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[en] This paper reviews the work done by Murray in the areas of nuclear research and education. Topics considered in the paper include fuel management, historical aspects, educational facilities, and the fuel cycle
Primary Subject
Anon; p. 317-319; ISBN 0-89448-123-1; ; 1986; p. 317-319; American Nuclear Society; La Grange Park, IL (USA); Topical meeting on advances in fuel management; Pinehurst, NC (USA); 2-5 Mar 1986
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[en] Utilities are increasingly realizing the importance of having a full in-house capability in the field of in-core fuel management. This requires competent staff as well as accurate, reliable and easy-to-use computer codes. The development of advanced computer codes is thus an important task for the utilities and the supporting industry. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Engineering International; ISSN 0029-5507; ; v. 30(369); p. 58-59
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[en] An outline of the fuel management calculations by COSMOS is stated. The COSMOS database, datablocks and nests, labels are exposed
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
p. 160-165; 1978; p. 160-165; OECD Nuclear Energy Agency; Paris, France; Available from OECD Publications, 75775 Paris Cedex 16
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[en] The transient behaviour for a refuelling system of any strategy is investigated for a normalized quadratic reactivity-burnup model. It is found that such a system converges successfully to steady-state operating conditions for any physically realistic representation. The stability of this equilibrium is examined for two conceivable fuel management errors. It is stable in the face of cycle length perturbations, but the reloading sequence of low order systems may break down if partially burnt fuel is inadvertently loaded. (author)
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[en] The capability of biased multiobjective function optimization has been added to the Westinghouse Electric Company's (Westinghouse's) Advanced Loading Pattern Search code (ALPS). The search process, given a user-defined set of design constraints, proceeds to minimize a global parameter called the total value associated with constraints compliance (VACC), an importance-weighted measure of the deviation from limit and/or margin target. The search process takes into consideration two equally important user-defined factors while minimizing the VACC, namely, the relative importance of each constraint with respect to the others and the optimization of each constraint according to its own objective function. Hence, trading off margin-to-design limits from where it is abundantly available to where it is badly needed can now be accomplished. Two practical methods are provided to the user for input of constraints and associated objective functions. One consists of establishing design limits based on traditional core design parameters such as assembly/pin burnup, power, or reactivity. The second method allows the user to write a program, or script, to define a logic not possible through ordinary means. This method of script writing was made possible through the application resident compiler feature of the technical user language integration processor (tulip), developed at Westinghouse. For the optimization problems studied, ALPS not only produced candidate loading patterns (LPs) that met all of the conflicting design constraints, but in cases where the design appeared to be over constrained gave a wide range of LPs that came very close to meeting all the constraints based on the associated objective functions
Primary Subject
Copyright (c) 2006 American Nuclear Society (ANS), United States, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
American Nuclear Society meeting; San Francisco, CA, USA; 12 - 16 Nov 1979; CONF-791103--; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; ISSN 0003-018X; ; v. 33 p. 128
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[en] A perturbation method for fuel evaluation and shuffling analysis, making use of the heuristically-based GPT theory is discussed. The use of the inverse multiplication coefficient, λ, instead of ρ is considered. The discrepancies between the ρ-mode and λ-mode approaches are investigated. (U.K.)
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[en] A perturbation methodology is described by which the reactor behaviour of a reactor system during burnup can be analysed making use of Generalized Perturbation Theory (GPT) codes already available in the linear domain. Typical quantities that can be studied with the proposed methodology are the amount of a specified material at the end of cycle, the fluence in a specified region, the reactor residual reactivity at end of reactor life cycle. The potentiality of the method for fuel shuffling studies is also described
La methodologie perturbative decrite permet d'analyser le comportement d'un reacteur d'une installation nucleaire pendant son evolution, en utilisant les codes de la Theorie des Perturbations Generalisees (TPG) deja appliques au domaine lineaire. La methodologie proposee permet d'etudier certaines grandeurs de reference, telles que la quantite d'un materiau donne en fin de cycle, la fluence dans une region particuliere ainsi que la reactivite residuelle du reacteur a la fin de sa periode d'exploitation. Les possibilites offertes par cette methode en matiere de rearrangement du combustible sont egalement examineesOriginal Title
Methodologie perturbative pour l'analyse de l'evolution des reacteurs
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Bulletin de la Direction des Etudes et Recherches. Serie A, Nucleaire, Hydraulique, Thermique; ISSN 0013-449X; ; CODEN EFDNA; (no.1); p. 13-20
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[en] The asymptotic cycle behaviour for any order of M-batch refuelling and the transient behaviour for the 2-batch system are investigated for a normalized quadratic reactivity-burnup model for physically realistic representations, and found to give useful (and stable) results. In this regime, transients converge to the equilibrium solution. The 2-batch system characteristics are further explored for less physical quadratic reactivity curves, and several interesting features are revealed; in particular, a regime in which two possible steady-state cycle times exist is discovered. (author)
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[en] Quality improvement as a management task. General industrial experience has shown that the operators in situ, that is at the machine or computer, are responsible at most for about 20% of quality defects. The overwhelming part of such defects is caused by the preceding chain links planning - development - design - construction - conception of production machinery or computers - and thus essentially by management decisions. The necessary change in the consciousness of managers and staff is not easy to achieve. The KWU-B-Q action aims at attaining that change of consciousness in the area of the nuclear fuel cycle. (orig./DG)
Die allgemeine Industrieerfahrung hat gezeigt, dass die Ausfuehrenden vor Ort, z.B. an der Maschine oder am Computer, hoechstens fuer etwa 20% der Qualitaetsmaengel verantwortlich sind. Der ueberwiegende Teil wird in der davorliegenden Bearbeitungskette Planung-Entwicklung-Auslegung-Konstruktion-Konzeption der Fertigungsmaschinen bzw. des Rechenzentrums verursacht - und damit im wesentlichen durch die Entscheidungen des Managements. Der notwendige Bewusstseinswandel bei Fuehrungskraeften und Mitarbeitern ist nicht einfach herbeizufuehren. Die KWU-B-Q-Aktion hat das Ziel, diesen Bewusstseinswandel im Geschaeftsgebiet Kernbrennstoffkreislauf zu erreichen. (orig./DG)Original Title
Qualitaetsverbesserung als Management-Aufgabe
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Siemens AG Unternehmensbereich KWU, Erlangen (Germany); Brennelement-Report; no. 2; 47 p; Dec 1991; p. 21-25; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
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