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Published in summary form only.; CODEN: ZWKTA.
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Journal Article
Zeitschrift fuer Werkstofftechnik; ISSN 0049-8688; ; v. 14(12); p. 417-421
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[en] Thermally treated Alloy 690 is proposed as the most reliable steam generator tubing material. Compared with Alloy 600, Alloy 800 or Duplex stainless steel, Alloy 690 has a lower corrosion rate and metal release. EDF have selected Alloy 690, thermally treated, for future nuclear power plants
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Journal Article
Nuclear Europe; CODEN NUEUD; v. 6(2); p. 18-19
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Dumaz, P.; Terriez, J.M.; Regnard, C.; Robert, G.
Transactions of the 8th international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology. Vol. L1985
Transactions of the 8th international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology. Vol. L1985
[en] This paper deals with the results found by completing a study work aimed at giving due consideration to the variables controlling the microstructure variation in modeling the alloy 800 fatigue-stress relaxation behaviour along with their effect on the fracturing process. The related push-pull cycles were performed in forced strain condition and the relaxing operation was carried out with the material exhibiting its maximum tension strained condition. Microstructure investigations and behaviour modeling are presented. (orig./RF)
Primary Subject
Stalpaert, J. (ed.); Commission of the European Communities, Brussels (Belgium); 489 p; ISBN 0444-86966-2; ; 1985; p. 15-20; North-Holland; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 8. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMIRT-8); Brussels (Belgium); 19-23 Aug 1985
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[en] The chemical and electrochemical characteristics of synthetic solutions similar to those inside the occluded cell corrosion - OCC (pitting, cracks from stress corrosion) of incoloy 800, 250C are studied. (E.G.)
Estudou-se as caracteristicas quimicas e eletroquimicas de solucoes sinteticas similares aquelas existentes no interior de cavidades de corrosao localizada (pites, fissuras de corrosao sob tensao, etc) do incoloy 800, a 250C. (E.G.)Original Title
Algumas observacoes sobre a corrosao do Incoloy 800
Primary Subject
1985; 10 p; 12. National Seminar of Corrosion; Salvador, BA (Brazil); 13-17 May 1985
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Terriez, J.M.
Transactions of the 7. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology. Vol. L1983
Transactions of the 7. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology. Vol. L1983
[en] The alloy 800 used for the steam generators in the Super Phenix breeder reactor undergoes γ' [Ni3 (Ti Al)] hardening. This paper attempts to take these microstructure effects into account in the formulation of the constitutive law for this material. Low cycle fatigue tests were carried out to imposed deformation. The mean diameters of the precipitates were determined by small angle neutron scattering and transmission electron microscopy. (orig./WL)
Primary Subject
Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg; Argonne National Lab., IL (USA); 634 p; ISBN 0 444 86700 7; ; 1983; p. 87-95; North-Holland; Amsterdam (Netherlands); 7. international seminar on computational aspects of the finite element method (CAFEM-7) in conjunction with the 7. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMIRT-7); Chicago, IL (USA); 22-26 Aug 1983
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Pfaffelhuber, M.; Roedig, M.; Schubert, F.; Nickel, H.
Kernforschungsanlage Juelich GmbH (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorwerkstoffe; Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany, F.R.)1989
Kernforschungsanlage Juelich GmbH (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorwerkstoffe; Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany, F.R.)1989
[en] To investigate the crack growth behaviour under combined creep-fatigue loading, CT 25 mm-specimens of X10NiCrAlTi 32 20 (Alloy 800) have been tested in experiments with cyclic loadings and hold times, with static loadings and short stress rekief interrupts, with ramp type loadings and with sequences of separate fatigue and creep crack growth periods. The test temperature of 700deg C was selected because only in this temperature range this alloy provides similar amounts of crack growth under creep and fatigue conditions due to equivalent stress levels. For the estimation of crack growth under combined loading conditions a linear accumulation of increase in crack length was proved using the crack growth laws of pure creep and fatigue crack growth. Hold time and ramp loadings lead to a higher crack growth rate compared with pure creep or pure fatigue crack growth tests. In hold time experiments the crack growth rate is higher than ramp tests of the same period time. The results of hold time tests can be fairly enough predicted by linear damage accumulation rules. (orig.)
Zur Untersuchung des Risswachstums unter ueberlagerter Kriech- und Ermuedungsbeanspruchung wurden Ermuedungsrisswachstumsversuche mit Haltezeiten (30 Sekunden bis 4 Stunden) bzw. Kriechrisswachstumsversuche mit zyklischen Entlastungen, Versuche mit rampenfoermiger Belastung unterschiedlicher Periodendauer sowie Versuche mit hintereinandergeschalteten Perioden reiner Kriech- und Ermuedungsrisswachstums durchgefuehrt. Die Untersuchungen erfolgten an CT 25 mm-Proben der Eisenbasislegierung X10NiCrAlTi 32 20 (Alloy 800) bei 700deg C. Nur in diesem Temperaturbereich weist dieser Werkstoff bei gleichem Spannungsniveau etwa gleichwertige Anteile von Kriech-, und Ermuedungsrisswachstum auf. Das Risswachstum in Haltezeit- und Rampenversuchen wurde mit den Kenngroessen des reinen Kriechrisswachstums und Ermuedungsrisswachstums auf der Basis eines linearen Schadensakkumulationsansatzes beschrieben. Haltezeiten und rampenfoermige Belastungen fuehren zu einer Erhoehung der Risswachstumsgeschwindigkeit ueber das Mass des reinen Kriech- und Ermuedungsrisswachstums hinaus. Bei Wechselwirkungsversuchen gleicher Periodendauer bewirkt die konstante maximale Spannung waehrend der Haltezeit einen groesseren Risszuwachs als eine rampenfoermige Beanspruchung. Versuche mit Haltezeiten lassen sich durch eine lineare Schadensakkumulation ausreichend gut beschreiben. (orig.)Original Title
Risswachstum unter ueberlagerter Kriech- und Ermuedungsbelastung in X10NiCrAlTi 32 20 (Alloy 800)
Primary Subject
Aug 1989; 146 p; Dissertation submitted by M. Pfaffelhuber.; Diss.
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[en] The present study served to investigate creep crack growth experiments for a tube with a 180deg surface crack in circumferential direction. The tube had an outer diameter of 197 mm and a wall thickness of 23.5 mm. It was loaded with four-point bending at 700deg C. No solutions for calculation of the C*-integral were available in the literature for this testing geometry, so new approaches had to be found. An approximation method, the so-called limit analysis technique was used for this purpose. It requires the plastic limit load of a specimen and the displacement rate of the load application points as the experimental input parameters. Before the limit analysis technique was applied to the tube under bending, results from earlier creep crack growth experiments were used to verify this technique. The C* values determined from the limit analysis were compared with values based on the numerical calculations of the EPRI handbook. A good agreement was found for both calculation methods. It therefore seems justified to apply the limit load procedure also to the tube loaded in bending. The calculation on the basis of the limit analysis was performed in two ways, which differed by the type of crack front modelling. The simpler model yielded results that were too conservative in comparison with the experimental results of CT specimens. The application of the second model, which better covers the true crack front, provides values for da/dt versus C* which are actually within the scatter band of CT specimen results. This procedure therefore permits the transfer of standard specimen results to components. (orig.)
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Maier, Irene; Martinez, Daniel
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (Argentina)1989
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (Argentina)1989
[en] Susceptibility to pitting corrosion of Incoloy 800 in 0.1M sodium chloride solution, at room temperature, was studied as a function of pH. In order to determine the pitting potentials (Ep), potentiokinetic and galvanostatic techniques were applied. The results obtained by both techniques indicate that there is no noticeable change of Ep values in the 3 to 11 pH range, and that Ep increases at pH 12. Ep values obtained by the galvanostatic method were lower than those measured using the potentiokinetic technique. The number and size of pits decreases as the pH increases. The morphology of pitting belongs to the crystallographic type. (Author)
Original Title
Efecto del pH sobre el picado de Incoloy 800 en soluciones de cloruro de sodio
Primary Subject
1989; 6 p; 17. Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology; 17. Reunion anual de la Asociacion Argentina de Tecnologia Nuclear; Buenos Aires (Argentina); 4-7 Dec 1989; Available from Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (AR). Library; Pre-conference paper.
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[en] The creep rupture properties of high temperature alloys are being determined as part of the materials programme for the development of the high temperature, gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) as a source of nuclear process heat, especially for the gasification of lignite and coal. INCOLOY 800H AND INCONEL 617 have been tested in the temperature range from 1073 K to 1223 K in air as well as in helium with HTGR specific impurities. The static and dynamic creep behaviour of INCONEL 617 have been determined in constant load creep tests, relaxation tests and stress reduction tests. The results have been interpreted using the internal stress on the applied stress and test temperature was determined. In a few experiments the influence of cold deformation prior to the creep test on the magnitude of the internal stress was also investigated. (Author)
Primary Subject
vp; Jul 1984; p. 519-532; The Korean federation of scientific and technological societies; Seoul (Republic of Korea); 9. Korea symposium on science and technology; Seoul (Republic of Korea); 4 Jul 1984
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[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Etude de l'endommagement de fluage de l'alliage 800 a 5500C
Primary Subject
Autumn Meeting on Metallurgy; Paris (France); 17-19 Oct 1989
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Memoires et Etudes Scientifiques de la Revue de Metallurgie; ISSN 0245-8292; ; CODEN MESMD; v. 86(9); p. 508
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