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Kalinichenko, S.A.
Proceedings of the international scientific conference 'Radiation and ecosystem'2008
Proceedings of the international scientific conference 'Radiation and ecosystem'2008
[en] In territory of Republic of Belarus the rare kind of a moth - She-bear Geba - Eucharia festiva (Hufnagel, 1766) is found out. Acknowledgement of existence of a steady population demands the further researches. (authors)
Original Title
K issledovaniyu vidovogo raznoobraziya zhivotnogo mira Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo radiatsionno-ehkologicheskogo zapovednika
Primary Subject
Konoplya, E.F.; Malenchenko, A.F.; Gaponenko, V.I.; Gritsuk, A.I.; Timokhina, N.I.; Nikitin, A.N. (Inst. of radiobiology, Gomel' (Belarus)); Kundas, S.P.; Mel'nov, S.B.; Okeanov, A.E. (International A. Sakharov environmental univ., Minsk (Belarus)) (eds.); Inst. of radiobiology, Gomel' (Belarus); International A. Sakharov environmental univ., Minsk (Belarus); 300 p; ISBN 798-985-6765-38-7; ; Oct 2008; p. 259-260; International scientific conference on Radiation and ecosystem; Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya 'Radiatsiya i ehkosistemy'; Gomel' (Belarus); 16-17 Oct 2008; 1 ref., 1 fig.
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[en] A lot of radioactive isotopes were released by the Chernobyl accident in environment. Big territory still is contaminated by long-term half-life radionuclides such as 137Cs, 90Sr, several transuranium isotopes that will affect biota for many years. The chronic irradiation total dose includes external and internal doses. Evaluation, determination and calculation of the third part of dose (radioactive fallout) is very difficult because it depends on plenty of hard defines the environmental parameters. To implement this investigation two wild plants and several cultural plants of some generation were harvested from fields with high-level radioactive contamination (Yaniv, Chistogalovka) and control plots (Chernobyl).Epigenetic changes of genome function closely depend on the net signal system pathways. Proteomic research will provide information about changes in protein abundances that may be used for technical purposes. Low-level concentration of radionuclide accumulation in seeds and oil enables us to use agricultural plants for sustainable remediation of the Chernobyl alienation areas.
Primary Subject
5 figs.; 16 refs.; 3 tabs
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Radiation Researches; ISSN 2312-3001; ; v. 5(2); p. 13-25
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Vamanu, D.V.
Central Inst. of Physics, Bucharest (Romania). Inst. of Physics and Nuclear Engineering1988
Central Inst. of Physics, Bucharest (Romania). Inst. of Physics and Nuclear Engineering1988
[en] Analytical solutions are given to the transport-diffusion equation for archetype, atmospheric protracted releases featuring fronts of initiation, culminations, and tails of extinction. The interplay of the fitting parameters ensures that the model accommodates a wide typology of events, nearing in the extremes the instantaneous puff of the Lagrangian models, and the continuous stack emission of the Gaussian models, respectively. (author)
Primary Subject
Feb 1988; 48 p
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Kashaganova, Zh.A.; Zhapbasov, R.; Kadyrova, N.Zh.; Karimbaeva, K.S.; Mamyrbaeva, A.N.; Altaeva, N.Z.
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
Abstracts of 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'2008
[en] Full text: Kazakhstan territory is unique including regions with radioactive pollution of Semipalatinsk nuclear test territory and storage of radioactive waste of uranium mines and metallurgy enterprises, and regions of drying Aral sea. These technogenic factors may cause some types of chromosome aberrations and developmental anomalies in mammals. The level of mutagenesis was estimated basing on chromosome aberrations and genomic mutation frequencies in bone marrow cells of natural rodents populations (Allactaga major Kern, Allactaga saltator Eversman, Cytellus eritrogenus Br.) and domestic animals (sheep, cattle, horse), which inhabit these regions. Sheep populations which are bred in the regions with different climatic conditions were used for teratological investigations. Different generations are met in the populations of mice family rodents caught in the nature. So studying the animals of different ages separately we can estimate the frequency of mutations in the animals of different age inhabiting the same radiation polluted regions. The frequency of chromosome abe rations in mice family rodents from such territories was twice as high as from the clear territories. In some animals chromosome aberration types characteristic for radiation mutagenesis (dicentrics, double acentric fragments) were found. High level of cytogenetical instability in somatic cells of agricultural animals which were bred on the pastures within former nuclear test territories for several generations may be caused by chronic radiation in low doses. The analysis of the spectrum of recorder chromosome aberrations in somatic cells and their dynamics in different animal species inhabiting for several generations these territories being chronically irradiated, allows us to investigate the direction of genetical evolution of mammals genofond structure induced by ecological factors. Comparative analysis of the frequencies of spontaneous abortuses, deadborn and newborn animals with innate developmental anomalies in the flocks bred in different environment conditions may obtain essential information about the influence of the negative anthropogenic environmental factors on the animals genotype. Indeed, different developmental anomalies frequency was recorded for the sheep populations from different environments and different selection directions which were carried out for many years. It was found that some types of innate developmental anomalies caused by environmental factors. Endogenic factors also Contribute to etiology of some developmental anomalies. In some lambs with innate anatomical defects about 47% bone marrow cells displayed chromosome aberrations and genomic mutation
Primary Subject
Inst. Radiatsionnoj Bezopasnosti i Ehkologii Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 92 p; ISBN 978-601-7112-12-7; ; 2008; p. 43-44; 3. International scientific-practical conference 'Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Non-proliferation Issues'; 3. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 'Semipalatinskij Ispytatel'nyj Poligon. Radiatsionnoe Nasledie i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya'; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 6-8 Oct 2008
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Murashova, T.L.; Zhigunov, N.F.; Shulyak, V.K.
Sakharov readings 2015: environmental problems of the XXI century. Proceedings of the 15 international scientific conference2015
Sakharov readings 2015: environmental problems of the XXI century. Proceedings of the 15 international scientific conference2015
[en] The paper describes the basic methods and forms of information work on radiation hygienic subjects, conducted by the State sanitary supervision at the regional level. (authors)
Original Title
O formakh i metodakh informatsionnoj raboty s naseleniem po radiatsionno-gigienicheskoj tematike i otsenka ee ehffektivnosti
Primary Subject
Poznyak, S.S.; Lysukho, N.A. (International A.Sakharov environmental univ., Minsk (Belarus)); Ministerstvo obrazovaniya Respubliki Belarus', Minsk (Belarus); Ministerstvo prirodnykh resursov i okhrany okruzhayushchej sredy Respubliki Belarus', Minsk (Belarus); Departament po likvidatsii posledstvij katastrofy na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS Ministerstva po chrezvychainym situatsiyam Respubliki Belarus', Minsk (Belarus); Obshchestvennyj sovet Bazovoj organizatsii po ehkologicheskomu obrazovaniyu stran SNG, Minsk (Belarus); International A. Sakharov environmental univ., Minsk (Belarus); 380 p; ISBN 978-985-7003-73-0; ; May 2015; p. 220-221; 15. International scientific conference. 'Sakharov readings 2015: Environmental problems of the XXI century'; 15. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya 'Sakharovskie chteniya 2015 goda: ehkologicheskie problemy XXI veka'; Minsk (Belarus); 21-22 May 2015
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Veremeev, V.N.; Veremeev, N.V.
Proceedings of the V. international symposium 'Actual problems of dosimetry'2005
Proceedings of the V. international symposium 'Actual problems of dosimetry'2005
[en] Results of 15-years researches indicate, that restoration of number of earthworms in a pine forest mossy in strongly polluted territories runs slowly and this number is approximately 10 times less than in the year 1987. Accordingly, activity of saprophages essentially reduced. (authors)
Original Title
Otsenka sostoyaniya kompleksov pochvennykh bespozvonochnykh radioaktivno zagryaznennykh landshaftov i tendentsii ikh izmenenij
Primary Subject
Kundas, S.P.; Okeanov, A.E. (International A. Sakharov environmental univ., Minsk (Belarus)); Shevchuk, V.E. (Komitet po problemam posledstvij katastrofy na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS pri Sovete Ministrov Respubliki Belarus', Minsk (Belarus)) (eds.); Ministehrstva adukatsyi Rehspubliki Belarus', Minsk (Belarus); Komitet po problemam posledstvij katastrofy na Chernobyl'skoj AEh, Minsk (Belarus); Komitet po problemam posledstvij katastrofy na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS pri Sovete Ministrov Respubliki Belarus', Minsk (Belarus); Postoyannaya komissiya po radioehkologicheskomu obrazovaniyu stran SNG, Minsk (Belarus); Illinois univ., Chicago (United States); International A. Sakharov environmental univ., Minsk (Belarus); 332 p; Oct 2005; p. 65-68; 5. International symposium 'Actual problems of dosimetry'; 5. Mezhdunarodnyj simpozium 'Aktual'nye problemy dozimetrii'; Minsk (Belarus); 20-21 Oct 2005; 4 refs., 2 tabs.
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[en] It is well known that in clinics of late consequences of low radiation doses action the principle place takes vegetative and vascular dysfunctions. For estimation of vegetative-vascular system tone the Danini-Ashner of eye-heard reflex is studied. Status of the reflex for 120 examined patients was studied. Results of investigation of Danini-Ashner reflex in relation of received dose of radiation, as well as results of skin temperature of sicks with different levels of low radiation doses late consequences are presented. For study of vegetative-vascular system the electro-skin resistance method was used as well
Original Title
Rol' vegetativno-sosudistykh narushenij v razvitii seksual'nykh disfunktsij. Glava 11
Primary Subject
Abylajuly, Zh. (Nauchnyj Tsentr Gigieny i Ehpidemiologii (Kazakhstan)); Slesarev, V.G. (Respublikanskij Gospital' Invalidov Otechestvennoj Vojny (Kazakhstan)); Sehkineh, I. (Nagasaki Univ. (Japan)); Agentstvo Respubliki Kazakhstan po Delam Zdravookhraneniya (Kazakhstan); Nauchnyj Tsentr Gigieny i Ehpidemiologii (Kazakhstan); Respublikanskij Gospital' Invalidov Otechestvennoj Vojny (Kazakhstan); 132 p; ISBN 9965-501-95-8; ; 2000; p. 75-85
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Kay, P.; Reissland, J.A.
National Radiological Protection Board, Harwell (United Kingdom)1977
National Radiological Protection Board, Harwell (United Kingdom)1977
[en] The long-term effects resulting from an accidental release of radioactive material are considered. The magnitude of the release is defined in terms of the percentage of total excess cancer mortalities relative to the number that would have been expected in the same population had the accident not occurred. The increase risk is expressed as the change in life expectancy as a function of age at the time of exposure. Loss of life-years per person are calculated for an increase of 0.1%, 1%, 10%, and 100% in cancer deaths and are quoted for ages 1, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years at the time of exposure. The variation of the effect with age may be summarised using the ratio of the reduced life expectancy to the reduced life expectancy for a person aged zero at the time of the accident. For the initial dose, this ratio exhibits a linear decrease up to about 45 years at the rate of about 2% per year so, for example, the increased risk for a person aged 40 years at exposure is 20 % of the increased risk of a child just born. Similar estimates are made for a dose which is prolonged over 50 years, to represent doses from internally incorporated radionuclides. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jan 1977; 19 p; ISBN 0 85951 054 9; ; Available from National Radiological Protection Board; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); Refs, 10 figs, 1 tab
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[en] Short communications
Original Title
Produktivnye kachestva i fiziologicheskoe sostoyanie sel'skokhozyajstvennykh zhivotnykh pri dlitel'nom soderzhanii ikh v usloviyakh radioaktivnogo zagryazneniya territorii
Primary Subject
Arkhipov, N.P. (ed.); Ministerstvo Ukrainy po Delam Zashchity Naseleniya ot Posledstvij Avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS, Kiev (Ukraine); 526 p; 1996; p. 483-484; 5. International scientific-technical conference ''Results of 10 years work on ChNPP accident mitigation''; 5. Mezhdunarodnaya Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Konferentsiya ''Itogi 10 let rabot po likvidatsii posledstvij avarii na ChAEhS''; Zelenyj Mys (Ukraine); 1996
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Vasil'eva, M.; Gut'ko, V.I.
Sakharov readings 2013: environmental problems of the XXI century. Proceedings of the 13 international scientific conference2013
Sakharov readings 2013: environmental problems of the XXI century. Proceedings of the 13 international scientific conference2013
[en] The analysis of actions for decrease dose loadings of students is carried out during passage of educational practice to a zone of radioactive infection. The carried out analysis has shown effectiveness of the chosen actions for decrease dose loadings at work in a zone r/a infections. (authors)
Original Title
Radiatsionnyj dozimetricheskij kontrol' pri rabote studentov v zone radioaktivnogo zagryazneniya
Primary Subject
Kundas, S.P.; Poznyak, S.S.; Lysukho, N.A. (International A. Sakharov environmental univ., Minsk (Belarus)); Ministerstvo obrazovaniya Respubliki Belarus', Minsk (Belarus); Ministerstvo prirodnykh resursov i okhrany okruzhayushchej sredy Respubliki Belarus', Minsk (Belarus); Departament po likvidatsii posledstvij katastrofy na Chernobyl'skoj AEhS Ministerstva po chrezvychainym situatsiyam Respubliki Belarus', Minsk (Belarus); Obshchestvennyj sovet Bazovoj organizatsii po ehkologicheskomu obrazovaniyu stran SNG, Minsk (Belarus); Illinois univ., Chicago, (United States); International A. Sakharov environmental univ., Minsk (Belarus); 350 p; ISBN 978-985-551-002-5; ; May 2013; p. 213-214; 13. International scientific conference 'Sakharov readings 2013: environmental problems of the XXI century'; 13. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya 'Sakharovskie chteniya 2013 goda: ehkologicheskie problemy XXI veka'; Minsk (Belarus); 16-17 May 2013
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