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Canadian Nuclear Association, Toronto, Ontario; p. 53-55; nd; p. 53-55; 17. annual international conference of the Canadian Nuclear Association; Montreal, Canada; Jun 1977; Available from Canadian Nuclear Association, Toronto; Published in summary form only.
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[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Applied Radiation and Isotopes; CODEN ARISE; v. 39(4); p. 357
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[en] ''Chemical risks'' can only be determined with accurate figures in a few extraordinary cases. The difficulties lie, as has been shown by the example of the Flixborough catastrophe, mostly in the determination of the probabilities of occurrence. With a rough semiquantitative estimate of the potential hazards and the corresponding probabilities we can predict the risks with astonishing accuracy. Statistical data from incidents in the chemical industry are very useful, and they also show that ''chemical catastrophes'' are only to a very small extent initiated by uncontrolled chemical reactions. (orig.)
''Chemische Risiken'' koennen nur in den seltensten Faellen quantitativ genau bestimmt werden. Die Schwierigkeiten liegen, wie dies am konkreten Beispiel der Katastrophe von Flixborough gezeigt wird, meist bei der Erfassung der Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeiten. Mit einer groben, semiquantitativen Abschaetzung des Gefahrenpotentials und der Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeiten lassen sich aber erstaunlich gute Aussagen ueber ein zu erwartendes Risiko machen. Statistische Angaben ueber Stoerfaelle in einer chemischen Industrie sind hier sehr nuetzlich, sie zeigen aber auch, dass ''Chemiekatastrophen'' nur zu einem ganz kleinen Teil durch chemisch unkontrollierte Reaktionen ausgeloest werden. (orig.)Original Title
Sind Risiken quantitativ erfassbar
Primary Subject
Yadigaroglu, G.; Chakraborty, S. (eds.); 395 p; ISBN 3-88585-224-1; ; 1985; p. 310-327; Verl. TUEV Rheinland; Koeln (Germany, F.R.)
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[en] The first level in handling an emergency, such as leaks, operating mistakes and fire, is the on-site operator. According to the risk catalogue, he is trained to take measures which should limit the incident to a small area and eliminate danger. At the second level, the specially trained house fire department, responsible for a particular building or area, extinguishes small fires or at least prevents the fire from spreading until the plant fire department arrives. In case of doubt the plant fire department, level three, is always summoned. Then a member of the incident team is simultaneously informed. According to his own judgment, this person takes any other necessary steps and if called for, goes to the site. If from the start the incident shows characteristics of having possibly critical consequences, a part or the whole incident team is alerted and at the same time police, the public fire department and co-operating firms are informed. At the fourth level, the overall command of the situation is passed over to the state catastrophe staff if the aftermath should spread beyond plant borders
Original Title
Notfallbereitschaft in der chemischen Industrie
Primary Subject
Schweizerische Vereinigung fuer Atomenergie, Bern (Switzerland); vp; 1989; p. 4.5-1-4.5-26; Schweizerische Vereinigung fuer Atomenergie; Bern (Switzerland); SVA further education course: accident management in nuclear power plants; SVA-Vertiefungskurs: Stoerfallmanagement in Kernkraftwerken; Brugg-Windisch (Switzerland); 19-21 Apr 1989; SVA, Postfach 5032, CH-3001 Bern
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[en] Hydrocarbons are compounds of the elements carbon and hydrogen. They make up natural gas and oil thus is essential for our modern life. Burning of hydrocarbons is used to generate energy in our power plants and heat our homes. Derived gasoline and diesel oil propel our cars, trucks, and airplanes. Hydrocarbons are also the feedstock for practically every man-made material from plastic to pharmaceuticals. What nature is giving us needs, however, to be processed and modified. We will eventually also need to make hydrocarbons ourselves, as our natural resources are depleted. Many of the used processes are acid catalyzed involving chemical reactions proceeding through positive ion intermediates. Consequently, the knowledge of these intermediates and their chemistry is of substantial significance both as fundamental, as well as practical science. Carbocations are the positive ions of carbon compounds. It was in 1901 that Norris and Kehrman independently discovered that colorless triphenylmethyl alcohol gave deep yellow solutions in concentrated sulfuric acid. Triphenylmethyl chloride similarly formed orange complexes with aluminum and tin chlorides
Original Title
My search for carbocations and their role in chemistry
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Quimica Actualidad y Futuro; ISSN 0121-3644; ; v. 5(1); p. 3-21
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[en] ''The Chemical Industry - Friend to the Environment?'' was a symposium organised by the North East Region committee of the Industrial Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry. This volume contains typescripts from all the lectures given at the symposium. The general public appreciate the material comforts the Chemical Industry provides, for example textiles, ceramics, steel, speciality chemicals, drugs, prosthetics etc. However, for many their comfort is spoiled by the chemical poisoning of the environment through slag heaps, beaches and countryside littered with non-biodegradable unsightly plastic containers, poor air quality through NOx, CO2 and chlorofluorocarbon emissions, and of course, nuclear waste. The occasional spillage of hazardous chemicals through road, rail and sea accidents do nothing to improve the Industry's image. The majority of these topics were discussed, though no one presumed to know how to remove the problems entirely but many suggestions were put forward as to how this might be achieved. Of the 13 papers presented three were specifically concerned with recycling of plastics, 9 with the environmental impacts of chemicals and one, which is indexed separately, was concerned with radioactive discharges into the environment from the Sellafield reprocessing plant. (Author)
Primary Subject
Royal Society of Chemistry Special Publication; no. 103; 1992; 191 p; Royal Society of Chemistry; Cambridge (United Kingdom); Autumn meeting 1991 on the chemical industry - friend to the environment?; York (United Kingdom); 24-26 Sep 1991; ISBN 0-85186-477-5;
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[en] The development of the Middle-German chemical region is, as the processing industry in general, characterized by a structural change which is going on for the time being. By promoting the structure of the land there were created the preconditions to transform enterprises of the previous planning economy into modern, compatible and efficient plants of the chemical industry in the region, thus preserving another essential industrial branch of the land and the jobs that can be procured by this way. At the same time the implementation of the energy concept of the land laid the corner stone for the competition-determining stable and inexpensive energetic supply from environmentally compatible power plants being operated on the basis of state-of-the-art technologies. (orig.)
Die Entwicklung der mitteldeutschen Chemieregion ist, wie das verarbeitende Gewebe ueberhaupt, durch den sich vollziehenden Strukturwandel gepraegt. Dabei wurde mit Hilfe der Strukturfoerderung des Landes die Voraussetzung geschaffen, in der Region aus Unternehmen der Planwirtschaft moderne, wettbewerbsfaehige und leistungsfaehige Betriebe der chemischen Industrie zu entwickeln, um so einen weiteren wesentlichen Industriezweig des Landes und die damit verbundenen Arbeitsplaetzen zu erhalten. Gleichzeitig wurde bei Umsetzung des Energiekonzeptes des Landes der Grundstein fuer die wettbewerbsbestimmende stabile und preiswerte energetische Versorgung aus umweltvertraeglichen, nach modernsten Technologien arbeitenden Kraftwerken gelegt. (orig.)Original Title
Zur Entwicklung der mitteldeutschen Chemieregion - energiewirtschaftliche Aspekte
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Energieanwendung Energie- und Umwelttechnik; CODEN EEUMEA; v. 43(9); p. 354-355
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[en] The development is reviewed of tracer techniques applied at the Institute for the Research, Production and Application of Radioisotopes (UVVVR), Prague. The research of these methods is concentrated mainly on application in water management, engineering, semiconductor technology, electrochemistry and expertise activities. The range of applications in these fields is continuously expanding. (author)
Original Title
Prehled dosavadni cinnosti v oblasti radioindikatorovych metod
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Radioisotopy; v. 19(1); p. 23-43
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Hosaka, Takuma; Imai, Tomomi; Wzorek, Alicja; Marcinkowska, Magdalena; Kolbus, Anna; Kitagawa, Osamu; Soloshonok, Vadim A.; Klika, Karel D., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: k.klika@dkfz.de2019
[en] α-Amino acids (α-AAs) are in extremely high demand in nearly every sector of the food and health-related chemical industries and continue to be the subject of intense multidisciplinary research. The self-disproportionation of enantiomers (SDE) is an emerging and one of the least studied areas of α-AA or enantiomeric properties, critically important for their production and application. In the present work, we report a detailed study of the SDE via achiral, gravity-driven column chromatography for a set of N-acylated, N-carbonylated, N-fluoroacylated, and N-thioacylated α-amino acid esters. As well as thioacylation, attention was paid to the effect of altering the R group of the ester functionality, the side chain, or that of the acyl group attached to the amide nitrogen, whereby it was found that electron-withdrawing groups in the latter moiety had a pronounced effect on the magnitude and behavior of the resulting SDE phenomenon. Intriguingly, in the case of N-fluoroacylated derivatives, by favoring the formation of dimeric associates and effecting a strong bias toward homochiral associates over heterochiral associates, the SDE magnitude was greatly reduced contrary to intuitive expectations. Energy estimates resulted from DFT calculations.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Amino Acids (Wien. Internet); ISSN 1438-2199; ; v. 51(2); p. 283-294
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Primary Subject
Occupational lung disease. Pathophysiology and functional impairment. Congress of the Societas Europaea Physiologiae Clinicae Respiratoriae; Goeteborg, Sweden; 2 - 5 Jun 1981; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
European Journal of Respiratory Diseases. Supplement; ISSN 0106-4347; ; (no.113); p. 136-137
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