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[en] The thirty four papers presented at this second International Radioecology Symposium organized by the CEA and EDF under the aegis of the International Union of Radioecologists were divided into six sessions enabling the following subject matters to be covered: session 1 - power station siting and environment; session 2 - methodology; session 3 - site studies; session 4 - day long study along the Rhone (21.6.79); session 5 - process of radionuclide transfers; session 6 - radioecological control. Four papers submitted during a 'poster' session concluded the work sessions
Les 34 communications effectuees au cours de ce second symposium international de radioecologie, organise par le CEA et l'EDF, sous l'egide de l'Union Internationale des Radioecologistes, se sont reparties en six sessions recouvrant les sujets suivants: - session 1: electronucleaire et environnement, - session 2: methodologie; - session 3: etudes de site, - session 4: journee d'etude sur le Rhone (21 juin 1979), - session 5: processus de transfert des radionucleides; - session 6: controle sanitaire. Quatre communications au cours d'une session 'poster' terminent les travauxOriginal Title
2. Symposium international de radioecologie
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1980; 774 p; CEA; Cadarache, France; 2. International symposium on radioecology; Cadarache, France; 19 - 22 Jun 1979; ISBN 2-7272-0050-1; ; Available from Service de Documentation, CEN Cadarache, BP no.1, 13115, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (France)
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[en] Ecolego is a Matlab toolbox for modelling dynamic systems and to perform risk assessments using model simulations. The toolbox supports linear and non-linear systems, modelled in continuous time, sampled time, or a hybrid of the two. The Graphical User Interface of Ecolego facilitates the transition from a conceptual model, represented with an interaction matrix, to a mathematical model implemented in Simulink. Ecolego includes routines for probabilistic simulations, correlation between parameters, sensitivity analyses, uncertainty analyses and parameter optimisation. Even though the toolbox can be used to simulate any species and dynamic system, it has been specially designed to fulfil specific needs in the field of radioecological risk assessment. Ecolego includes a library with radionuclide data and it supports automatic consideration of radionuclide decay chains. This paper provides an overview of the functioning and features of Ecolego. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), New York, NY (United States); European Commission, Brussesl (Belgium); International Union of Radioecology, Brussels (Belgium); Government of Sweden (Sweden); Swedish Radiation Protection Authority, Stockholm (Sweden); 313 p; 1 Sep 2003; p. 229-232; International conference on the protection of the environment from the effects of ionizing radiation; Stockholm (Sweden); 6-10 Oct 2003; IAEA-CN--109/80; 14 refs, 2 figs
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[en] This is latest in a series of joint reports presenting results of measurements of radioactivity in the environment through the analysis of a diverse range of samples including foodstuffs, soil and air samples and other direct measurements of radioactivity in the environment from around nuclear sites and other locations throughout the United Kingdom. Both our Agencies are committed to ensuring that radiation doses are well below national dose limits to protect public health, the environment, consumer interests and monitoring the effects of industry. The report presents data for 2001 and shows that consumers were not exposed to unacceptable doses as a result of their diet
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Sep 2002; [vp.]; RIFE--7; Available from British Library Document Supply Centre; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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No abstract available
Original Title
Agricoltura - chimica - inquinamento
Primary Subject
ARN: IT19970057052; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Annali - Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura Bologna; ISSN 0001-4443; ; v. 5; p. 161-174
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Zinger, I.; Copplestone, D.
International conference on the protection of the environment from the effects of ionizing radiation. Contributed papers2003
International conference on the protection of the environment from the effects of ionizing radiation. Contributed papers2003
[en] The FASSET EC funded project has created a generic framework for assessing the impact of radioactive contamination on non-human biota. Effects analysis forms an integral part of the framework and this paper describes the structured method used for collating information from the available literature on the biological effects of radiation. This paper illustrates the function of the FASSET radiation effects database (FRED) using a worked example as a demonstration. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), New York, NY (United States); European Commission, Brussesl (Belgium); International Union of Radioecology, Brussels (Belgium); Government of Sweden (Sweden); Swedish Radiation Protection Authority, Stockholm (Sweden); 313 p; 1 Sep 2003; p. 114-118; International conference on the protection of the environment from the effects of ionizing radiation; Stockholm (Sweden); 6-10 Oct 2003; IAEA-CN--109/71; CONTRACT FIGE-CT-2000-00102; 16 refs, 2 tabs
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[en] Radiating conditions in republic remains intense. The complication of radiating conditions in territory of Republic Kazakhstan is caused: by activity of former Semipalatinsk test nuclear range; by nuclear explosions executed for the decision of economic task; by functioning of the enterprises of a nuclear-industrial complex and connected with production and processing of poly metal ores, oil and gas; by natural anomalies of radionuclide in objects of an environment. The radioactive deposits on traces of radioactive clouds were distributed to territory 304 thousand km2, on with lives more than 1.7 m. persons. In 711 settlements the effective doze exceeded sanitary annual norm at a rate of 0.1 rad. The maximal meanings reach 448 rad for the whole period of tests (s.Dolon). For an estimation of a radiating situation practically in the whole territory of a Semipalatinsk zone of ecological disaster dURING 1993 - 1996 the radioecological researches which have allowed to reveal and localize territory with above permitted standard pollution radionuclides as artificial, and natural origin, and also heavy metals and other toxic elements are carried out (spent). However there is poorly investigated a situation with a level of pollution plutonium-239 and other transuranium elements.Only last years the radiating inspection of the third of territory of republic, 34 cities and 55 settlements is carried out (spent), where is revealed and up to thousand unattended radioactive sources and subjects is withdrawn, some hundreds sites of radioactive pollution are located. Nowadays in Kazakhstan the large work on the tx of the information about all radiating supervision in territory of republic for last 40 years is carried out and these items of information prepare for the opened publication as the collection 'Radioecological conditions in Republic Kazakhstan'
Original Title
Radiatsionnaya obstanovka v Respublike Kazakhstan i mery, prinimaemye po ee uluchsheniyu
Primary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.); 84 p; 1997; p. 8; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International conference on non-proliferation problems; Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po problemam nerasprostraneniya yadernogo oruzhiya; Almaty - Kurchatov (Kazakstan); 8-12 Sep 1997
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Bakalova, O.N.
International Conference 'Twenty Years after Chernobyl Accident. Future Outlook'. Abstracts proceeding2006
International Conference 'Twenty Years after Chernobyl Accident. Future Outlook'. Abstracts proceeding2006
No abstract available
Original Title
Problemy obosnovaniya meropriyatij po snizheniyu soderzhaniya radionuklidov v sel'skokhozyajstvennoj produktsii
Primary Subject
Anon; Government of Ukraine (Ukraine); Government of Belarus (Belarus); Government of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation); European Commission (Netherlands); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland); United Nation Development Programme, New York (United States); Council of Europe (France); European Centre of Technological Safety (Ukraine); International Charitable Fund 'Ukraine 3000' (Ukraine); Institute of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety, Fontenay aux Roses (France); Society for Technical and Nuclear Safety GRS, Cologne (Germany); 362 p; 2006; p. 213; International Conference 'Twenty Years after Chernobyl Accident. Future Outlook'; Myizhnarodna konferentsyiya 'Dvadtsyat' rokyiv Chornobil's'koyi katastrofi. Poglyad u majbutnje'; Kyiv (Ukraine); 24-26 Apr 2006
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No abstract available
Original Title
Verstärkte Waldschäden durch Radioaktivität? Eine kritische Stellungnahme zur Schadenskartierung von Reichelt
Primary Subject
FAO/AGRIS record; ARN: DE86T0B37; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Allgemeine Forstzeitschrift; ISSN 0002-5860; ; v. 41(5); p. 95-98
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Cowling, E.; Harwood, M.; Simpson, C.
Ministry of Defence, Gosport (United Kingdom). DERA Radiation Protection Services2001
Ministry of Defence, Gosport (United Kingdom). DERA Radiation Protection Services2001
[en] This report presents the results of the marine environmental radioactivity monitoring surveys of intertidal and underwater areas around nuclear submarine berths which were carried out by DRPS during 2000. Also included are results of smaller scale intertidal surveys carried out by local staff but coordinated by DRPS. Cobalt-60, the nuclide of major importance in naval discharges, was detected in a number of samples but in many cases was attributable to discharges by other operators. Concentrations in any case were found to be low, and at no survey location did the calculated annual radiation dose commitment to the most exposed members of the general public due to the presence of cobalt-60 exceed 1% of the ICRP principal dose limit for members of the public (1000μSv). These results are consistent with those obtained in the independent monitoring programmes as reported in the Radioactivity in Food and the Environment (RIFE) annual reports. It is concluded that existing discharge arrangements are providing effective control over environmental levels of radioactivity, and that there has been no radiological hazard to any member of the general public during 2000 from the operation of nuclear powered submarines. (author)
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Dec 2001; 102 p; Stationery Office; London (United Kingdom); ISBN 0-11-772987-6; ; Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:5375.2679(2000); Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] It is possible to analyse a diverse range of samples for environmental investigations. The main types are soil/sediments, vegetation, fauna, shellfish, waste and water. Each type of samples requires different storage and collection methods. Outlined here are the preferred methods of collection to ensure maximum sample integrity and reliability. (author)
Primary Subject
Prior, C.A.; Rogers, K.M.; Faure, K.; Vandergoes, M.J. (eds.); 187 p; 2009; p. 59-60; GNS Science; Lower Hutt (New Zealand); 6. quaternary techniques short course; Lower Hutt (New Zealand); 18-19 May 2009
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