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[en] A novel type of ion source was designed and constructed for studies of chemical ionization processes, using low energy ions produced from inorganic gases in a high frequency flow discharge. Temperature and electron density profiles were measured in the downstream of the discharge region by cylindrical Langmuir- and orifice-probes. Typical plasma temperatures and densities are: Tsub(e)=2-3 eV; nsub(e)=(0.5-2.0)x1011 cm-3. (Auth.)
Original Title
Untersuchungen am stationaeren Naehgluchen einer HF-Ionenquelle
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Helvetica Physica Acta; v. 51(1); p. 173-177
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[en] Simple theory and basic plasma physics experiments are used to deduce scaling laws for ion source discharges. (author)
Primary Subject
20 refs.; 7 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Pramana; ISSN 0304-4289; ; v. 19(3); p. 279-288
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
32. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Ascience; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 6 - 12 Jul 1980; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Cienc. Cult. (Sao Paulo) Supl; v. 32(7); p. 315
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Hazarika, Parismita; Chakraborty, Monojit; Das, Bidyut; Bandyopadhyay, Mainak, E-mail:
Proceedings of the tenth Asia plasma and fusion association conference: book of abstracts2015
Proceedings of the tenth Asia plasma and fusion association conference: book of abstracts2015
[en] When a metallic body is inserted inside plasma chamber it is always associated with sheath which depends on plasma and wall condition. The effect of sheath formed in the magnetic drift and magnetic field direction on cross field plasma transport has been investigated in a double Plasma device (DPD). The drifts exist inside the chamber in the transverse magnetic field (TMF) region in a direction perpendicular to both magnetic field direction and axis of the DPD chamber. The sheath are formed in the magnetic drift direction in the experimental chamber is due to the insertion of two metallic plates in these directions and in the magnetic field direction sheath is formed at the surface of the TMF channels. These metallic plates are inserted in order to obstruct the magnetic drift so that we can minimised the loss of plasma along drift direction and density in the target region is expected to increase due to the obstruction. It ultimately improves the negative ion formation parameters. The formation of sheath in the transverse magnetic field region is studied by applying electric field both parallel and antiparallel to drift direction. Data are acquired by Langmuir probe in source and target region of our chamber. (author)
Primary Subject
Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar (India); 330 p; 2015; p. 212; APFA-2015: 10. Asia plasma and fusion association conference; Gandhinagar (India); 14-18 Dec 2015
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Polozhiy, K.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.; Jacob, W.
'11-th International Conference - School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion and 2-nd International Workshop on the Role of Electric Fields in Plasma Confinement in Stellarators and Tokamaks'. Book of abstracts2006
'11-th International Conference - School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion and 2-nd International Workshop on the Role of Electric Fields in Plasma Confinement in Stellarators and Tokamaks'. Book of abstracts2006
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Garkusha, V.V.; Rakivnenko, L.M. (eds.); National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine); National Science Center 'Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology', Kharkov (Ukraine); Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine); International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (INTAS), Brussels (Belgium); Science and Technology Center in Unkraine, Kyiv (Ukraine); 205 p; 2006; p. 200; '11-th International Conference - School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion and 2-nd International Workshop on the Role of Electric Fields in Plasma Confinement in Stellarators and Tokamaks'; Alushta (Ukraine); 11-16 Sep 2006; Available from Ukrainian INIS Centre
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[en] High-frequency oscillations (1-100 MHz) are drawing significant attention in the recent research of Hall thrusters. A diagnostic setup, consisting of single Langmuir probe, special shielded probe connector-positioner, and electronic impedance-matching circuit, was successfully built and calibrated. Through simultaneous high-frequency probing of the Hall-thruster plasma at multiple locations, high-frequency plasma waves have been successfully identified and characterized
Primary Subject
(c) 2004 American Institute of Physics.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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Boris, D R; Fernsler, R F; Walton, S G, E-mail:
[en] We present a novel plasma diagnostic for measuring local plasma density in reactive-gas plasmas, and depositing plasmas. The diagnostic uses a network analyzer to measure the LC resonance (LCR) frequency of a parallel plate capacitor with inductive leads. The location of the LCR (ωR) in frequency space is then used as a measure of the plasma dielectric constant bold varepsilonp between the plates. By properly constructing the LCR probe, ωR can be tuned such that ωR >> ωce, where ωce is the electron-cyclotron frequency. Thus, the probe can be used in plasmas with varying degrees of magnetization while avoiding complications introduced to bold varepsilonp when ω is comparable to ωce. Density measurements from the LCR probe are compared with Langmuir probe measurements in an electron-beam generated plasma in which density varied from 109 to 1011 cm-3. An axial magnetic field, typically used to confine the electron beam, was varied between 0 to 300 G. The LCR probe showed good agreement with a Langmuir probe across the entire range of magnetic fields.
Primary Subject
S0963-0252(11)69073-7; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Plasma Sources Science and Technology; ISSN 0963-0252; ; v. 20(2); [7 p.]
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Paterson, J.A.; Biagi, L.A.; Ehlers, K.W.; Koehler, G.W.
Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (USA)1985
Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (USA)1985
[en] The details of the mechanical design and fabrication for a Langmuir Probe for the continuous monitoring of plasma density are given. The probe was designed for use as a diagnostic tool in the development of long pulse positive ion plasma sources for use on neutral beam systems. The essential design feature of this probe is the incorporation of two electrically isolated cooling water circuits which actively cool the probe tip and probe jacket. The electrical isolation is required to prevent drain currents from the probe body disturbing the measurement of the probe tip current and thereby the plasma density measurement. The successful realization of the design requires precision components and vacuum tight ceramic to refractory metal brazes. To date this design has successfully operated in steady-state in plasma densities up to 250 mA/cm2 and surface heat fluxes of 25 W/cm2
Primary Subject
Nov 1985; 4 p; 11. symposium on engineering problems in fusion research; Austin, TX (USA); 18-22 Nov 1985; CONF-851102--77; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE86005231; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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Coakley, P.G.
Iowa Univ., Iowa City (USA)1980
Iowa Univ., Iowa City (USA)1980
[en] Large electrostatic potential variations in the form of sheaths and double layers (both stationary and moving) are studied in laboratory plasmas. Filament discharge plasmas are generated in a multidipole soup pot and a triple-plasma device where the electron density n/sub e/ is varied from 1 to 500 x 107 cm-3 and the electron temperature T/sub e/ approx. ] to 3 eV in argon and helium plasmas. Emitting, collecting and floating Langmuir probes are used to study the phenomena associated with large potential variations
Primary Subject
1980; 147 p; University Microfilms Order No. 80-22,007; Thesis (Ph. D.).
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[en] The basic equations and boundary conditions for the kinetic analysis of generalized Tonks-Langmuir systems (collisionless plasma systems enclosed in a finite volume of arbitrary shape) are formulated both in the quasineutral plasma limit and accounting for space charge. It is shown that the analysis of problems with various positive ion components can be reduced under very general conditions to the analysis of an equivalent one-component problem. This kinetic similarity is lost in fluid theory
Primary Subject
S0022-3727(03)59536-5; Available online at or at the Web site for the Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (ISSN 1361-6463); Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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