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Kienhoefer, M.; Pedrerol, J.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.)1985
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.)1985
[en] This equipment is distinguished by being particularly compact and of flat design, with little weight. By using standard mask filters as filter media, which are not situated in the front, but on the back of the person carrying the equipment, and due to the special contamination protection by fitting the equipment under one's suit, the equipment can be used nearly universally. Its safety is increased by the air quantity warning device being provided by flow monitors with buzzers and by self-breathing of the equipment in case of faults. It also guarantees great manoeuvrability of the staff, a long operating period and does not cause any resistance to breathing. (orig./HP)
Das Geraet zeichnet sich durch seine besondere Kompaktheit und flache Konstruktion bei geringem Gewicht aus. Durch die Verwendung von Normmaskenfiltern als Filtermedien, die nicht im Staubereich, sondern am Ruecken der Traegerperson untergebracht sind sowie den besonderen Kontaminationsschutz durch Anbringung des Geraetes unter dem Anzug, ist das Geraet nahezu universell einsetzbar. Seine Sicherheit wird noch dadurch erhoeht, dass die Luftmengen-Warneinrichtung durch Stroemungswaechter mit Summer und die Selbstbeatmung des Geraetes bei Stoerungen vorgesehen sind. Es gewaehrleistet ausserdem eine grosse Beweglichkeit des Personals, eine lange Betriebszeit und verursacht keinen Atemwiderstand. (orig./HP)Original Title
Primary Subject
20 Jun 1985; 26 Mar 1976; 5 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2612877/C/; ?: 26 Mar 1976
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[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Quantitative Bestimmung der Patientenbewegungen waehrend der Bestrahlung
Primary Subject
Nuesslin, F. (ed.) (Tuebingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Radiologische Klinik); Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizinische Physik e.V. (DGMP), Muenchen (Germany, F.R.); 919 p; ISBN 3-925218-05-X; ; 1988; p. 258-263; 19. scientific meeting of Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizinische Physik e.V. (DGMP); 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Medizinische Physik e.V. (DGMP); Tuebingen (Germany, F.R.); 15-17 Sep 1988; Available from Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Medizinische Physik e.V., Nuernberg (Germany, F.R.)
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Hamoda, Haitham; Tait, P.; Edmonds, D. K., E-mail: haithamhamoda@hotmail.com2009
[en] We report a 44-year-old woman who developed a fatal pulmonary embolus after uterine artery fibroid embolisation (UAE). Bilateral UAE was carried out through a single right-femoral artery puncture. The largest fibroid in the anterior fundal wall measured 4.5 cm, and the largest fibroid in the posterior fundal wall measured 6 cm. The appearances after UAE were satisfactory, and the procedure was apparently uneventful. No immediate complications were noted. The patient developed sudden-onset shortness of breath and went into cardiac arrest 19 h after the procedure. Postmortem autopsy confirmed that the cause of a death was a pulmonary embolism. To our knowledge this is the first reported case in the United Kingdom in which death occurred from a pulmonary embolus after UAE.
Primary Subject
Copyright (c) 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC and the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE); Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Chretien, Louis; Le Bourdonnec, Yvon; Werderer, Bernard.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1973
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1973
No abstract available
Original Title
Determination de la puissance respiratoire depensee par le porteur d'un appareil de protection respiratoire
Primary Subject
Dec 1973; 58 p
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[en] Functional imaging of the pharynx used to be the domain of cineradiography, CT and ultrafast CT. The development of modern MRI techniques led to new access to functional disorders of the pharynx. The aim of this study was to implement a new MRI technique to examine oropharyngeal obstructive mechanisms in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Sixteen patients suffering from OSA and 6 healthy volunteers were examined on a 1.5 T whole-body imager ('Vision', Siemens, Erlangen Medical Engineering, Germany) using a circular polarized head coil. Imaging was performed with 2D flash sequences in midsagittal and axial planes. Patients and volunteers were asked to breathe normally through the nose and to simulate snoring and the Mueller maneuver during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Prior to MRI, all patients underwent an ear, nose and throat (ENT) examination, functional fiberoptic nasopharyngoscopy and polysomnography. A temporal resolution of 6 images/s and an in-plane resolution of 2.67x1.8 mm were achieved. The mobility of the tongue, soft palate and pharyngeal surface could be clearly delineated. The MRI findings correlated well with the clinical examinations. We propose ultrafast MRI as a reliable and non-invasive method of evaluating pharyngeal obstruction and their levels. (orig.)
Die funktionelle Bildgebung des Pharynx war bisher eine Domaene der Hochfrequenzroentgenkinematographie, der Computertomographie (CT) und der ultraschnellen Computertomographie. Die Entwicklung moderner Techniken in der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) fuehrte zu neuen Ansaetzen in der Diagnostik pharyngealer Dysfunktionen. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war die Implementierung neuer schneller MR-Sequenzen, um Verschlussmechanismen entlang des Pharnyxschlauches bei Patienten mit obstruktiver Schlafapnoe (OSA) zu untersuchen. 16 Patienten mit OSA und 6 gesunde Probanden wurden an einem 1,5-T-Ganzkoerpermagnetresonanztomographen ('Vision', Siemens Medizintechnik, Erlangen) mit einer zirkularpolarisierten Kopfspule untersucht. Die Bildgebung erfolgte mit schnellen 2D-FLASH-(Fast-low-angle-shot-)Sequenzen in sagittaler und axialer Schichtfuehrung. Patienten und Probanden fuehrten folgende Atemmanoever waehrend der MRT durch: Ruhige Nasenatmung bei geschlossenem Mund, Schnarchsimulation und Mueller-Manoever. Vor der MRT unterzogen sich die OSA-Patienten einer HNO-aerztlichen Untersuchung, einer funktionellen flexiblen Nasopharyngoskopie und einer Polysomnographie. Mit der 2D-FLASH-Sequenz wurde eine Bildfolge von 6 Bildern/s und eine Ortsaufloesung von 2,67x1,8 mm erreicht. Die Bewegungen der Zunge, des weichen Gaumens, der Uvula und der Pharynxwaende konnten mit Hilfe der MRT dynamisch wiedergegeben werden. Die Darstellung der erhoehten Kollapsneigung der pharyngealen Weichteile bei den OSA-Patienten gelang ebenfalls mit der MRT. Diese Ergebnisse korrelierten gut mit den Untersuchungen der funktionellen flexiblen Nasopharyngoskopie. Die untraschnelle MRT scheint als zuverlaessige, nichtinvasive Methode zur Diagnostik der OSA geeignet zu sein. (orig.)Original Title
Funktionelle MRT des Pharynx bei obstruktiver Schlafapnoe (OSA) mit schnellen 2D-FLASH-Sequenzen
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Josipovic, Mirjana; Persson, Gitte F.; Dueck, Jenny; Bangsgaard, Jens Peter; Westman, Gunnar; Specht, Lena; Aznar, Marianne C., E-mail: mirjana.josipovic@regionh.dk2016
[en] Background and purpose: Deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) increases lung volume and can potentially reduce treatment-related toxicity in locally advanced lung cancer. We estimated geometric uncertainties in visually guided voluntary DIBH and derived the appropriate treatment margins for different image-guidance strategies.
Primary Subject
S0167814015005964; Available from; Copyright (c) 2017 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] A mechanical breathing simulator has been developed to produce the human respiration for use in respirator test. The respirations were produced through the strokes of piston controlled by a rockerarm with adjustable fulcrum. The respiration rate was governed by motor-speed control, independent of the tidal volume achieved by adjustment of the piston stroke. By the breather, the simulated respirations for work rate 0, 208, 415, 622 and 830 kg-m/min could be produced through the typical dummy head. (auth.)
Primary Subject
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Journal Article
Hoken Butsuri; v. 11(1); p. 51-56
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Roy, M.; Becquemin, M.H.; Bouchikhi, A.; Bertholon, J.F.
8. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA8)1992
8. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA8)1992
[en] Dosimetry of inhaled radionuclides requires information upon airway dimensions and air volumes breathed every day by people under exposure to gases and aerosols. Using recent data of economic surveys, and of respiratory physiology, modern standards have been tabulated for specific categories of a population: adult worker men and women, housewives, children 3 months and 1, 5, 10 and 15 years old. These parameters can be adapted to various population groups in the world. (author)
Original Title
Parametres respiratoires pour la protection radiologique
Primary Subject
International Radiation Protection Association, Montreal, Quebec (Canada); 2 v; ISBN 1-55048-657-8; ; 1992; (v.1) p. 289-292; 8. international congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA8); Montreal, Quebec (Canada); 17-22 May 1992; 14 refs.
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Inippully, Rohit; Jaladharan, Jishan; Rajesh, K.R.; Amri, Iqbal Al, E-mail:
Proceedings of the twenty fifth international conference on medical physics - innovations in radiation technology and medical physics for better healthcare: abstracts2023
Proceedings of the twenty fifth international conference on medical physics - innovations in radiation technology and medical physics for better healthcare: abstracts2023
[en] Deep inhale breath hold (DIBH) techniques are vital in radiation therapy for accurate treatment of thoracic and upper abdominal regions, especially for left breast to reduce radiation dose to the heart. However, training patients for consistent DIBH is challenging, especially for those unable to attend frequent hospital visits. This study presents the development of an affordable and portable Arduino-based distance sensor system to facilitate remote DIBH training from home. The system utilizes the VL53L0X Time-of-Flight (ToF) laser-ranging module connected to an Arduino microcontroller, interfaced with a custom graphical user interface (GUI) on the Nextion display for real-time feedback. The system was mounted on a phone holder that allows the sensor to be positioned above the patient’s sternum and the display above the patient's head. The GUI displays the chest's vertical position during breath holds, allowing patients to visualize and maintain the desired depth. Initial testing with DIBH patients demonstrated the reliability and usability of the sensor system. Patients reported increased confidence in maintaining consistent breath hold depths due to the visual feedback provided by the device. The remote training approach reduced the burden of hospital visits, making DIBH training more accessible and convenient. The Arduino-based sensor system using the VL53L0X ToF laser-ranging module and Nextion display offers a promising solution for remote DIBH training, empowering patients to actively participate in their treatment planning and improve treatment accuracy. Further optimization and validation studies are necessary to evaluate the system's efficacy in a larger patient population and its impact on treatment outcomes. This cost-effective and portable solution has the potential to enhance DIBH training and benefit patients undergoing radiation therapy targeting thoracic and upper abdominal regions. (author)
Primary Subject
Association of Medical Physicists of India, Mumbai (India); 465 p; 2023; p. 57; ICMP-2023: 25. international conference on medical physics - innovations in radiation technology and medical physics for better healthcare; Mumbai (India); 6-9 Dec 2023
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[en] The purpose of this review was to demonstrate magnetic resonance (MR) arthrography findings of anatomy, variants, and pathologic conditions of the superior glenohumeral ligament (SGHL). This review also demonstrates the applicability of a new MR arthrography sequence in the anterosuperior portion of the glenohumeral joint. The SGHL is a very important anatomical structure in the rotator interval that is responsible for stabilizing the long head of the biceps tendon. Therefore, a torn SGHL can result in pain and instability. Observation of the SGHL is difficult when using conventional MR imaging, because the ligament may be poorly visualized. Shoulder MR arthrography is the most accurately established imaging technique for identifying pathologies of the SGHL and associated structures. The use of three dimensional (3D) volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination (VIBE) sequences produces thinner image slices and enables a higher in-plane resolution than conventional MR arthrography sequences. Therefore, shoulder MR arthrography using 3D VIBE sequences may contribute to evaluating of the smaller intraarticular structures such as the SGHL.
Primary Subject
36 refs, 22 figs
Record Type
Journal Article
Korean Journal of Radiology; ISSN 1229-6929; ; v. 15(4); p. 508-522
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