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1973 annual book of ASTM standards. Part 30; 1973; 11 p; American Society for Testing and Materials; Philadelphia; ASTM-E--261-70
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Ambardanischwili, T.S.; Kolomijzew, M.A.; Sacharina, T.J.; Dundua, W.J.; Tschichladse, N.W.
AN Gruzinskoj SSR, Tbilisi. Inst. Fiziki1975
AN Gruzinskoj SSR, Tbilisi. Inst. Fiziki1975
[en] The activation neutron detector for measuring integral fluxes of fast or thermal neutrons consists of a material which can be activated by neutrons and is distributed in the volume of a heat-hardenable neutron-inert polycondensation resin. The material is a mixture of at least two elements each of which is capable of forming radioactive isotopes with different decay energies under neutron irradiation. Suitable materials are mixtures of the salts of the metals cobalt, nickel, iron, indium, mercury or lutetium and a neutron-inert acid radical in a polycondensation resin or a copolymerisation product of phenol formaldehyde-resol resin with m-chlorophenol formaldehyde resin. These substances are mixed with aluminum oxide, magnesium oxide, the oxides of aluminium, nickel, iron and thallium, nickel oxide and aluminum oxide, mercury sulfide, iron sulfide or red phosphorus. An integral neutron flux of 1020 n/cm2 can be detected. (DG/RF)
Der Aktivierungsneutronendetektor zur Messung von Integralstroemen schneller oder thermischer Neutronen besteht aus einem neutronenaktivierbaren Material, das im Volumen eines waermehoerbaren neutroneninerten Polykondensationsharzes verteilt ist. Das Material ist eine Mischung mindestens zweier Elemente, deren jedes radioaktive Isotope mit unterschiedlichen Zerfallsenergien unter Neutronenbestrahlung bilden kann. Geeignet sind Mischungen der Salze der Metalle Kobalt, Nickel, Eisen, Indium, Quecksilber oder Lutetium und einem neutroneninerten Saeurerest in Polykondensationsharz oder einem Copolymerisat von Phenolformaldehyd-Resolharz mit m-Chlorphenol-Formaldehydharz. Diese Substanzen werden mit Aluminiumoxid, Magnesiumoxid, den Oxiden von Aluminium, Nickel, Eisen und Thallium, Nickeloxid und Aluminiumoxid, Quecksilbersulfid, Eisensulfid oder rotem Phosphor zusammengemischt. Es kann ein integraler Neutronenstrom von 1020 n/cm2 nachgewiesen werden. (DG)Original Title
Secondary Subject
22 May 1975; 29 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2355695/A/; 1 tab.
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[en] Multileaf Collimators (MLCs) have become an important technological advance as part of clinical linear accelerators (linacs) for radiotherapy. Treatment planning and delivery were substantially modified after these devices. However, it was needed to develop Quality Assurance (QA) methodologies related to the performance of these developments. The most common methods for QA of MLC are made in basic conditions that hardly cover all possible difficulties in clinical practice. Diaz et. el. developed a methodology based upon volumetric detectors bidimensional arrays that can be extended to more demanding situations. In this work, the Auril methodology of Diaz et. al. was implemented to the irradiation with the linac gantry in horizontal position. A mathematical procedure was developed to ease the dosimetric centering of the device with the Auril centering tool. System calibration was made as in the typical Auril methodology. Patterns with leaf misplacements in known positions were irradiated. the method allowed the detection of leafs' misplacements with a minimum number of false positives. We concluded that Auril methodology can be applied in clinical conditions. (Author)
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Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnologicas y Desarrollo Nuclear (CEADEN), La Habana (Cuba); Instituto de Ciencias y Tecnologia de Materiales (IMRE), La Habana (Cuba); Centro Latinoamericano de Fisica (CLAF), La Habana (Cuba); Sociedad Cubana de Fisica (SCF), La Habana (Cuba); Centro de Investigaciones en Optica (CIO), La Habana (Cuba); 1 CD-ROM; ISBN 978-959-7136-98-9; ; Feb 2013; 4 p; WONP-NURT 2013: 14. Workshop on Nuclear Physics and 8. International Symposium on Nuclear and Related Techniques; La Habana (Cuba); 5-8 Feb 2013; Available from Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnologica y Desarrollo Nuclear (CEADEN), La Habana (CU), Email:; Centro de Gestion de la Informacion y Desarrollo de la Energia (Cubaenergia), La Habana (CU), Email:; 12 refs.; 4 figs.
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Allaf, A.K.S.; Fitaire, Marc; Pointu, A.M.
Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche (ANVAR), 92 - Paris-Defense (France)1975
Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche (ANVAR), 92 - Paris-Defense (France)1975
[en] The aim of this invention is to be able to determine the emerging or effective activity of the α radiation emitted by a source, by a simple and reliable method in an activity range extending from a fraction of a mCi to several Curies, by means of an electric microphone. The process and device described in the invention permit absolute as well as relative determinations of the activity of the α rays emitted by the source and also permit a measurement of the local emission of this source. Further, when the microphone includes a substance which is the seat of a reaction (n, α), the process and device under the invention allow the neutron radiation emitted by a neutron source to be determined. Specifically, the characteristic of the process is that near the source there is a microphone comprising two metal plates. The first plate of the microphone (sometimes called armature) is placed opposite the α radiation source and is of sufficiently small thickness for the α radiation emitted by the source to cross it without apprecialbe attenuation. Between these two plates, as with the usual capacitive microphone, a difference of continuous potential is established and the intensity of the α radiation emitted by the source is determined by measuring, after amplification, the potential developed between the two plates of the microphone, (this potential being created by the charges collected on these plates and which are created by the α radiation in the ionisable gas included in the volume thus delimited)
Le but de la presente invention est de pouvoir mesurer l'activite emergente ou efficace du rayonnement α emis par une source, par une methode simple et fiable dans un domaine d'activite allant d'une fraction de mCi a plusieurs Curies, a l'aide d'un microphone electrique. Le procede et le dispositif selon l'invention permettent tant des mesures absolues que des mesures relatives de l'activite des rayons α emis par la source, et permettent egalement une mesure de l'emission locale de ladite source. Enfin, lorsque le microphone comprend un materiau siege d'une reaction (n,α), le procede et le dispositif selon l'invetion permettent une mesure du rayonnement neutronique emis par une source de neutrons. Plus precisement, le procede est caracterise en ce qu'on dispose au voisinage de la source un microphone comportant deux plaques metalliques, une premiere plaque du microphoone, (appelee quelquefois armature) est disposee en regard de la source de rayonnement α et a une epaisseur suffisamment petite pour que le rayonnement α emis par la source la traverse sans attenuation notable. On etablit entre ces deux plaques, comme dans un microphone capacitif habituel une difference de potentiel continue et on determine l'intensite du rayonnement α emis par la source en mesurant, apres amplification le potentiel developpe entre les deux plaques du microphone, (ledit potentiel etant cree par les charges recueillies sur ces plaques, charges creees par le rayonnement α dans le gaz ionisable compris dans le volume ainsi delimite)Original Title
Procede et dispositif de mesure de rayonnement alpha ou neutronique a l'aide d'un microphone
30 Dec 1975; 12 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2356159/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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[en] A detecting material capable of being activated by neutrons is mixed with a liquid polycondensation resin capable of thermal hardening. The obtained mixture is heated until the resin is transformed into a fusible product that is then cooled to room temperature. This hardened mixture is ground into powder suitable for pressing into tablets
Original Title
31 Mar 1981; v p; US PATENT DOCUMENT 4,259,280/A/; U.S. Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231, USA, $.50
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[en] Method of neutron activation weighing used for certification of neutron activation detectors is described. It is shown that for its realization the fund of initial specimens (FIS) including sets of initial specimens of different types together with necessary normative technical documentation is required. Basic requirements to FIS and its separate specimens are given, fabricating methods of the initial specimens decreasing considerably their certification error are considered. A concrete certification procedure of serial neutron activation detectors by means of the FIS initial specimens is described as well. It is noted that FIS is included in a special state standard of units of neutron flux and neutron fluence for nuclear physical devices
Original Title
Fond iskhodnykh obraztsov nejtronno-aktivatsionnykh veshchestv
For English translation see the journal Measurement Techniques (USA).
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Journal Article
Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika; ISSN 0368-1025; ; (no.8); p. 68-69
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Lloret, R.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Service des Piles1975
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Service des Piles1975
[en] The activation detector technique is very widely used in dosimetry of materials irradiations. The 93Nb(n,n')sup(93m)Nb reaction is the most suitable. In this paper, the causes of this selection are summarized: high melting point and good compatibility of the metal with usual environments, long half-life and mainly low threshold cross-section comparable with radiation damage cross-sections. The selected solutions for its practical utilization are: irradiation of rolled metallic high purity niobium, (bare or under various jackets); measurement of the X ray Ksub(α) Nb activity with a Si-Li detector (cooled preamp.) and analysis of the X ray spectrum
La dosimetrie des irradiations de materiaux de structure fait largement appel a la technique des detecteurs par activation. Parmi ceux-ci, la reaction 93Nb(n,n')sup(93m)Nb est la mieux adaptee a cet usage. Dans ce rapport, on rassemble les elements de ce choix: haut point de fusion et bonne compatibilite du metal avec les milieux usuels, longue periode et surtout section efficace a bas seuil comparable aux sections de creation de defauts. On decrit egalement les solutions qui ont ete retenues pour son utilisation pratique et courante. Le materiau est du niobium metallique lamine, de haute purete, irradie nu ou sous diverses gaines. Le comptage de l'activite de la raie X Ksub(α) Nb est effectue au moyen d'une diode Si-Li a preamplificateur refroidi, suivi de l'analyse du spectre X complexe. Les corrections sont faiblesOriginal Title
Application de la reaction 93Nb(n,n')sup(93m)Nb a la dosimetrie des irradiations de materiaux
30 Jul 1975; 4 p; 1. International symposium on reactor dosimetry: developments and standardization; Petten, Netherlands; 22 Sep 1975
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No abstract available
Original Title
Vliv okrajoveho efektu pri aktivaci folii v poli tepelnych neutronu
Record Type
Journal Article
Jaderna Energie; v. 21(10); p. 382-383
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Si Fenni; Hu Qingyuan, E-mail: sifenni@gmail.com2009
[en] The optimum lead thickness for lead-activation detectors has been studied in this paper. First existence of the optimum lead thickness is explained theoretically. Then the optimum lead thickness is obtained by two methods, MCNP5 calculation and mathematical estimation. At last factors which affect the optimum lead thickness are discussed. It turns out that the optimum lead thickness is irrelevant to incident neutron energies. It is recommended 2.5 cm generally.
Primary Subject
S0168-583X(09)00788-5; Available from; Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms; ISSN 0168-583X; ; CODEN NIMBEU; v. 267(17); p. 2823-2826
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[en] The activation neutron detector presents a formed and hardened mixture whose material is a conglomerate of powder of element and a solid solution of salts of the elements that can be activated in a polymer mixture. Phenol formaldehyde resol and phenol benzaldehyde novolak resin are suitable amongst others as polymer mixture. Integral neutron fluxes of 1020 neutrons/cm2 are measurable. Many examples are given for the elements and salts to be activated. (DG)
Der Aktivierungs-Neutronendetektor stellt eine geformte und gehaertete Mischung dar, deren Material ein Konglomerat von Pulvern von Elementen und einer festen Loesung von Salzen der aktivierbaren Elemente in einem polymeren Gemisch darstellt. Als polymeres Gemisch eignet sich u.a. Phenolformaldehyd-Resolharz und Penolbenzaldehyd-Novolakharz. Messbar sind Integralneutronenfluesse von 1020 Neutronen/cm2. Viele Beispiele sind fuer die aktivierbaren Elemente und Salze aufgezeigt. (DG)Original Title
Aktivierungs-Neutronendetektor, der aus einer ausgehaerteten Mischung neutronenaktivierbarer Stoffe mit einem Polykondensationsharz besteht
20 Sep 1979; 7 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2355695/B/; Available from Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen, Germany, F.R
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