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Untersuchung nichtaxialsymmetrischer Alfvenwellen vom Typ m = +- 1
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44. physicists meeting. Joint meeting with the Fachgremien Atomphysik und Massenspektroskopie, Fachdidaktik der Physik, Duenne Schichten, Geschichte der Physik, Kurzzeitphysik, Molekuelphysik, Oberflaechenphysik, Plasma- und Gasentladungsphysik, Quantenoptik; Bielefeld, Germany, F.R; 3 - 7 Mar 1980; Short communication only.
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Journal Article
Literature Type
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft; (no.5); p. 774-775
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[en] A general theory for coupling between MHD waves obliquely incident on a stratified medium is developed. Coupling between the Alfven mode and the magnetoacoustic mode (the fast mode for upsilonsub(A) > csub(s) and the slow mode for upsilonsub(A) < csub(s) is affected little by the finiteness of csub(s)/upsilonsub(A) for upsilonsub(A) >> csub(s), and the coupling becomes weakers as csub(s)/ upsilonsub(A) is increased towards unity. Coupling between the fast and slow modes for upsilonsub(A) approximately equal to csub(s) is discussed qualitatively using solutions of the MHD counterpart of the Booker quartic equation. (Author)
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Journal Article
Australian Journal of Physics; v.30(5); p. 647-660
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[en] The 'hairy ball' model of coronal magnetic fields has a spherical source surface separating potential and radial magnetic fields. In the present model the source surface is chosen such that the wind speed equals the Alfvenic speed at selected points on the source surface. Results have been obtained for a dipole base field and an isothermal corona. (orig.)
Primary Subject
14. ESLAB symposium on physics of solar variations; Scheveningen, Netherlands; 16 - 19 Sep 1980
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Solar Physics; ISSN 0038-0938; ; v. 74(1); p. 165-168
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[en] The vortex structures for the short-length drift Alfven waves in magnetized plasmas are investigated. the turbulence spectra of plasma vortex are estimated, and the anomalous diffusion coefficient is found using the dynamic model of plasma gas. The results show that the anomalous diffusion coefficient caused by the vortex turbulence is proportional to the square of the potential amplitude of the perturbation
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of China University of Science and Technology; ISSN 0253-2778; ; CODEN CKHPD7; v. 26(1); p. 33-37
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[en] The time-independent transverse magnetic field that is generated via the nonlinear mixing of linear Alfven waves is examined in the vicinity of the Alfven resonance surface. It is shown that this magnetic field is unidirectional, and it is confined within a narrow layer. The position of the layer along with the amplitude and direction of the magnetic field within it can be controlled by means of the primary wave frequency, wave numbers, and amplitude. Combinations of these magnetized layers can, therefore, be used for the modification or synthesis of transverse magnetic fields
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics; ISSN 1063-651X; ; CODEN PLEEE8; v. 52(4); p. 4311-4315
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Dobrydnev, B.V.; Rutkevich, I.M.
The seventh international Beer Sheva seminar on MHD flows and turbulence1993
The seventh international Beer Sheva seminar on MHD flows and turbulence1993
[en] One of the important and interesting processes in an electrically conducting gas is the sound propagation in the presence of magnetic field. The character of propagation depends essentially on the magnetic Reynolds number Rm = μoσlW where μo is the absolute magnetic permittivity, σ is the electric conductivity, l is the wavelength, and W is the velocity of the wave propagation. (authors)
Primary Subject
Anon; 168 p; Feb 1993; p. 40-43; 7. international Beer Sheva seminar on MHD flows and turbulence; Jerusalem (Israel); 14-18 Feb 1993
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Report Number
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[en] The dispersion characteristics of the circularly polarized electromagnetic waves propagating along a homogeneous magnetic field in a dusty plasma have been investigated theoretically. The Vlasov equation has been employed to find the response of the magnetized plasma particles where the dust grains form a static background of highly charged and massive centers having certain correlation. It is found that in addition to the usual Landau damping which is negligible in the low temperature approximation, a novel mechanism of damping of the Alfven waves due to the dust comes into play. The modification and damping of the Alfven waves depend on the dust perturbation parameters, unequal densities of plasma particles, the average correlation length of the dust grains, temperature of the plasma and the magnetic field. (author)
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Journal Article
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[en] The q-profile has been determined inside the q=1 surface of ion cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF) heated plasmas from the observed toroidicity induced Alfven eigenmodes (TAE) that appeared before giant sawtooth crashes. The q-profile deduced from the TAE spectrum is in good agreement with the one obtained from motional Stark effect measurements. (author). Letter-to-the-editor
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (Online); ISSN 1361-6587; ; v. 40(6); p. 863-869
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Chairns, I.H.
Proceeding of an International school and workshop on Plasma astrophysics, 24 August-3 September 1988, Varenna, Italy1989
Proceeding of an International school and workshop on Plasma astrophysics, 24 August-3 September 1988, Varenna, Italy1989
[en] Space and astrophysical Alfven waves usually excist in a plasma containing thermal and nonthermal particles, and generally the thermal electron and ions have unequal number densities. Nevertheless, the linear properties of the waves are invariably assumed to be determined by a chargeneutral thermal plasma in the absence of the nonthermal particles, while the nonthermal particles cause growth or additional damping superposed onto the background model. Here, both analytic plasma theory and numerical solutions of the dispersion equation, unequal thermal electron and ion number densities (due to the presence of the nonthermal particles) may cause fundamental low wavenumber modifications to the Alfven modes, including the creation of a new resonance and severely modified dispersion. Thes results are found for both cold and warm plasmas. Previous work on Alfven waves should be re-evaluated in view of these results. (author). 6 refs.; 2 figs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Guyenne, T.D.; Hunt, J.J. (European Space Research and Technology Centre, Noordwijk (Netherlands)) (eds.); ESA-SP; no. 285 (v. 1); 414 p; 1989; p. 239-242; ESTEC; Noordwijk (Netherlands); Joint Varenna-Abastumani international school and workshop on plasma astrophysics; Varenna (Italy); 24 Aug - 3 Sep 1988; ISSN 0379-6566;
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[en] Drift-Alfven vortices are investigated, taking into account the nonlinear ion dynamics parallel to the external magnetic field. It is found that the parallel ion motion restricts the vortex speed. (author)
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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