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[en] Thyroid cancer is an uncommon oncological disease. It represents a group of various malignant epithelial tumors with different therapeutic procedures and diverse prognosis. Epidemiologically most significant is differentiated thyroid cancer with a favourable prognosis. Due to a good interdisciplinary management up to 90% of patients reach permanent remission of the disease. On the basis of long-term results of different therapeutic procedures european and american consensus for the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer was created in 2006. In Slovakia it is also necessary to standardize diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the management of this disease. (author)
Original Title
Standardne postupy v manazmente karcinomu stitnej zlazy v onkologickom ustave sv. Alzbety v Bratislave
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
40 refs., 4 figs., 6 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Onkologia (Bratislava); ISSN 1336-8176; ; v. 3(3); p. 152-163
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[en] Breast cancer still remains the most frequent cancer in women population. Incidence of breast cancer is increasing, but mortality is decreasing. The most important for decreasing of breast cancer mortality is early diagnostic, especially screening. Screening is a form of secondary prevention. Although many screening studies have shown that mammography decreases of the breast cancer death, there are still many controversies. The published recommendations for the breast screening are sometimes very different. (author)
Original Title
Stav skriningu karcinomu prsnika a dalsie moznosti rozvoja
Primary Subject
13 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Onkologia (Bratislava); ISSN 1336-8176; ; v. 1(1); p. 26-28
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[en] Purpose: To evaluate the rate, the histological spectrum and the positive predictive value (PPV) for malignancy of minimally invasive biopsies with 'uncertain malignant potential (B3)' in digital mammography screening. Methods and Materials: Consecutive data of 37 178 participants of one digital unit of the German screening program were included. Results: The B 3 rate was 15.1 % (148/979). The frequencies of lesion subtypes were as follows: atypical epithelial proliferation of ductal type (AEPDT) 35.1 % (52/148), radial scar (RS) 28.4 % (42/148), papillary lesions (PAP) 20.3 % (30/148), lobular carcinoma in situ 8.8 % (13/148), flat epithelial atypia 5.4 % (8/148), and mucocele-like lesions 2.0 % (3/148). The PPV for malignancy in surgical excisions was overall 0.28 (25/91); in detail 0.40 (19/47) for AEPDT, 0.20 (5/25) for RS, 0.08 (1/12) for PAP. Conclusion: Despite a higher B 3 rate of minimally invasive biopsies with 'uncertain malignant potential' in digital screening, the benign surgical biopsy rate is not disproportionally increased compared with analog screening programs. Together with defined management protocols, this results in an increased cancer detection rate per screening participant with surgical excision. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
RoeFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren; ISSN 1438-9029; ; CODEN RFGNDO; v. 183(8); p. 743-748
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Ho, E.T.S.
Queen's Univ., Belfast (United Kingdom)1997
Queen's Univ., Belfast (United Kingdom)1997
No abstract available
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Secondary Subject
Sep 1997; 324 p; Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DXN019685; Thesis (M.D.)
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[en] Carcinoid tumors belong among the most common occurred tumors of neuroendocrine tumors (NET). Incidence of these tumors has increased in recent years. In light of their hormonal activity carcinoid tumors form very various and heterogeneous group. Neuroendocrine entero chromaffin cells (EC cells) are their base, which occurred dispersionly in different anatomic body parts, primary in guts and main bronchus sub mucous. For the most part it deals about growing tumors with relatively indolent course. Carcinoid tumors are used to be diagnosed late, in many cases as already disseminated disease. Carcinoid tumors can proceed inaparently for longer. They can manifest by carcinoid syndrome (in the case of endocrine functional tumors). Clinical manifestations are dependent on type of hormonal active substance spectrum, serotonin and its metabolite especially. Prognosis and treatment of carcinoid tumors are dependent on many factors, including size, localization, age and histologic characteristic. Surgical treatment is still one of the curative therapy. Somatostatin analogues have unique place in biological therapy. Advances in research, concerning target therapy, bring new knowledge of options to regulate tumor growth. In the future they are a promise of possible therapy individualization. (author)
Original Title
Primary Subject
17 refs., 7 figs., 2 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Onkologia (Bratislava); ISSN 1336-8176; ; v. 5(3); p. 142-148
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In Slovakia, breast cancer is the most frequently occurring oncological diseases in women and also the most common cause of their death from cancer. Screening as a secondary prevention is a method that leads to a reduction in the incidence and mortality of this disease. The only suitable method of breast cancer screening is the X-ray examination of the breasts - mammography. Authors compare trends in the number of mammography workstations, mammography devices and the number of mammographies obtained in Slovakia in the last decades.
Original Title
Mammograficky skrining a jeho podmienky na Slovensku - sucasnost a pohlad do minulosti
Primary Subject
13 refs, 1 tab, 8 graphs
Record Type
Journal Article
Slovenska radiologia; ISSN 1335-0625; ; v. 18(2); p. 35-38
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[en] A 17-year-old adolescent with ataxia-telangiectasia was scheduled to have laparoscopic colectomy for a resection of colon cancer. He had symptoms and signs of dyspnea, generalized dystonia, dysmetria, ataxia, and telangiectasia on the orbit. General anesthesia was performed, and rocuronium 30 mg was administered for muscle relaxation. Deep neuromuscular block (post-tetanic count: 0-8) was maintained for 95 minutes without additional rocuronium. On completion of surgery, sugammadex 80 mg was injected and train-of-four ratio was 0.93 at 210 seconds after administration. The tracheal tube was removed 5 min after the end of surgery. He recovered full spontaneous respiration and voluntary movements within 1 minute after extubation. After the surgery, he transferred to the intensive care unit and discharged 14 days after the surgery without any concrete problem. The reversal of rocuronium induced neuromuscular block by sugammadex was fast, complete, and recovered to the initial preoperative level of neuromuscular function in this patient. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Rawal Medical Journal; ISSN 0303-5212; ; v. 40(4); p. 486-488
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Mardiak, J.; Mego, M.; Palacka, P.; Rajec, J.; Liskova, S.; Chovanec, M.
Funding organisation: Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave, Bratislava (Slovakia)
Breast cancer2012
Funding organisation: Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave, Bratislava (Slovakia)
Breast cancer2012
[en] This book offers chapters on diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. The text is intended for physicians preparing for Clinical Oncology attestation. The attention is mostly paid to systemic treatment. The chapters dealing with the diagnosis, surgical treatment and radiotherapy are focused only on the aspects which are necessary for medical oncologist
Kniha predklada kapitoly z diagnostiky a liecby karcinomu prsnika. Text je urceny pre lekarov pripravujucich sa na atestaciu z klinickej onkologie. Vacsia pozornost bola venovana systemovej liecbe. Kapitoly zaoberajuce sa diagnostikou, chirurgickou liecbou a radioterapiou su zamerane iba na tie aspekty uvedenych kapitol, ktore su potrebne pre pracu klinickeho onkologaOriginal Title
Uloha radioterapie pri prsnik zachovavajucej liecbe
Primary Subject
Mardiak, J.; Mego, M.; Palacka, P.; Rajec, J.; Liskova, S.; Chovanec, M. (Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave, Bratislava, (Slovakia)); Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave, Bratislava (Slovakia). Funding organisation: Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave, Bratislava (Slovakia); 189 p; ISBN 978-80-223-3233-0; ; 2012; p. 78-83; Available on-line:; 10 refs.
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Mardiak, J.; Mego, M.; Palacka, P.; Rajec, J.; Liskova, S.; Chovanec, M.
Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave, Bratislava (Slovakia). Funding organisation: Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave, Bratislava (Slovakia)2012
Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave, Bratislava (Slovakia). Funding organisation: Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave, Bratislava (Slovakia)2012
[en] This book offers chapters on diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. The text is intended for physicians preparing for Clinical Oncology attestation. The attention is mostly paid to systemic treatment. The chapters dealing with the diagnosis, surgical treatment and radiotherapy are focused only on the aspects which are necessary for medical oncologist
Kniha predklada kapitoly z diagnostiky a liecby karcinomu prsnika. Text je urceny pre lekarov pripravujucich sa na atestaciu z klinickej onkologie. Vacsia pozornost bola venovana systemovej liecbe. Kapitoly zaoberajuce sa diagnostikou, chirurgickou liecbou a radioterapiou su zamerane iba na tie aspekty uvedenych kapitol, ktore su potrebne pre pracu klinickeho onkologaOriginal Title
Uloha radioterapie pri prsnik zachovavajucej liecbe
Primary Subject
2012; 189 p; Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave; Bratislava (Slovakia); ISBN 978-80-223-3233-0; ; Available on-line:; Refs., 6 tabs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Purpose: To report the results of a three-year observational pilot study of lung cancer screening with low dose computed tomography (CT) and to present the study design of a randomised clinical trial named as Italung CT. Materials and methods: Sixty (47 males and 13 females, mean age 64±4.5 years) heavy smokers (at least 20 packs-year) underwent three low-dose spiral CT screening tests one year apart on a single slice or multislice CT scanner. Indeterminate nodules were managed according to the recommendations of the Early Lung Cancer Action Project. Results: Indeterminate nodules were observed in 33 (55%) of the subjects (60% at the baseline screening test, 24% at the first annual test and 16% at the second annual test). The size of the largest indeterminate nodule was <5mm in diameter in 20 subjects. 10 of whom showed the nodule at the baseline test. Forty-five subjects (75%) completed the first annual test and 42 (70%) the second annual test. One (1.6%) prevalent lung cancer (adenosquamous carcinoma) and one (2.2%) incident lung cancer (small cell cancer at the first annual examination) were observed, as well as pulmonary localisation of Hodgkin's lymphoma (at the second annual test). In addition, one subject underwent lung surgery for a chondromatous hamartoma. Conclusions: The results of the pilot study are substantially in line with those of other observational studies of greater sample size. This justifies optimism about the reliability of the results in the screened arm of the Italung Ct trial which hast just began
Scopo: Riportare i risultati di uno studio pilota osservazionale di screening della neoplasia polmonare con TC a bassa dose della durata di tre anni e presentare il disegno dello studio clinico randomizzato Italung-CT. Materiale e metodi: Sessanta (47 uomini e 13 donne, eta' media 64±4,5 anni) forti fumatori (almeno 20 pacchetti/anno) sono stati sottoposti ad un esame basale e a due controlli annuali con TC single o multislice. Per la gestione clinico-radiologica dei noduli indeterminati riscontrati sono state seguite le raccomandazioni dell'Early Lung Cancer Action Project. Risultati: Complessivamente, sono stati riscontrati noduli indeterminati in 33 (55%) soggetti (60% alla TC di base, 24% al primo controllo annuale e 16% al secondo). Il nodulo di maggiori dimensioni aveva un diametro <5mm in 20 soggetti, in 10 dei quali il nodulo veniva rilevato all'esame di base. Quarantacinque (75%) soggetti hanno effettuato il primo controllo annuale e quarantadue (70%) il secondo. Sono stati riscontrati un tumore polmonare prevalente (1,6%) (carcinoma adenosquamoso), un tumore polmonare incidente (2,2%) (un tumore a piccole cellule, al primo controllo annuale), ed una localizzazione polmonare di un linfoma di Hodkin (al secondo controllo annuale). Inoltre un soggetto e' stato sottoposto ad intervento chirurgico polmonare per amartocondroma. Conclusioni: I risultati dello studio pilota sono sostanzialmente in linea con quelli di altri studi osservazionali su campioni di maggiori dimensioni e sono tali da giustificare ottimismo circa la affidabilita' dei risultati che saranno ottenuti nel braccio attivo dello studio randomizzato Italung-CT appena iniziatoOriginal Title
Screening della neoplasia polmonare con TC spirale a bassa dose: risultati di uno studio pilota triennale e disegno dello studio clinico randomizzato Italung-CT
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Radiologia Medica; ISSN 0033-8362; ; v. 109(1-2); p. 17-26
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