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Lokiec, F.; Poirier, O.; Passa, P.; Najean, Y.
22. French language symposium on nuclear medicine, Toulouse, 24-26 Sep 19811981
22. French language symposium on nuclear medicine, Toulouse, 24-26 Sep 19811981
No abstract available
Original Title
Difficultes d'interpretation des resultats du dosage radioimmunologique de la beta thromboglobuline et du facteur plaquettaire 4
Primary Subject
Toulouse-3 Univ., 31 (France); 180 p; 1981; p. 79-80; Universite Paul Sabatier; Toulouse, France; 22. French language symposium on nuclear medicine; Toulouse, France; 24 - 26 Sep 1981; Available from Faculte de Medecine de Toulouse-Rangueil, 31400 Toulouse (France); Published in summary form only.
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[en] Activation of Factor IX and Factor X was studied by adding 125I-Factor IX or 125I-Factor X to reaction mixtures and quantitating cleavage products by reduced sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis. Thrombin failed to activate Factors IX or X; Factor Xsub(a) produced insignificant amounts of cleavage products of both factors. In contrast, the reaction product of tissue factor and Factor VII cleaved large amounts of both Factor IX and Factor X in purified systems and in plasma. In incubation mixtures of plasma containing added 125I-Factor IX or 125I-Factor X, tissue factor and Ca2+ions, the percentage of total radioactivity in the heavy chain peak of 125I-IXsub(a) and the heavy chain of 125I-Xsub(a) increased at a similar rate. When the tissue factor was diluted, similar curves were obtained for percent cleavage of 125I-Factor IX and percent cleavage of 125I-Factor X plotted against tissue factor concentration. These findings support the hypothesis that activation of Factor IX by the tissue factor-Factor VII reaction product represents a physiologically significant step in normal haemostasis. (author)
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Journal Article
Scandinavian Journal of Haematology; ISSN 0036-553X; ; v. 24(3); p. 213-226
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[en] In a radioimmunoassay method for determining the concentration of fibrinopeptide A in plasma, a sample of blood is collected, a thrombin inhibitor is added and plasma is separated. The plasma is contacted under radioimmunoassay competitive binding conditions with a sufficient amount of an antibody to fibrinopeptide A and radioactively labelled fibrinoepetide A. The antibody bound fibrinopeptide A is separated from the unbound fibrinopeptide A and the radioactivity measured. An improvement comprises using D-Phe-Pro-ArgCh2Cl or its hydrocloric, hydroflouric, acetic, or citric acid addition salts as the thrombin inhibitor. The reagent may also include a chelating agent and an antiproteolytic agent
Primary Subject
20 Jan 1983 (PUB); 17 Jul 1981 (PR); vp; AU PATENT DOCUMENT 82/86000/A/; US PRIORITY 284152; Copies available from the Commissioner of Patents, Canberra; Priority date: 17 Jul 1981 (PR)
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[en] The prostanoid status was assessed in 138 patients with coronary atherosclerosis and clinical signs of stable angina. Plasma prostaglandin F2α and E1, and stable prostacyclin and thromboxane metabolites were measured radioimmunologically, using standard kits. A relationship is demonstrated between the severity of clinical manifestations, and pattern and magnitude of change in individual prostanoids
Original Title
Prostaglandiny i tromboksan pri koronarnom ateroskleroze
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Journal Article
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[en] The authors goal is to study idiotypic immunoregulation of inhibitors to clotting factor VIII:C. To this end, they used monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) against VIII:C: Synbiotics, C7F7, and C5, directed against epitopes on the C terminal fragment of VIII:C; C2, C6, C8 directed against epitopes on the N terminal fragment of VIII:C; C10, directed against a non-functional epitope; IB3, Chemicon and Hybritech, to undetermined epitopes. Anti-idiotypic antibodies against C7F7, C8, Synbiotics and Hybritech were produced in rabbits. Competitive radioimmunoassays (RIA) tested cross-reactivity between each immunogen and the other MoAbs. Synbiotics cross-reacted with Chemicon and IB3, indicating they were directed against the same epitope on the C terminal fragment of VIII:C. They did not cross-react with Hybritech, C7F7, C2, C5, C6, C8, or C10. C7F7 showed no cross-reactivities. C8 cross-reacted with C6 but not with C2, C5, C10, C7F7, Synbiotics, or Hybritech. Hybritech did not did not cross-react with any of the other MoAbs. In conclusion, with four anti-idiotypic antibodies and ten MoAbs to VIII:C, they defined at least five functional epitopes and one non-functional epitope on the factor VIII:C molecule to which inhibitors may develop: C2, C6-C8 (N terminal), C7F7, C5, Synbiotics (C terminal), Hybritech (undetermined epitope) and C10 (non-functional)
Primary Subject
70. annual meeting of the Federation of American Society for Experimental Biology; St. Louis, MO (USA); 13-18 Apr 1986; CONF-8604222--
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Federation Proceedings. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology; ISSN 0014-9446; ; CODEN FEPRA; v. 45(4); p. 962
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Eigenbrot, C.; Dennis, M.; Skelton, N.; Lazarus, R.; Ultsch, Mark H.
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., Advanced Light Source, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2000
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., Advanced Light Source, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2000
No abstract available
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Secondary Subject
1 Dec 2000; [vp.]; 42. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology; San Francisco, CA (United States); 1-5 Dec 2000; AC03-76SF00098; Available from
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[en] Haemorrhage remains the greatest threat to life on the battlefield, accounting for half of all deaths. Over the past decade the US army has widely studied new technologies for stopping sever haemorrhages and has introduced an effective zeolite based haemostatic agent. In this paper the bio-stimulatory effect of burned radioactive lantern mantles powder as well as two minerals; bentonite and zeolite are presented. In this experimental study, 50 male Wistar rats were divided randomly into 5 groups of 10 animals each. Following anesthesia, animals' tails were cut off at a thickness of 5 mm by using a pair of surgical scissors. No intervention was made on the animals of the pk group. The second to fifth group received topical nonradioactive lantern mantle powder, radioactive lantern mantle powder, Bentonite mineral or a mixture of bentonite-zeolite minerals respectively. After treatment with above mentioned agents, the volume of blood loss was measured using a scaled test-tube. The bleeding time (BT) and clotting time (CT) were also measured using a chronometer. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for comparing the means of each parameter in the 5 groups. The volume of blood loss, bleeding and clotting time in control animals were 4.39+-1.92 ml, 112.10+-39.60 sec and 94.9+-54.26 sec respectively. In the second group, in which the animals were treated with a nonradioactive lantern mantle, the volume of blood loss, bleeding and clotting time were 2.34+-0.35 ml, 54.50+-14.77 sec and 22.9+-6.54 sec, respectively. In the third group, in which the animals were treated with a radioactive lantern mantle, the volume of blood loss, bleeding and clotting time were 1.50+-0.58 ml, 37.10+-7.81 sec and 33.5+-15.76 sec respectively. In the 4th group, in which the animals were treated with bentonite mineral, the volume of blood loss, bleeding and clotting time were 1.81+-0.62 ml, 55.70+-16.73 sec and 45.9+-32.17 sec, respectively. In the fifth group, in which the animals were treated with a mixture of bentonite-zeolite minerals, the volume of blood loss, bleeding and clotting time were 1.31+-0.60 ml, 34.50+-4.65 sec and 24.2+-4.61 sec, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the alterations of bleeding and clotting time following the use of lantern mantle powder as well as bentonite or the mixture of bentonite-zeolite minerals. The results obtained in this study clearly show the significant alterations in the volume of blood loss as well as the bleeding or clotting time following the topical use of the mixture of bentonite-zeolite minerals. Controlling the generation of heat was a great achievement in development of the novel haemostatic agent produced in this study. (author)
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Journal Article
JAMC. Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad, Pakistan; ISSN 1025-9589; ; v. 21(1); p. 3-7
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[en] β-thromboglobulin (β-TG) and the anti-heparin activity platelet factor 4 (PF4) were simultaneously assayed by a radioimmune method in 108 subjects, most of whom had already be studied for platelet kinetics. The following data were obtained: while there was no technical cross-reaction, the two assays correlated closely, which indicates that they explore the same physiological phenomena; when controls were chosen at random in a population of wide age range considerable differences were observed in the results, with values that could be considered excessive in a large percentage of cases, particularly among old, 'normal' individuals; there was no correlations between β-TG and PF4 values on the one hand and platelet destruction rate on the other; plasma levels of β-TG and PF4 were significantly higher in patients with vascular diseases and polycythaemia vera than in control but clearly overlapped with the values observed in controls of the same age group. The clinical significance of these data requires, to be assessed, a long-term prospective study aimed at determining whether patients with high β-TG and PF4 levels present a high risk of thromboembolic complications and whether this risk can be reduced by correcting the biological abnormality with agents altering platelet function
Une etude simultanee de la β-thromboglobuline et du facteur plaquettaire 4 (haute activite anti-heparinique: HAP) a ete faite chez 108 sujets, la plupart d'entre eux ayant eu une etude de la cinetique plaquettaire. On a note les faits suivants: - les deux dosages sont tres etroitement correles, alors que techniquement il n'existe aucun croisement; ceci indique qu'ils explorent le meme phenomene physiologique plaquettaire; - les sujets temoins, s'ils sont choisis au hasard dans une population de tous ages, montrent un large eventail de resultats, avec des chiffres pouvant etre consideres comme excessifs dans un large pourcentage de cas notamment chez les sujets 'normaux' ages; - il n'existe pas de correlation entre les taux plasmatiques de β-TG et de HA-PF4 et le taux de destruction des plaquettes; - le taux plasmatique de ces facteurs est statistiquement excessif chez les malades atteints de maladies vasculaires et de polyglobulies vraies, mais avec un net chevauchement vis-a-vis des chiffres observes chez les temoins du meme age. L'interet clinique de ces dosages implique une etude prospective a long terme permettant de savoir si les patients avec taux eleve ont un risque excessif de complication thromboembolique, et si l'eventuelle correction de cette anomalie biologique par des agents modifiant la fonction plaquettaire est parallelement liee a une reduction de ce risqueOriginal Title
Interet clinique du dosage radio-immunologique de la beta-thromboglobuline et du facteur plaquettaire 4
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Nouvelle Presse Medicale; ISSN 0301-1518; ; v. 9(38); p. 2833-2838
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Kamata, K.; Kawamoto, H.; Honma, T.; Iwama, T.; Kim, S.-H.
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., Advanced Light Source, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)1998
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., Advanced Light Source, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)1998
No abstract available
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Secondary Subject
LBNL/ALS--13050; AC03-76SF00098; Journal Publication Date: June 9 1998
Record Type
Journal Article
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; ISSN 0027-8424; ; CODEN PNASA6; v. 95(12); [10 p.]
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[en] Brief item
Primary Subject
19. annual meeting of the American Society for Photobiology; San Antonio, TX (USA); 22-26 Jun 1991
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Journal Article
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