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1970; 3 p; Manufacturers Standardization Society; Arlington, VA; ICONS--01803
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Daguet, J.; Beaubron, A.; Manaranche, J.C.
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Valduc, 21 - Is-sur-Tille (France)1976
CEA Centre d'Etudes de Valduc, 21 - Is-sur-Tille (France)1976
[en] A method is described which allows the evaluation of the mechanical strength of a brazed joint by measuring the surface voltage when a current runs through the joint. The results are discussed and compared with those obtained from traditionnal destructive tests
On decrit une methode permettant de quantifier la resistance mecanique d'un assemblage brase a partir de mesures de potentiel de surface effectuees alors que l'assemblage est parcouru par un courant electrique. Les resultats obtenus sont presentes et compares a ceux des essais destructifs classiquesOriginal Title
Controle non destructif de la resistance mecanique d'une brasure par mesure de potentiel electrique
Primary Subject
1976; 5 p; 8. World conference on nondestructive testing; Cannes, France; 6 Sep 1976
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Picard, Paul.
Compagnie pour l'Etude et la Realisation de Combustibles Atomiques (CERCA), 75 - Paris (France)1974
Compagnie pour l'Etude et la Realisation de Combustibles Atomiques (CERCA), 75 - Paris (France)1974
[en] The process described is for the hot assembly of similar or dissimilar metallic, non-metallic or partially metallic components, without direct contact with a cleaning flux by means of a weld metal or alloy having a melting point lower than that of the most easily melted component. The components to be assembled as well as the weld metal or alloy are brought to a temperature equal at least to that causing the weld metal or alloy to melt, in an enclosure substantially empty of air and containing one or several free or combined halogens of which at least a proportion is in a gaseous state, or passes into it, during at least part of the heating time
On presente un procede d'assemblage a chaud d'elements metalliques, non metalliques ou partiellement metalliques semblables ou differents, sans contact direct avec un flux decapant au moyen d'un metal ou alliage d'apport a point de fusion inferieur a celui de l'element le plus fusible. Les elements a assembler, ainsi que le metal ou alliage d'apport, sont portes a une temperature au moins egale a celle qui provoque la fusion du metal ou alliage d'apport, dans une enceinte substantiellement videe d'air, contenant un ou plusieurs halogenes a l'etat libre ou combine, dont une fraction au moins est a l'etat gazeux, ou passe a l'etat gazeux, pendant une partie au moins du temps de chauffageOriginal Title
Procede d'assemblage a chaud
Primary Subject
13 Dec 1974; 13 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2294014/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France)
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No abstract available
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Beaumont, B.; Libeyre, P.; Gentile, B. de; Tonon, G. (Association Euratom-CEA Cadarache, 13 - Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (France). Dept. de Recherches sur la Fusion Controlee); (v.1-2) 1744 p; 1998; p. 51; 20. symposium on fusion technology; Marseille (France); 7-11 Sep 1998
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Maxfield, B.W.
California Univ., Livermore (USA). Lawrence Livermore Lab1978
California Univ., Livermore (USA). Lawrence Livermore Lab1978
[en] A typical braze joint consists of a metallic region which wets the surface of the two metals being joined, thereby achieving a bond of good mechanical integrity. An ultrasonic signal reflected from this bond can normally distinguish between bonded and unbonded regions but gives little information about the strength of such a region. For some brazes (and other bonding operations), there is a good correlation between thickness and bond strength in that a bond falling within a specified thickness range can be shown to perform adequately while both thinner and thicker bonds exhibit degraded performance. For a 50 μm thick braze, ultrasonic reflections are ''separated'' by roughly 16 nsec. For any real transducer, this means that there is significant overlap of the front and back surface reflections. We have studied a model system consisting of thin (12 to 90 μm) aluminum bonded to the back surface beryllium. By computer fitting the time dependence of the elastic disturbance reflected from the beryllium-aluminum region to a two-plane wave reflector model and allowing for multiple reflection, we correctly predict the interface separations. Details of the data acquisition and analysis, including the fitting procedure and an error analysis, are given. Accuracy depends upon the separation; a 50 μm thick (2 mil) bond can be determined with an accuracy of about 20%. The thickness of highly graded joins, consisting of two different braze materials, can be determined with an accuracy of about 30%
Primary Subject
31 May 1978; 10 p; 1. symposium on ultrasonic materials characterization; Gaithersburg, MD, USA; 7 - 9 Jun 1978; CONF-780650--3; Available from NTIS., PC A02/MF A01
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[en] The results of investigations of weld metal formation when brazing specimens of 20 and 35 steel in vacuum with a wide soldering gap (∼ 2 mm) filled with powder of an iron-nickel alloy with spherical partcles of 100-400 μm in diameter are considered. It is shown that it is possible to increase mechanical properties of joints only at certain combination of the filler composition and a solder, method and condition of brazing if the letter is carried out with a wide soldering gap
Original Title
Osobennosti formirovanoya payanogo shva v bol'shikh zazorakh s napolnitelem pri pajke stali v vakuume
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Journal Article
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[en] The mechanism of joining of silicon carbide (SiC) to silicon carbide, and silicon carbide to stainless steel (SUS) using Ag-Cu Ti alloy is discussed. The behavior of Titanium(Ti) at the brazed joint of (SiC) and (SUS) at low and high temperatures, as well as the reaction products that appear and their probable effect on bonding, were examined. It was observed that brazing of SiC/SUS cannot be possible under the same heating condition as for brazing SiC/SiC, because lower temperatures favour SUS/SiC, bond, while high temperatures favour SiC/Alloy bond. Thus brazing SiC/SUS under either of the above-mentioned conditions will put both materials at a disadvantage in one way or the others. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Science Vision; ISSN 1027-961X; ; v. 4(1); p. 51-59
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Dahme, R.; Fischer, A.
Annual meeting 1995. Non-destructive materials testing. 100 years of Roentgen radiation and current various applications of non-destructive testing. Vol. 1. Papers1995
Annual meeting 1995. Non-destructive materials testing. 100 years of Roentgen radiation and current various applications of non-destructive testing. Vol. 1. Papers1995
[en] The paper presents examples showing the potentials of non-destructive testing applying a microfocus X-ray tube and microscopy, as well as the limits set to applicability of this method for reasons of physics and the of standardization.(orig./MM)
In diesem Beitrag wird anhand von Beispielen gezeigt, welche Moeglichkeiten die zerstoerungsfreie Pruefung mittels Mikrofokusroentgenroehre und Radioskopie bietet und welche Grenze der Ersetzbarkeit sich aufgrund von physikalischen Gegebenheiten und der fehlenden Normung ergeben. (orig./MM)Original Title
Roentgenpruefung mit Mikrofokus
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zerstoerungsfreie Pruefung e.V., Berlin (Germany); Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zerstoerungsfreie Pruefung. Berichtsband; v. 47.1; 446 p; ISBN 3-931381-00-5; ; 1995; p. 155-162; Annual meeting of Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zerstoerungsfreie Pruefung e.V. (DGZfP): Non-destructive materials testing - 100 years of roentgen rays and current various applications of non-destructive testing; Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Zerstoerungsfreie Pruefung e.V. (DGZfP): Zerstoerungsfreie Materialpruefung - 100 Jahre Roentgenstrahlen und die heutige Vielfalt Industrieller ZfP-Praxis; Aachen (Germany); 22-24 May 1995; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
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[en] An analysis of papers relative to welded joint inspection is given, following the 8th world conference on nondestructive testing. The acoustic emission and trace-element methods used in the course of welding are presented. Leak testing, liquid penetrant inspection, electric measurements, radiography, ultrasonic testing are described for welding inspection. Ultrasonic testing is mainly developed in three directions: implementation of focused beams, automation, adjustment of ultrasonic testing to austenitic steel welds with development of specific sensors
Apres la 8e conference mondiale sur les essais non destructifs, on fait l'analyse des communications relatives aux methodes de controle des assemblages soudes. On presente les methodes d'emission acoustique et de dosage d'un element-traceur utilisees pendant le soudage. On decrit ensuite les methodes appliquees aux soudures: essais de ressuage, mesures electriques, controles radiographiques, controles par ultrasons. Cette derniere methode se developpe principalement dans trois directions: la mise en oeuvre des faisceaux focalises, l'automatisation des controles et des methodes d'enregistrement des resultats, l'adaptation des ultrasons au controle des soudures en acier austenitique avec mise au point de palpeurs particuliersOriginal Title
Les controles non destructifs en soudage
Primary Subject
8. world conference on nondestructive testing; Cannes, France; 6 - 11 Sep 1976; Analysis of the papers presented during the 8th world conference on nondestructive testing (Cannes, 6-11 September 1976).
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Soudage Tech. Connexes; v. 31(11-12); p. 405-428
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[en] The technological process of exothermic brazing of pipes made of steel 20 of economizers and superheaters of steam boilers by solder on the iron-manganese P87 base is developed. Optimal dimensions of thermal grains are determined, advisability of application of joints brazing by level butt groove edges during repair is istablished
Original Title
Ehkzotermicheskaya pajka trub iz stali 20 v usloviyakh remonta parovykh kotlov
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Journal Article
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