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[en] Complete text of publication follows. Recently, a strong movement of the single particle states in neutron rich O and C isotopes has been revealed, which resulted in N=14,16 subshell closures in the oxygen isotopes. As a consequence, a close lying doublet of neutron s1/2 and d5/2 states is expected along the whole C isotopic chain. In order to reveal this possibility, we studied the structure of the neutron-rich nuclei 17,19C using fragmentation reactions of radioactive beams. Based on particle-γ and particle-γγ coincidence data, level schemes were constructed for the studied nuclei. The γ-ray spectrum of the odd nucleus 17C exhibits two transitions (see figure 1). The relative intensity is the same in the γ-ray spectra of 17C obtained from the low and high γ-ray multiplicity events. This indicates that the two transitions correspond to the decay of two excited states at 207 and 329 keV directly to the ground state. The 17C ground state has a 3/2+ spin value. From the 17C(p,p') study a tentative spin 1/2+ was assigned to the lower energy excited state and a spin 5/2+ to the higher energy one. The proposed level scheme, shown in figure 2, is in a reasonable agreement with shell model calculations. For 19C a 1/2+ configuration have been proposed for the ground state. As the 201-keV γ-transition is observed in our work as a prompt radiation, it should connect states separated by small spin differences such as 3/2+ → 1/2+. Shell-model calculations predict the existence of three low-lying states with spins 1/2+, 3/2+, and 5/2+ within a few hundred keV (see figure 2). In the Riken (p,p') experiment the 5/2+ has been found 72 keV above the 3/2+ one. Thus, both in 17C and 19C the 1/2+ and 5/2+ states are a few hundred keV away
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Crespo, R.; Cravo, E.; Deltuva, A.; Fonseca, A. C.
Book of abstracts of International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics 20092009
Book of abstracts of International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics 20092009
[en] The breakup of a halo nuclei from a stable nucleus is a sensitive tool of the reaction framework. In order to study the halo continuum, both resonant and nonresonant contributions should be taken into account. In addition a proper treatment of the few-body dynamics of the three-body problem should be accomplished in case only few degrees of freedom play a role in the reaction mechanism. Most recently, the Faddeev/AGS multiple scattering reaction formalism [1,2,3] has been applied to the study of reactions involving two-body halo nuclei [4,5,6]. These works have shown that a tighter control in the reaction theory is needed and that traditional reaction approaches may not be adequate to interpret and extract accurate and reliable structure information from the data. Our aim is to use the Faddeev/AGS scattering approach to analyse the experimental data, which unlike other approximate reaction methods provides a numerically exact solution of the underlying effective three-body Hamiltonian. We calculate inclusive breakup angular cross sections and energy spectrum observables for the scattering of one neutron-halo nuclei 11Be and 19C from a proton target at intermediate energies and compare with existing experimental data [7,8] respectively.(author)
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Prepolec, L. (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (Croatia)); Niksic, T. (University of Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia)); Physics Department of the University of Zagreb (Croatia); Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (Croatia); 195 p; 2009; p. 28; International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics 2009; Dubrovnik (Croatia); May 2009; 8 refs.
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Franzel, Maximilian; Back, Stefan, E-mail: stefan.back@emr.rwth-aachen.de2019
[en] Three-dimensional (3D) seismic-reflection analysis of a major Miocene-to-Pleistocene (c. 19–2 Ma) clinoform succession of the central Taranaki Basin offshore New Zealand reveals two distinct intervals of downbuilding progradation (c. 7.5–6 Ma; and c. 4–2 Ma). Downbuilding clinoforms are of kilometre scale and characterized by straight upper foreset gullies that initiate near or at the clinoform breakpoint, in places connected to topset distributary channels. Foreset mass-transport complexes occur mainly in the basal parts of downbuilding clinoform successions. Upbuilding progradational clinoforms formed between c. 6–5.5 Ma and c. 4.5–4 Ma. These clinoforms are generally smaller, with topsets in places comprising beach ridges and tidal channels. The foresets of the upbuilding clinoforms contain large gullies and sinuous deepwater channels, locally connected to topset channels. Retrogradational deposits in the studied succession (c. 5.5–4.5 Ma) lack a distinct clinoform geometry, show a few slope channels and gullies, and are characterized by extensive landward-stepping networks of shallow-marine and fluvial channels. 3D seismic-reflection analysis of the c. 2000 km2 study area allows an exemplary 3D documentation of migrating depositional systems along a highly progradational clastic margin, constrained by a stratigraphic framework tightly defined by the two intervals of major depositional downbuilding. The Late Miocene downbuilding is interpreted as forced by tectonic uplift along the Cape Egmont fault and neighbouring structures in the south of the study area. In contrast, the Plio-Pleistocene downbuilding is interpreted as dominantly controlled by eustasy in a tectonic environment characterized by subsidence. Excellent preservation of the 4–2 Ma clinoform topsets provides unique insights into depositional systems at and above the shelf break imaging palaeo-shoreline and palaeo-backshore environments. The detailed 3D clinoform analyses presented contribute to the understanding of clastic sedimentation processes from shelf to slope, which can be used to predict deepwater depositional facies.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Geologische Vereinigung e.V. (GV); Article Copyright (c) 2018 Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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International Journal of Earth Sciences (1999. Internet); ISSN 1437-3262; ; v. 108(2); p. 475-496
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[en] Change of shell closures far from stability are discussed. The effect of orbital changes and anomalies around N=16 shell closure is discussed with examples of 23O and 19C
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ISPUN 02: International symposium on physics of unstable nuclei; Halong Bay (Viet Nam); 20-25 Nov 2002; S0375947403013319; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Ravinder Kumar; Singh, Pradeep; Kharab, Rajesh; Sharma, H.C.
Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear physics: V. 512006
Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear physics: V. 512006
[en] In recent times, the stripping reactions measuring the longitudinal momentum distribution and absorption cross section have been used as a prolific tool to investigate the ground state properties of neutron rich nuclei. The nuclei 11Be and 19C, being paradigm for single neutron halo, have attracted a significant interest, both theoretically as well as experimentally
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Kailas, S.; Suresh Kumar; Santra, S. (Nuclear Physics Div., Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (India)) (eds.); Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Dept. of Atomic Energy, Mumbai (India); 717 p; 2006; p. 465-466; 51. DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear physics; Vadodara (India); 11-15 Dec 2006; 4 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab.
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Cao, Xue-Neng; Liu, Quan; Guo, Jian-You, E-mail:, E-mail:
[en] The extremely neutron-rich nucleus 19C has attracted much attention for its exotic properties. The most interesting is that the ground state of 19C behaves like a one-neutron halo. In order to understand this peculiar characteristic, we apply the complex momentum representation method to explore the weakly bound structure of 19C. We have calculated the single-particle energies for the bound and resonant states together with their evolutions to deformation, and checked the occupation probabilities of major configurations in the level occupied by the valance neutron. The result suggests that 19C is a prolate halo formed by a dominant s-wave configuration. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal of Physics. G, Nuclear and Particle Physics; ISSN 0954-3899; ; CODEN JPGPED; v. 45(8); [15 p.]
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[en] The units of the ordinate axis of Fig. 2 on page 506 were given incorrectly as [mb/(GeV/c)]. They should be [mb/(MeV/c)]. This change does not affect any of the results in Table 1, including the cross sections, nor the subsequent discussion. (authors)
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Available from doi:; Country of input: France
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Physics Letters. Section B; ISSN 0370-2693; ; v. 774; p. 723
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[en] We show that under certain conditions a simple relationship exists between the elastic scattering of a composite halo nucleus and of its core from a stable target. The coupling of the elastic and projectile excitation channels is crucial to the analysis, which is particularly useful when the ratio of the halo to the core mass is small. In the case of 11Be elastic scattering the cross section relationship is quite well satisfied. For both 11Be and 19C our analysis reveals a significant sensitivity of elastic scattering data to the halo size and structure. copyright 1997 The American Physical Society
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[en] Complete text of publication follows. Theoretical calculations predict two low-lying excited states of both 17C and 19C, but only one excited state has been found in 17C. Recently, indications of two γ transitions of 17C have been reported, suggesting that both predicted excited states are bound in 17C. In addition, a γ peak in 19C was also observed. To obtain more information on the excited states in neutron rich odd carbon nuclei we have studied them by the (p,p'γ) process in inverse kinematics. The experiment was carried out at the RIKEN radioactive isotope separator RIPS. A 22Ne primary beam of 100 pnA intensity and 110 A x MeV energy hits a 9Be production target of 0.8 cm thickness. For optimizing the 19C beam, the secondary cocktail beam included 20% 19C and 25% 17B. By tuning the 17C beam, practically 100% purity could be achieved. On an event-by-event basis, the identification of the incoming beam was performed by energy-loss, time-of-fight (TOF) and magnetic rigidity (Bρ) measurements. The secondary beam bombarded a liquid hydrogen target of 3 cm diameter. A NaI(Tl) array surrounded the liquid hydrogen target to detect de-excited γ rays. A silicon telescope with layers of 0.5, 2 and 2 mm thicknesses was inserted in air atmosphere to identify scattered particles. To produce γ ray spectra, one fold events in the NaI(Tl) setup were selected (Fig. 1). In the (a) panel, two peaks are clearly visible at 72(4) and 197(6) keV which can be associated with the prompt decays of excited states of 19C. Fig. 1 shows two distinct peaks at 210(4) and 331(6) keV confirming two low-lying excited states of 17C. In the panel of the 1H(17C,17C) reaction, the higher energy peak is clearly visible, while the 210 keV peak is very faint, if it exists at all, and is situated on the Compton background of the 331 keV peak. The counting statistics in Fig. 1 allowed us to perform a γ-γ coincidence analysis, which showed that the two observed transitions of 17C are not in coincidence. The analyses of the spectra and the cross sections are now in progress. (author)
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Kharab, Rajesh, E-mail:
Proceedings of the DAE international symposium on nuclear physics. V. 632018
Proceedings of the DAE international symposium on nuclear physics. V. 632018
[en] The availability of radioactive ion beams has made it possible to investigate the properties of nuclei lying in the close proximity of neutron and proton drip lines. The pioneering experiments performed by I. Tanihata and collaborators using beams of highly neutron rich nuclei have confirmed the existence of a novel halo structure among some of these isotopes
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Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai (India); 1300 p; Dec 2018; p. 434-435; 63. DAE international symposium on nuclear physics; Mumbai (India); 10-14 Dec 2018; 7 refs., 2 figs.
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