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[en] In most laboratory studies with oral exposure of terrestrial invertebrates to metals an artificial food, which is easy to handle, is used. The bioavailability of metals from this artificial food may, however, be much higher than from more field relevant food sources. Such differences may affect toxicokinetic processes in different tissues. To test the effect of bioavailability of Cd in food on Cd toxicokinetics and internal distribution in terrestrial invertebrates, we performed the experiment using the ground beetle Pterostichus oblongopunctatus exposed to Cd via food differing in their soluble Cd pool. We showed that in carabids Cd accumulation and elimination pattern in different tissues is not governed by the metal availability in food.
Primary Subject
Copyright (c) 2019 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature; Article Copyright (c) 2019 The Author(s); Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology; ISSN 0007-4861; ; CODEN BECTA6; v. 103(3); p. 421-427
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[en] The BT-S4 unit consists of a support suspended from the ceiling on which the X-radiator is fixed, a Bucky table with floating plate, and an integrated device for tomographic movements in two dimensions. The blowing device is driven by two motors in the suspended support. Coupling between focus and detector path is assured by a rod, which can be decoupled, the fulcrum being stationary. The layer is selected by adjusting the distance from table to detector. Both for radiographic and tomographic purposes the device can be furnished with a system function, jointly with the generator, for automatic exposure. (orig./HP)
Das BT-S4 besteht aus einem Deckenstativ fuer den Roentgenstrahler, einem Bucky-Tisch mit schwimmender Tischplatte und einer integrierten Einrichtung fuer Tomographiebewegungen in zwei Dimensionen. Der Antrieb der Verwischungseinrichtung erfolgt durch zwei Motore im Deckenstativ. Die Koppelung zwischen Fokus- und Detektorweg geschieht ueber eine abkoppelbare Stange bei ortsfestem Fulkrum. Durch Hoehenverstellung der Kombination Tischplatte/Detektor erfolgt die Schichtwahl. Als Systemfunktion gemeinsam mit dem Generator wird eine Expositionsautomatik sowohl fuer Radiographie als auch fuer Tomographie geboten. (orig./HP)Original Title
Verwischungstomographie heute - Stand der Technik
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No abstract available
Original Title
Betriebserfahrungen mit dem Siedewasserreaktor des Kernkraftwerks Lingen
Primary Subject
Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (F.R. Germany); p. 365-368; 1970; ZAED; Leopoldshafen, F.R. Germany
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Progress Report
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[en] This publications catalogue lists all sales publications of the IAEA published in 2013 and 2014 and those forthcoming in 2014-2015. Most IAEA publications are issued in English; some are also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish. This is indicated at the bottom of the book entry. A complete listing of all IAEA priced publications is available on the IAEA's web site:
Primary Subject
Jul 2014; 100 p; Also available on-line:; Enquiries should be addressed to IAEA, Marketing and Sales Unit, Publishing Section, E-mail:; Web site:
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[en] This paper presents alternative solutions to ensure power supply of critical consumer, such hospitals. In a hospital it is extremely important to have a power supply without any interruption. This is the reason of the using various solutions that ensure continuity of power supply. In this paper it is presented a solution used in a hospital in Romania. Here is used a generator controlled by microprocessor capable of taking over power supply in case there are problems with power supply from the national power grid. (paper)
Primary Subject
ICAS2017: International Conference on Applied Sciences; Hunedoara (Romania); 10-12 May 2017; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering (Online); ISSN 1757-899X; ; v. 294(1); [6 p.]
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Liebhart, Ewald, E-mail:
3. International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management (PLiM) for Long Term Operations (LTO). Keynotes, papers, presentations, posters2012
3. International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management (PLiM) for Long Term Operations (LTO). Keynotes, papers, presentations, posters2012
No abstract available
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Nuclear Power and Division of Nuclear Installation Safety, Vienna (Austria); European Commission Joint Research Centre (EC/JRC), Brussels (Belgium); OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA), Issy-les-Moulineaux (France); vp; 2012; 25 p; 3. International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management (PLiM) for Long Term Operations (LTO); Salt Lake City, UT (United States); 14-18 May 2012; IAEA-CN--194-098; Also available on-line:; Presentation
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Report Number
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[en] Together with wave energy, ocean thermal energy, and the often overlooked energy from ocean curents tidal energy belongs to those renewable energy sources that can be subsumed under the generic term of ocean energy. All that these energy sources have in common, however, is that they are found in the ocean. The present article discusses tidal energy with respect to the four principal factors determining the scope of a renewable energy source, namely global, technical, and economic availability and ecological acceptability. (orig.)
Die Gezeitenenergie gehoert zusammen mit der Wellenenergie, der Meereswaerme und den oftmals nicht erwaehnten Meeresstroemungen zu den erneuerbaren bzw. regenerativen Energien, die unter den Oberbegriff Meeresenergie subsumiert werden koennen, denen jedoch faktisch 'nur gemeinsam ist, dass sie im Meer auftreten'. Nachfolgend wird die Gezeitenenergie anhand der vier fuer die Nutzungsmoeglichkeiten von regenerativen Energien massgeblichen Determinanten der Verfuegbarkeit bzw. Vertraeglichkeit von Energietraegern, d.h. der Determinanten globale, technische, oekonomische Verfuegbarkeit und oekologische Vertraeglichkeit vorgestellt. (orig.)Original Title
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Facchini, Angelo; Rubino, Alessandro; Caldarelli, Guido; Di Liddo, Giuseppe, E-mail: alessandro.rubino@eui.eu2019
[en] Highlights: • Gate Closure change induced a dynamical regime shift in price dynamics. • Shorter GC intervals facilitate short-term forecasting on electricity demand and better reliability on the supply side. • Gate Closure closer to real time is associated to reduced price fluctuations in the wholesale market. -- Abstract: The electricity supply industry in the United Kingdom underwent a number of regulatory reforms since late 80's that have transformed the trading and pricing of the energy market. Herein we provide empirical evidence that the Modification Proposal P12 (Mod P12) - that took place in 7/2/2002 - moving the Gate Closure (GC) interval from 3.5 h to 1 h before real time has caused a permanent alteration in the UK spot price volatility. Using a combination of Recurrence Plot (RP) and Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) we find that, after the the change in the GC time, short term price volatility significantly decreased between 2001 and 2008 while long term price volatility is not affected by CG change. Similar results are obtained by means of spectral analysis on the price series, showing a significant reduction in its variability. The results of our analysis suggest that a dynamical regime shift of the price occurred, and such shift is linked to the GC change whereby shorter GC intervals facilitate short-term forecasting on electricity demand and better reliability on the supply side. Therefore, GC closer to real time is associated to reduced price fluctuations in the wholesale market.
Primary Subject
S0301421518306992; Available from; Copyright (c) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Due to anthropogenic activities, large extends of soils are highly contaminated by Metal Trace Element (MTE). Aided phytostabilisation aims to establish a vegetation cover in order to promote in situ immobilisation of trace elements by combining the use of metal-tolerant plants and inexpensive mineral or organic soil amendments. Eight years after Coal Fly Ash (CFA) soil amendment, MTE bioavailability and uptake by two plants, Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens, were evaluated, as some biological markers reflecting physiological stress. Results showed that the two plant species under study were suitable to reduce the mobility and the availability of these elements. Moreover, the plant growth was better on CFA amended MTE-contaminated soils, and the plant sensitivity to MTE-induced physiological stress, as studied through photosynthetic pigment contents and oxidative damage was lower or similar. In conclusion, these results supported the usefulness of aided phytostabilisation of MTE-highly contaminated soils. - Highlights: → Aided phytostabilisation aims to establish a vegetation cover in order to promote immobilisation of MTE. → 8 years after the soil amendments, a pot culture study was carried out in greenhouse conditions. → MTE bioavailability and uptake by the two plants was drastically decreased with amendments. → Our results support the usefulness of aided phytostabilisation of MTE-highly contaminated soils. → CFA addition contributed to the reduction of the MTE mobility and availability for the plants. - Efficiency of Coal Fly Ash amendment for phytostabilisation of Pb, Cd and Zn in MTE-highly contaminated soils.
Primary Subject
S0269-7491(11)00104-7; Available from; Copyright (c) 2011 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] The following probabilities, namely failure probability or non-availability and their units complements reliability and availability are dealt with. In complicated systems they depend on the data describing the behavior of the components and on the structure in which these components combine to a system. The component data are theoretically assessed or derived from measurements in the form of time functions and are represented by the example of a contra-rotating ship propulsion system. (DG)
Es werden die Wahrscheinlichkeiten, Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit oder die Nichtverfuegbarkeit und deren Einerkomplemente Zuverlaessigkeit und Verfuegbarkeit behandelt. Sie haengen in komplizierten Systemen ab von den das Verhalten der Komponenten beschreibenden Daten und von der Struktur, in der diese Komponenten sich zum System verbinden. Die Komponentendaten werden theoretisch abgeschaetzt oder in der Form von Zeitfunktionen aus Messungen gewonnen sowie am Beispiel einer gegenlaeufigen Schiffsantriebsanlage dargestellt. (DG)Original Title
Was bedeuten Wahrscheinlichkeitsaussagen und wie koennen wir sie nutzen
Primary Subject
Gesellschaft fuer Sicherheits-Wissenschaft e.V., Wuppertal (Germany, F.R.); 392 p; nd; p. 110-126; GfS-summer-symposion '79; Wuppertal, Germany, F.R; 10 - 13 Jun 1979; Available from Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik, Karlsruhe, Germany, F.R
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