injector produces 0-3 nC per bunch with an rf induced emittance of 1.5 π(mm-mrad)
Primary Subject
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York, NY (United States); American Physical Society, Washington, DC (United States); 738 p; 1993; p. 3216-3218; PAC '93: international particle accelerator conference; Washington, DC (United States); 17-20 May 1993; Available from IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4150
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[en] Experimental and theoretical researches on the discharge mechanism. The characteristics of high-voltage hollow cathode discharge are presented. Both experimental and theoretical problems concerning the main discharge properties and the discharge mechanism are discussed. (author)
Original Title
Descarcari electrice de inalta tensiune cu catod concav. Pt. 1
Primary Subject
33 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Studii si Cercetari de Fizica; ISSN 0039-3940; ; v. 32(8); p. 889-907
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Fradin, Christian.
Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales (ONERA), 92 - Chatillon (France)1971
Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales (ONERA), 92 - Chatillon (France)1971
No abstract available
Original Title
Perfectionnements apportes aux installations productrices de plasma a au moins une cathode creuse
Primary Subject
19 Nov 1971; 9 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2161293/D/; Available from INPI, Paris; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France).
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Mourier, Georges.
Thomson-CSF, 75 - Paris (France)1975
Thomson-CSF, 75 - Paris (France)1975
[en] An ion source provided with a hollow cathode discharge system is presented. The ion extraction system is designed in view of generating a beam directed towards a point of use located far from the point of ion production. Said source essentially comprises two cathodes facing each other, an anode at a continuous voltage with respect to the cathodes, a heated filament beyond the cathode on the path of the extracted beam, and a grid between said filament and cathode. The ion extraction is limited to a certain portion of the ions present inside the plasma, so as the discharge to continue to be sustained by itself. For that purpose pierced cathodes are used, with a transparency (the ratio of the hole area to the whole cathode area) not much higher than 50%
On presente un dispositif a decharge a cathode creuse destine a constituer une source d'ions. Le dispositif d'extraction des ions permet de produire un faisceau se dirigeant vers un point d'utilisation eloigne du lieu de production des ions. Ladite source comprend essentiellement deux cathodes se faisant vis-a-vis, une anode portee a un portentiel continu par rapport aux cathodes, un filament chauffe situe au-dela de la cathode sur le trajet du faisceau extrait et une grille entre filament et cathode. L'extraction d'ions est limitee a une certaine fraction des ions presents dans le plasma pour que la decharge puisse continuer a s'entretenir. Pour ce, on utilise des cathodes percees, d'une transparence (ou rapport de la surface des trous a la surface totale de la cathode) ne depassant pas de beaucoup 50%Original Title
Source d'ions utilisant un dispositif a decharge a cathode creuse et en particulier, accelerateur de particules comportant une telle source
Primary Subject
16 May 1975; 7 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2311479/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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No abstract available
Original Title
Lampa spectrala cu catod gol sinterizat
Record Type
Journal Article
Studii si Cercetari de Fizica; ISSN 0039-3940; ; v. 30(8); p. 887-892
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