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Usmanova, M.R.; Usmanov, R.; Karimov, M.B.
Academy of Scinces of the Republic of Tajikistan, Institute of Chemistryby name V.I.Nikitin(Tajikistan)
Conference 'The materials of V I Numan's readings ' Proceedings2009
Academy of Scinces of the Republic of Tajikistan, Institute of Chemistryby name V.I.Nikitin(Tajikistan)
Conference 'The materials of V I Numan's readings ' Proceedings2009
No abstract available
Original Title
Reologicheskie svoystva anomal'noy nefti yugo-zapadnoy chasti Ferganskoyvpadini
Primary Subject
Academy of Scinces of the Republic of Tajikistan, Institute of Chemistryby name V.I.Nikitin(Tajikistan); 257 p; May 2009; p. 233-235; Conference on materials of VI Numan's readings; Konferentsiya 'Materiali VI Numanovskikh chteniy'; Dushanbe (Tajikistan); May 2009; Available from the library of Institute of Chemistry by name V.I.Nikitin
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Niu, Shan; Chen, Ruiwen; Hageman, Kimberly J.; Zou, Yun; Dong, Liang; Zheng, Ran; Wang, Xiaohui; Hai, Reti, E-mail: kim.hageman@usu.edu2021
[en] Highlights: • Chlorinated paraffins (CPs) were found ubiquitously in tree bark samples. • Wind patterns had little influence on CP profiles in the study region. • Theoretical air concentrations of CPs were used for source apportionment. • CP emissions from the production plant were influential at sites located 6 km away. • A combination of sources influenced the CP profiles at rural and urban-rural sites. Short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins (MCCPs) were measured in tree bark samples. These samples were collected around a chemical industrial park containing several chlorinated paraffin (CP) production plants, in a nearby city (Zhengzhou), and along a transect between the industrial park and city. Theoretical air concentrations were back-calculated from concentrations in bark using a predictive equation for estimating equilibrium bark-air partition coefficients. We developed this equation from a series of previously published Kbark-air measurements. Comparison of the normalized concentration profiles along south to north transects showed that wind played only a minor role in CP concentrations and profiles in the region. Three distinct source profiles were found in the complex source region. A fingerprint analysis technique was used to quantify the contribution of each source to the CP burden at various locations along the transect. We found that CP profiles at sites up to 6 km from the industrial park were strongly influenced by CP plant emissions, whereas the sites located in the rural zone and rural-urban interface were influenced by a mixture of CP plant emissions and the neighboring city.
Primary Subject
S0304389420321075; Available from; Copyright (c) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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No abstract available
Original Title
Estrutura, dinamica molecular e transicoes de fase na parafina binaria C23H48-25%C24H50
36. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 4-11 Jul 1984; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Ciencia e Cultura. Suplemento; ISSN 0102-2474; ; v. 36(7); p. 326
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[en] Full text: In the article have been reviewed the measures on tubing string cleaning from asphalt-tar-paraffin sediments formed while oil boreholes exploitation. In order to solve these problems connected with cleaning from asphalt-tar-paraffin crystals and mechanical sediments has been developed a new mechanical device which has been tested in pipe cleaning workshop in OGPD named after N.Narimanov. Test results showed that besides cleaning the pipes from ATP crystals and other mechanic sedimentations the device also prevents roughness of the pipe from inner side and creates smoothness inside the pipe. As a result, sedimentation period of ATP crystals inside the pipe is reduced which leads to increase runtime period between overhaul periods for 1.5-2.0 times
Original Title
Ochistka nasosno-kompressornikh trub ot asfal'tenosmoloparafinovikh otlozheniy gidromekhanicheskim sposobom
Primary Subject
Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record; Translated from Russian
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Azerbajdzhanskoe Neftyanoe Khozyajstvo; ISSN 0365-8554; ; v. 54(1); 1 p
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[en] Full text: For transport regime designing, especially for oils with high viscosity and paraffin fraction, right selection of rheological equation to describe the flow of these oils is very important. The rheological-structural properties of these oils have been studied and the curve of displacement tension of oil depending on displacement velocity has been found. Analysis of results according to square Means method showed superiority of Gershell-Balkly three parametric models. Due to this, application of Gershell-Balkly model is usually preferred in engineering calculations. Using mode of Gershell-Balkly deduces the rated formula for define connection
Original Title
Novie visokoehffektivnie reagenti dlya ispol'zovaniya pri transportirovke i dobiche visokovyazkikh parafinistikh neftey
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record; Translated from Russian
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Azerbajdzhanskoe Neftyanoe Khozyajstvo; ISSN 0365-8554; ; v. 55(5); 6 p
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Ridel', Z.; Kherrmann, Eh.; Shefer, I.; Tseiner, A.
CNEA member-states symposium on the radioisotope methods application in industry, including means of control and operation1979
CNEA member-states symposium on the radioisotope methods application in industry, including means of control and operation1979
[en] To improve processing of the natural and synthetic fiber threads on stocking-frames, they are treated by paraffin. Paraffin is applied in the amounts nearly equal to 0.1 -1.0 g for 104 m of the thread's length. To determine amount of paraffin on thread and to determine uniformity if its application, a radiometric method has been developed. As a radioactive label, didocilephosphate of rare earths was used. This compound has good solubility in hydrocarbons and does not change physical properties of paraffin in the investigated field of its application as well as its concentration. It is possible to add to paraffin this radioactive label or a non-active label with subsequent its activation. Amount of paraffin, applied on a thread is determined by means of measurement of activity of thread samples of different length. Information about uniformity of paraffin application on thread have been obtained by means of autoradiography. It has been found that paraffin in mainly applied on the thread's bulges
Original Title
Radiometricheskoe opredelenie ravnomernosti naneseniya parafina na tekstil'nye niti
Primary Subject
Sovet Ehkonomicheskoj Vzaimopomoshchi, Moscow (USSR). Postoyanniya Komissiya po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii v Mirnykh Tselyakh; Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Leipzig. Zentralinstitut fuer Isotopen- und Strahlenforschung; p. 296-303; 1979; p. 296-303; FEB ''Kongress und Verbendruck''; Oberlungvitz, German Democratic Republic; Radioisotope methods application in industry, including means of control and operation; Leipzig, German Democratic Republic; 26 - 29 Sep 1978
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Su Xiaobin; Wang Zhaohui; Li Xia; Wang Qi; Liu Yang; Hou Long
Progress report on nuclear science and technology in China (Vol.4). Proceedings of academic annual meeting of China Nuclear Society in 2015, No.7--Nuclear Physics sub-volume2016
Progress report on nuclear science and technology in China (Vol.4). Proceedings of academic annual meeting of China Nuclear Society in 2015, No.7--Nuclear Physics sub-volume2016
[en] The background of high voltage multiplier hall is high, which effects our experiment. So it is critical to improve the shield of experiment hall. We measured and analyzed the background of experiment hall. By simulation, the article gives the scheme of improving wall and collimator. After adding paraffin beside the wall, we have done a simple validating experiment. The results on Iron target show that the improvement is very well. (authors)
Primary Subject
China Nuclear Society, Beijing (China); 92 p; ISBN 978-7-5022-7103-9; ; Apr 2016; p. 1-5; 2015 academic annual meeting of China Nuclear Society; Mianyang (China); 21-24 Sep 2015; 5 figs., 2 tabs., 2 refs.
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[en] Highlights: • SCCPs are ubiquitous in various environmental matrices and biota. • SCCPs pose lethality, carcinogenicity, metabolism-disrupting effect et al. • Toxicity mechanism of SCCPs related to oxidative stress, endocrine disruption et al. • More attention needs to be paid to novel toxic targets of SCCPs. -- Abstract: Short-chain chlorinated paraffin (SCCP) pollution has become a global threat. Much attention has been paid to their environmental occurrence and toxicity. In this review, we summarized the wide distribution of SCCPs in various environmental matrices and biota, including human beings. Toxicokinetics and the toxicities of SCCPs, including lethality, hepatotoxicity, developmental toxicity, carcinogenicity, endocrine- and metabolism-disrupting effects, and immunomodulatory effects have been considered. The mechanisms of SCCP toxicity are mainly related to oxidative stress, metabolic disturbance, endocrine disruption and binding to biomacromolecules. In the future, further studies of SCCPs should focus on searching for their novel toxicity targets, and uncovering their toxic effects using transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and mutigenerational toxicity.
Original Title
Short-chain chlorinated paraffins;Environmental distribution;Toxicokinetics;Toxicities;Mechanism
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
S0048969719337817; Available from; Copyright (c) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.; Indexer: nadia, v0.3.7; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] Longitudinal and transverse shifts of an 8 cm parallel bounded beam of 34.2 GHz (8.77 mm) microwaves totally reflected from a paraffin prism have been investigated. The 450 - 450 - 900 prism is 18 cm high by 25 cm on the sides and the index of refraction is 1.491. Longitudinal shifts as large as 3 cm have been measured in a single reflection near the critical angle for a beam linearly polarized in the plane of incidence. The shift for perpendicular polarization is approximately half this value. The results are in general agreement with the classical theory for the Goos-Haenchen effect. An incident beam polarized at 450 to the incidence plane produces both parallel and perpendicular polarization shifts with values similar to the above. The shifts for both polarizations are reduced but are still distinctly separate if either a second prism or a metallic reflector is brought into the evanescent wave at millimeter distances from the interface. These results are in accordance with stationary phase calculations for two interfaces. It is found that a small (6 mm) transverse shift results if the prism is illuminated with circularly polarized microwaves
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Journal Article
Journal of the Optical Society of America; v. 67(10); p. 1307-1314
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No abstract available
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Journal Article
Physical Review Letters; v. 30(5); p. 181-184
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