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No abstract available
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Journal Article
Physical Review. A; v. 6(6); p. 2486-2487
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Sramek, S.J.
California Univ., Berkeley (USA)1976
California Univ., Berkeley (USA)1976
[en] A method is developed for numerical solution of the coupled differential equations arising in close-coupling treatments of multi-channel scattering problems. The method consists of replacing the coupling potentials in the differential equations with approximate potentials; these approximate potentials are constructed according to a special procedure. This procedure assures both that the resulting approximate differential equations can be solved exactly without excessive computational difficulty, and that the solutions obtained are very good approximations of the exact solutions of the original equations
Primary Subject
1976; v p; University Microfilms; Thesis (Ph. D.).
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Takeuchi, Mamoru; Iwasaki, Tsutomu; Ishida, Akira; Yokota, Hirakazu.
Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)1971
Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)1971
[en] Herein disclosed is a method of fitting together cage structures, each made of a different material. The cage structure may be an ultrahigh speed rotary drum for a centrifuge. An inner cylinder of, for example, Al alloy, to be inserted in an outer cylinder made of a material such as carbon fiber reinforced plastic is filament-wound with a resin-impregnated carbon fiber under application of an axial tensile force to the inner cylinder so as to contract the radius thereof, and then after-cured to cool down to room temperature. The tensile force is then released to permit the radially contracted inner cylinder to elastically recover its original form and to thereby eliminate a gap formed between both cylinders due to aftercure, providing that the width of the gap is equal to that of the radial contraction, determined by Poisson's ratio, of the Al alloy material. Thus, the inner cylinder can be firmly fitted within the outer cylinder in accordance with the elastic deformation of the material. (Ohno, Y.)
Primary Subject
22 Nov 1971; 3 p; JP PATENT DOCUMENT 1974-46833/B/
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No abstract available
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Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. A; v. 5(2); p. 620-627
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Physics. A, General Physics; v. 5(7); p. 981-1003
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Alabiso, C.; Butera, P.; Prosperi, G.M.
2. Colloquium on advanced computing methods in theoretical physics
2. Colloquium on advanced computing methods in theoretical physics
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 13 - Marseille (France). Centre de Physique Theorique; v. 1 p. 2.7-2.33; nd; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Centre de Physique Theorique; Marseilles, France; 2. Colloquium on advanced computing methods in theoretical physics; Marseilles, France; 21 Jun 1971
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No abstract available
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Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. D, Particles Fields; v. 5(8); p. 2031-2041
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[en] Creep tests with uniaxial stress and pure shear have been carried out in order to determine the behaviour of soft plastics, which is governed by a non-linear material law, and to apply it to the photoelastic analysis of biaxial stress in plastic components under quasistatic and isothermal loads. The test facility is described as well as the technique applied to correct stress/creep curves for sigma=const. Results are presented for plane and tubular samples of soft PVC and an unsaturated polyester. (orig.)
Um das durch ein nichtlineares Stoffgesetz beschriebene Verhalten weicher Kunststoffe zu ermitteln und auf die spannungsoptische Analyse zweiachsiger Spannungszustaende in quasistatisch und isotherm belasteten Kunststoffbauteilen anzuwenden, fuehrt man Kriechversuche unter einachsigem Zug und reiner Scherung durch. Die dazu eingesetzten Versuchseinrichtungen und die zur Bestimmung der Momentanreaktionen und zur Korrektur von Zug-Kriechkurven auf sigma=konst. anzuwendende Versuchstechnik werden beschrieben. Fuer Flach- und Rohrproben aus einem weichen PVC und einem ungesaettigten Polyester wird das Ergebnis mitgeteilt. (orig.)Original Title
Ueber Pruefeinrichtungen und die Versuchstechnik zur Ermittlung des photoviskoelastischen Verhaltens weicher Kunststoffe
Primary Subject
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Record Type
Journal Article
Materialpruefung; ISSN 0025-5300; ; v. 25(1/2); p. 15-21
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No abstract available
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Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. A; v. 6(4); p. 1493-1497
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[en] The role of boundary conditions for the correct formulation photoelasticity problems based on the restoration of tensor fields by means of optical tomography is presented in this article. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), Duesseldorf (Germany); VDI-Berichte; no. 940; 567 p; ISBN 3-18-090940-4; ; 1992; p. 485-492; VDI-Verl; Duesseldorf (Germany); International IMEKO/GESA symposium on risk minimization by experimental mechanics; Internationales IMEKO/GESA Symposium ueber Risikominimierung Mittels der Experimentellen Mechanik und Fachausstellung; Duesseldorf (Germany); 28-30 Apr 1992
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