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Generator impul'sov napryazheniya s ehnergiej 30 kDzh
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Gaucher, J.C.; Roux, Georges.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Div. de la Physique1972
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Div. de la Physique1972
No abstract available
Original Title
Generateur d'impulsions haute tension a duree reconductible
Feb 1972; 18 p
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[en] A high-voltage nanosecond pulse generator designed for synchronous triggering of several sharping MV spark gaps is described. The generator comprises a low-inductive capacitive storage with a controllable gas-filled commutator, transmission system having several parallel connected cable lines, a circuit of commutator triggering, the main elements of which comprise an decoupling resistor a controllable gas-filled spark gap and a drive-pulse generator. It generates pulses with the amplitude of 300-200 kV, pulse rise of 7-20 ns when varying the common impedance of lines of the transmission system from 50 to 9 Ohm. The generator triggering system provides stability of triggering time ± 10 ns at induction of the decoupling circuit up to several dozens μH
Original Title
Generator vysokovol'tnykh nanosekundnykh impul'sov dlya zapuska obostryayushchikh megavol'tnykh razryadnikov
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] A simple and reliable commutation system of Arkadjev-Marx high-voltage pulse generator with a wide range of stable operation and high time characteristics is described. Uncontrollable spark gaps with an auxiliary ignition electrode are used in the system. Width of the range of stable operation equals Uc/Umin=2.2-2.8 at optimal combination of polarities of ignition and charging voltages, where Uc is the voltage of the generator uncontrollable operation, Umin is minimum charging voltage, at which reliable operation of the generator is observed
Original Title
Bystrodejstvuyushchaya sistema kommutatsii generatora impul'snykh napryazhenij po skheme Arkad'eva-Marksa
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Instruments and Experimental Techniques (USA).
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[en] 0.1 TW power and up to 2 MV amplitude pulse generator with ∼1.5 ns front is described. The Arkadiev-Marx voltage pulse generator charges low-inductive condenser (1.8 nF) and radial line (0.9 nF) up to ∼2 MV voltage during 200 ns. When voltage maximum is reached water discharger in the centre of radial line is actuated and pulse with ∼2.5 MV amplitude that is transmitted by oil-filled line is formed on its end. Aggravating discharger in oil with metallic diaphragm that reduces passing capacity of a gap up to 5 pF and ensures stability of wave resistance of radial line on aggravator output to the lead, is switched on at the end of line. Cutting discharger is provided in a design for operation under short pulse mode. Up to 20 ns duration pulse is generated at the load equivalent correlated with the line. 4 refs.; 4 figs
Original Title
Generator moshchnykh megavol'tnykh impul'sov s nanosekundnym frontom
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] A controlled nanosecond multiaction solid spark gap is described. Its triggering performances depending on the material of solid dielectric, amplitude of the ignition pulse and operating modes are studied. The spark gap provides delay time equal to 20 ns with spread of 1.5-3 ns under energy commutation of the capacitive storage of 70 kJ and charging voltage of 1-10 kV
Original Title
Upravlyaemyj nanosekundnyj tverdotel'nyj razryadnik mnogokratnogo dejstviya
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Secondary Subject
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] The construction of an electrostatic accelerator to produce an intense ion beam is proposed. The high voltage pulse to be used in the acceleration of the ions (500 kV, 1 μs) will be provided by a Marx generator. Using this pulses, a high total current proton beam (>200 KA) will be extracted from a magnetically insulated diode with an anode plasma produced by an inductive breakdown of hydrogen gas. The beam will be injected into a magnetic confinement device, a tokamak to be called ETA (Experimento Toroidal Avancado), to study heating, refueling and noninductive current generation in toroidal plasmas. (author)
Propoe-se a construcao de um acelerador eletrostatico para a producao de feixe intenso de ions. O pulso de alta voltagem a ser usado na aceleracao dos ions (500 kW,1 μs) sera fornecido por um gerador Marx. Usando este pulso, um feixe de protons de alta corrente (>200KA) sera extraido de um diodo magneticamente isolado, cujo anodo e um plasma produzido por uma descarga indutiva de gas hidrogenio. Este feixe sera injetado no dispositivo Tokamak de confinamente magnetico de plasma ETA (Experimento Toroidal Avancado), para estudos de aquecimento, realimentacao do plasma toroidal e geracao de corrente nao-indutiva. (autor)Original Title
Proposta para construcao do injetor de particulas energeticas (IPE)
Primary Subject
Jul 1987; 35 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Six-stage Arkadiev-Marx generator with the voltage of upto 300 kV and repetition rate upto 100 pulses/s is described. Generator is aimed at forming charged particle high current beams and pulses of hard x radiation, electrical distruction and materials treatment, gas laser pumping. Generator capacitance in discharge is 1.7 or 4.2 nF, peak energy in a pulse 180 J, the pulse half height duration during capacitive load is 3-4.5 μs. Estimation of generator commutation system lifetime have shown that it is limited by the service life of controlled spark gaps and is ∼ 107 operations
Original Title
Generator vysokovol'tnykh impul'sov s vysokoj chastotoj srabatyvaniya
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Units of two- and three-electrode spark gaps for Arkadiev-Marx power generators made of parallel-switched modules are developed and tested. Design and assembly technique of units which provide for stability of module operation with 10 ns root-mean-square spread, are described. Break-through strength of spark gaps is controlled by pressure measurement
Original Title
Bloki razryadnikov dlya moshchnykh generatorov po skheme Arkad'eva-Marksa
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A coaxial device to tranfer electric energy from a pulsed generator to a low-impedance shaping line whose commutation brings about powerful short voltage pulses is described. To damp pulses the internal conductor of the device is enveloped by the element of volumetrically resitant material, and controlled discharge are placed between the external conductor of the device and the element. The device operated efficiency when the radical lines were charged from the Arkadiev-Marx generator during 1 μs up to 500 kV
Original Title
Dempfirovanie obratnykh impul'sov mezhdu istochnikom zaryadki i formiruyushchej liniej
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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